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Week of June 23, 2014

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

SymphonyCast 06/23/2014 (Hour 1)
SymphonyCast 06/23/2014 (Hour 2)

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HIGDON: On a Wire

COPLAND: Lincoln Portrait

BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 5, Op. 67

STRAVINSKY: Firebird Suite
Paavo Jarvi, conductor
Telarc 80587

In one of her last public appearances, Maya Angelou narrates Copland's Lincoln Portrait.

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Alison Young
About the Host

In addition to serving as host of SymphonyCast, Alison Young hosts weekday mornings on Classical Minnesota Public Radio. She also hosts Classical MPR's live Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra broadcasts and American Public Media's annual St. Olaf Christmas Festival.

Before her career in radio, she enjoyed a successful career as a concert flutist. While an illness cut her performing career short, she made a vibrant artistic transition, making the natural move to broadcasting, becoming a host and producer. Young earned her bachelor's degree in music from the University of Southern California and a master's degree from the Cleveland Institute of Music.

Learn more about this program

The brass fanfare in SymphonyCast's opening is taken from Steve Heitzeg's Nobel Symphony. Click here for more information.

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SymphonyCast is supported in part by The Huss Foundation, the Augustine Foundation, the Phyllis S. Poehler / Walter E. Stremel Trust, and Emily Anne & Gedney Tuttle, and the Friends of SymphonyCast: Cy and Paula DeCosse, Connie and Dan Kunin.

SymphonyCast™ was created by
National Public Radio.
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