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Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport

Translation Services
2 - 213 Notre Dame Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 1N3
T: (204) 945-3096
F: (204) 945-5879

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Translation Services

The Translation Services Branch was established in 1974 to provide quality, cost-effective written and oral translation services in the official languages to Manitoba Government departments, agencies, Crown corporations, the Legislative Assembly and the Courts as required by The Manitoba Act and the French Language Services Policy of Manitoba.

Translation Services provides, on average, 20,000 pages of written translation annually. The branch employs 19 full-time language professionals (i.e. translators, revisers, terminologists and interpreters) and has contracts with many translators.

Business opportunities

Translation Services relies on an extensive network of qualified English-French translators to support its operations. Once a year, freelance translators are invited to express their interest in providing translation services to government on a contract basis.

If you are interested in freelance opportunities for English to French translation, fill out our proposal form

All proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Rates
  2. References
  3. Experience and training
  4. Availability
  5. Area of specilization

Freelancers and firms with the best proposals will be awarded a contract for a given volume and period (usually a fiscal year). In the contract, Translation Services will commit to providing a minimum volume of translation work and the supplier will commit to a set rate.