IODE is...
The IOC’s International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) was established in 1961 to enhance marine research, exploitation and development by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products.
Last Updated ( Monday, 05 January 2009 )

Latest News

14-Jan-2009: Report of Workshop on Collaboration Between IOC and OBIS now available
The report of the "Workshop on Collaboration Between IOC and OBIS Towards the Long-term Management, Archival and Accessibility of Ocean Biogeographic Data" held at the IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 24-26 November 2008 is now available. Find out MORE

18-Dec-08: IODE Project Office closure for holidays
The IOC Project Office for IODE will be closed for the Christmas Holidays between 24 December 2008 and 5 January 2009.

9-Dec-2008: IODE survey on oceanographic data management training requirements completed

The IODE online survey on training requirements related to oceanographic data management has now been completed. We received a total of 135 responses. Under "Basic Courses" the most requested course is "Ocean Data Products and Synthesis" closely followed by "Developing an Ocean Data collection". Under "Advanced courses" the course "Marine GIS" is the winner. Under "Specialized courses" the course "Ocean Modeling and related data management" came out first, followed by "Web-based data services development" and "Sea Level data management and analysis".

A full report will be made available early January when the IODE course programme for 2009 will also be published.

See also the Training/Education page of the IODE web site for more information.

4-Dec-2008: IODE organizes survey of training requirements in marine information management

Similar to the survey on data managemenr requirements, carried out in November 2008, IODE is now carrying out a survey on training requirements for marine information managers. Through this survey we will try to identify the training topics that are most needed by marine information professionals (librarians) in IOC Member States. The survey can be filled by IODE national coordinators for marine information management, marine information professionals involved in ODIN networks, IAMSLIC members or other marine information professionals in IOC member states.

The survey will be open between 4 and 12 December.

Click here to take the survey


IODE's 50th anniversary

28-Nov-2008: During the Intergovernmental Conference on Oceanographic Research, 1960, at which the setting up of an Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission was iode50.gifrecommended, certain initial tasks for the new Commission were outlined and amongst these was included the requirement for a structure to co-ordinate international oceanographic data exchange (already at that time it was recognized that oceanographic exchange was impossible without global access to data).

The first formal establishment of a Working Group on Exchange of Oceanographic Data was made by IOC Resolution I-9 adopted at the First Session of the Commission in October 1961, which also prescribed that:

"The mission of this Working Group shall be the facilitating of exchange of oceanographic data, the standardization of forms for reporting and coding data, the encouragement of the preparation of data catalogues, and the assistance of development of national oceanographic data centres."

We therefore consider 1961 as the official "date of birth" of the IODE, making 2011 the 50th anniversary of the IOC Committee on International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE).

To celebrate this important milestone in the history of the IOC (which will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2010) we are inviting all members of the IODE familty to dig deep into the historical archives for old reports, photographs, anecdotes, etc. The IODE Secretariat will post these items on the IODE web site starting December 2008.

A Table of Contents of the IODE Archive will be made available and regularly updated.

The IODE Meeting & Training Centre


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