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Digital Forecast Marker     Digital Forecasts    Digital Forecasts Marker

These text readable digital forecasts were formatted by a computer.  They are a digital representation of the official worded zone and cities forecasts prepared by a meteorologist using computer tools.

Marker Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Northern Connecticut and Southern New Hampshire
Marker Southeastern New York and Southern Connecticut
Marker Western Maine and Northern New Hampshire
Marker Eastern Maine
Marker Eastern New York, Extreme Western Massachusetts, Extreme Western Connecticut

Description of The Digital Forecast

Hours are in local time using a 24 hour clock.
POP 12 is the 12 hour probability of precipitation for the day or night at which it is indicated
QPF 12 is the total amount of precipitation forecast to fall in inches during the 12 hour period averaged over an entire zone or zones.
MAX QPF is the highest amount of precipitation expected at any point in the area forecast.
SNOW is the total snow fall expected in the 12 hour period.
TEMP is the temperature forecast at the hour listed above.
DEWPT is the dew point forecast at the hour listed above.
WIND DIR is the wind direction that the wind will blow from for the hour listed above
WIND SPD is the wind speed for the hour listed above
CLOUDS show the sky cover for the hour listed above. CL = clear, SC = scattered, BK= broken, OV=overcast
Precipitation type is indicated below clouds. The letter that is shown below an hour indicates the frequency or probability. S=slight chance, C=chance, L=likely, O=occasional, D=definite.

Digital Forecast Marker     Coded Cities Forecasts    Digital Forecasts Marker

These digital text products show the weather, maximum and minimum temperature, and probability of precipitation forecasts for specific towns.

Marker Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Northern Connecticut and Southern New Hampshire
Marker Southeastern New York and Southern Connecticut
Marker Western Maine and Northern New Hampshire
Marker Eastern Maine
Marker Vermont and Northeast New York
Marker Eastern New York, Extreme Western Massachusetts, Extreme Western Connecticut

Description of The Coded Cities Forecast

Three letters at the left are standard location identifiers that represent the name of the location. Other letters indicate weather. One letter is assigned to each day for days 1 through 7.

Abbreviations are as follows: A=Fair, U=Sunny, C=Cloudy, B=Partly Cloudy, V=Clear, R=Rain, S=Snow, T=Thunderstorm, W=Showers, N=Windy, F=Foggy

Maximum and minimum temperature forecasts are in three digit groups separated by a / or a space. Each is for a 12 hour period. There are 7 pairs of numbers for the 7 days forecast. The first number represents either a maximum or a minimum temperature depending on the time of day the forecast was made

The number groups at the far right of each line indicate precipitation probabilities. A 1 stands for 10 percent chance, 2 for 20 percent chance, etc. A + indicates 100 percent chance. A - (normally not used) indicates 5 percent chance. The right side number group on the same line as the location identifier shows the forecaster id number (2 digits) and probabilities for the first 3 twelve hour periods of the forecast (1 digit each). The forecast for the 4th through the 14th 12 hour period are shown on at the far right side of the line below that which contains the station identifier. Since these are coded for computer use, it is necessary to count days or 12 hour periods to see what is forecast.

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National Weather Service Forecast Office
445 Myles Standish Blvd
Taunton, MA. 02780

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Page last modified: December 5, 2005


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