
Group Value Dates

   » Jan 19 - Jan 22
   » Feb 02 - Feb 06
   » Feb 16 - Feb 20

Call 402-873-8705 or complete a group RFP to take advantage of incredible savings!

Hot Rates for Hot Dates!

To reserve your hot rate, call us quickly: 402.873.8733 or 1.800.546.LIED (5433). Be sure and tell us the promotional code for your date. You can also make your reservation online.

Hot DateYour Hot RateExtrasPromotional Code
Jan 15 $75 Overnight Stay HOT
Jan 17 $87 Overnight stay HOT
Jan 18 - Jan 20 $199 stay any 3 consecutive nights ~ spend time with your family! call for details
Jan 24 $155 Our new Dine & Dwell Package (Dinner & overnight for 2 Adults) Please call for details.
Jan 25 $69 Overnight stay - limited time offer! HOT
Jan 29 $109 Bed & Breakfast Package for 2 Adults Please call for details.
Jan 31 $155 Our new Dine & Dwell Package (Dinner & overnight for 2 Adults) Please call for details.
Feb 1 $69 Overnight stay HOT
Feb 1 - Feb 6 $199 stay any 3 consecutive nights Please call for details.
Feb 13 - Feb 14 $259 Valentine's Package 2009 Please call for details.

Please see our rules and restrictions on our hot rates specials.

"If I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I would plant a tree today."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.