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Food Prices & Expenditures

Trends in food prices and expenditures impact both consumers and producers in the food industry. ERS's analysis and forecasting of the CPI for food and its components helps industry analysts and policymakers improve their estimates of future business and program policy costs. ERS also maintains a comprehensive research program on food expenditures over time, and by demographic group, the general population, and households eligible for food assistance programs.


CPI for Food Forecasts—ERS forecasts the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for food for the upcoming 12 to 18 months. The forecasts project food price changes and are updated monthly as conditions in the food market change. There is also a discussion of the outlook for prices for individual food items in 2006.

How Low has the Farm Share of Retail Food Prices Really Fallen?—Farmers are capturing more of the consumer's food dollar than previously estimated. Based on updated baskets of food representing what American households bought for at-home consumption between 1999 and 2003, this report estimates farm share of retail food prices for two major commodity groups-fresh fruits and vegetables.

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