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Craig: I know water

I don’t know Sarah Palin …..

But I do know water. As an AWWA officer, I’ve been honored to participate in water taste tests throughout the country. Most recently, I served as a judge for the water taste tests at the Michigan, Rocky Mountain and the North Dakota sections.

Michigan gets much of its water from Lake Michigan and groundwater systems. Rocky Mountain reservoirs and streams and groundwater systems provide water to Colorado, Wyoming, and New Mexico. The mighty Missouri River and groundwater systems supply North Dakota communities with their drinking water.

I can say with all honesty that the waters I tasted from each state were excellent. I would be proud to serve any of these waters to our customers in Anchorage, and it was obvious that the contest entrants are proud of their water as well.

Taste contests are a great story for local print and television media, and the contest results often end up on the evening news. Newspaper columnist, food critics, and television reporters make great judges and effective advocates for our industry once they’ve participated in a taste tests.

These events offer a great opportunity to get across our message that only tap water delivers public health and fire protection and supports our economy and our overall quality of life.

10/21/2008 : Permalink


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