Capitol Alert

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Three of the Democratic statewide officials have now said they will not abide by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's executive order to furlough state workers twice a month.

Attorney General Jerry Brown will implement "alternative measures" to cut costs, according to a memo obtained by the State Worker blog.

State Treasurer Bill Lockyer told the Schwarzenegger administration in a letter Friday that he won't furlough his staff.

"We believe that the governor has not established that he has the legal authority to impose furloughs and the related salary cuts on state employees," Lockyer wrote.

Lt. Gov. John Garamendi said in a statement today that he, too, won't furlough his staff.

"We have already cut the lieutenant governor's budget by 10 percent this year and we will cut another 10 percent this year. We are public servants for the people of California so we will not be furloughing our staff," Garamendi said in a prepared statement.

The offices of state's constitutional officers (Brown, Lockyer, Garamendi, state Controller John Chiang, Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, Secretary of State Debra Bowen and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O'Connell) do not fall under the governor's authority to force furloughs.

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