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Japan is a major importer of agricultural products and the United States is the leading supplier of Japan's agricultural imports. Japan protects key sectors of its agricultural production with tariffs, which have contributed to high food costs in Japan, but Japan remains one of the largest export markets for U.S. agriculture. ERS analyzes important aspects of Japan's food and agricultural sectors and the policies that affect Japan's role in world agricultural trade.


Japan's Fruit and Vegetable Market PDF—This chapter, part of a report examining global trade patterns in fruits and vegetables, examines the country's domestic markets and trade patterns. Japan's large horticultural market is still largely supplied by Japanese farms, but fresh vegetable imports, especially from China, have been increasing.

Rice Sector Policies in Japan—This report describes government policies affecting rice farming in Japan. The tariff-rate quota, by limiting foreign competition, allows rice prices in Japan that are much higher than outside Japan, and is the main form of support for rice. Within Japan, government subsidies compensate farmers for declines in the rice price.

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