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Applications for RIRDC funding for 2008-09 are now CLOSED
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To facilitate the development of new industries based on plants or plant products that have commercial potential for Australia.

Research Manager:  Alan Davey 
Phone: (02) 6271 4126   Email:
RIRDC New Plant Products Research Results:
New Plant Products publications for sale Free downloadable research reports
Free Short Reports (research summaries) Olive Industry 2003-2008 R & D Plan
Culinary Herb Industry R&D Plan 2006-11 Australian Native Foods
Completed Projects in 2006-2007 & Research in Progress as at June 2007
Native Foods R&D Priorities and Strategies 2007 to 2012    NEW
Handbook of New Industries entries New Plants Products Agfacts (factsheets)
About the RIRDC New Plant Products Research Program:
Key Longterm strategies Strategies for 2007-2008
Background Expected key outcomes in 2005-2006
Expected key outputs in 2007-2008 Research Budget 2007-2008
New projects funded in 2007-2008
Industry related links:
  • CSIRO - Australian native Foods site
  • The Australian New Crops Home Page
  • Australian Olive Association
  • Australian Bushfods Magazine
  • Cape Australia - Coffee and Processing Equipment
  • Upcoming events

    Key longterm strategies
    Invest in R&D for new rural industries:
  • That have significant export or domestic market opportunities
  • Where Australian industry has a competitive advantage, for example in production, seasonality, or market access.
  • That will be attractive to producers to enter and expand the industry
  • Background
    As a conservative estimate, the GVP of the major crops within the current program is about $100 million – mainly made up from the Native Foods industry ($20 million), Herbs, Spices ($39 million), and olives (oil & table $30 million). The program covers a vast range of crops and invests in (1) products not previously grown commercially in Australia, and (2) expansion of existing products for a new market. The investment is aimed towards crops and new plant industries that are too novel for support from other R&D Corporations. This program is categorised into seven programs:
  • Native Foods (indigenous to Australia)
  • Culinary herbs, spices and beverages
  • Olives
  • Extractive & fibre crops
  • Fruit, vegetables and nuts
  • Grains and pulses
  • Miscellaneous crops and activities

  • Investment from this program is supporting new rural industries (or crops) that have the potential for diversification, differentiation, and value adding for rural producers.
    Strategies for 2007–08
    The research priorities are:
    • Increase domestic and international demand for new plant products
    • International recognition of the quality, safety, reliable supply and innovation of Australian produce
    • Profitable and sustainable supply chain systems
    • Effective production and marketing decisions
    • Strengthening the enabling environment, industry capacity, motivation and commitment
    Expected key outputs for 2006–07
  • Business plan for kakadu plum
  • Native Foods Five-year Plan
  • Green tea growers’ guide (updated)
  • Paprika oleoresin report – market potential and infrastructure for processing
  • Olive manual (growers’ guide)
  • Olive pest and diseases field guide
  • Tropical fruits product description language handbook
  • New crops website
  • At least one new Minor Use Permit for the herb & spice industry
  • New Plant Products Five-year Strategic Plan
  • Native foods recipe book
  • Expected key outcomes in 2007–08
  • Improved market development resulting from identification of unique selling points of main native foods;
  • An olive industry Environmental Management System developed and implemented
  • Increase rambutan production through improved management practices
  • Greater engagement of the tropical fruit industry with R&D through the establishment of a tropical fruit industry R&D advisory committee
  • Greater engagement of the green tea industry with R&D through the establishment of a R&D advisory committee
  • Development of a pomegranate germplasm library and a variety assurance system
  • This sub-program has separate Five-Year Plans on Native Foods, Culinary Herbs, Longan and Olives, which are accessible in hardcopy and on the Internet at

    New projects being funded or under consideration in 2007–08 include:
    Project No Title Researcher Phone
    PRJ-000339 Green tea profitability and environmental assurance* Dr John Golding 02 4348 1926
    PRJ-000420 Commercialising cocoa growing in north Queensland* Dr Yan Diczbalis 07 4064 1128
    PRJ-000385 Technological and biological factors affecting sterols in Australian olive oils* Mr Leandro Ravetti 03 5272 9500
    PRJ-000389 Characterisation of phenolic compounds in oils produced from frosted olives* Ms Claudia Guillaume 03 5272 9500
    PRJ-000338 Development of golden linseed as a cash crop for the health market* Ms Margaret Campbell 08 6488 1792
    PRJ-000348 Collection and selection of purslane as a commercial vegetable crop Dr Guijun Yan 08 6488 1240
    PRJ-000320 Longer shelf life and consumer acceptance of watercress salad products Dr Lee Peterson 03 6248 5233
    PRJ-000162 Integrated polyculture industry Ms Pia Winberg 02 4455 5518
    PRJ-000342 Evaluation of edible Australian mycorrhizal fungi as food crops* Mr Michael Powell 07 5445 5421
    PRJ-000356 Native legumes as a grain crop for diversification in Australia Dr Heather Clarke 08 6488 1648
    PRJ-000347 Australian wild rice: A new sustainable wild food enterprise Dr Penny Wurm 08 8946 6355
    PRJ-000003 Developing harvest technologies for C. australasicum (tall scurf-pea) Mr Steve Hughes 08 8303 9408
    PRJ-000330 Current issues in intellectual property for the Australian rural sector Professor Brad Sherman 07 3365 6193
    PRJ-000436 RIRDC Australian new crops website Dr Rob Fletcher 07 5465 4121
    Note: An asterisk (*) indicates that the Corporation is still to finalise amendments to the project.

    Research Budget:$1,501,500

    AgFacts - Agricultural information from around Australia

    In an effort to bring you the latest and most comprehensive collection of agricultural information from around Australia, we have compiled this list of links to fact sheets produced by State agricultural departments and research agencies. Each agency retains full copyright and we ask you to respect that copyright and to contact each organisation before using their material for other than personal, educational or any other fair dealing purpose.

    Buckwheat  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Coriander seed  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Coriander seed production  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Sesame  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Medicinal herbs  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Dried herbs  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Echinacea  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Fresh herbs  (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Native food  (CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems site)
    Garlic (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Olives (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Olives - Contacts and references (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Quandong (Vic NRE  Ag Notes)
    Crow Garlic   (Tas DBIRD service sheet)
    Low THC Hemp  (NSW Agric)

    Tropical fruits:
    Hawk moth pollinators in papaya (QDPI Notes)
    Durian : Growing & Marketing(NT DBIRD- not currently available online. Email for hard copy)
    Pitaya or Dragon Fruit(NT DBIRD- not currently available online. Email for hard copy)
    Rambutan 2 - Growing & Marketing (NT DBIRD- not currently available online. Email for hard copy)
    Rambutan Irrigation Requirements and Management (NT DBIRD- Email for hard copy)