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Forest Health and Productivity

Publications & Products

Results 1 - 10 of 385
Optimal strategies for the surveillance and control of forest pathogens: A case study with oak wilt Horie, Tetsuya; Haight, Robert G.; Homans, Frances R.; Venette, Robert C. 2013
Do you believe in palm trees? Smith, Kevin T. 2013
Influence of experimental snow removal on root and canopy physiology of sugar maple trees in a northern hardwood forest Comerford, Daniel P.; Schaberg, Paul G.; Templer, Pamela H.; Socci, Anne M.; Campbell, John L.; Wallin, Kimberly F. 2013
Seasonal dynamics and age of stemwood nonstructural carbohydrates in temperate forest trees Richardson, Andrew D.; Carbone, Mariah S.; Keenan, Trevor F.; Czimczik, Claudia I.; Hollinger, David Y.; Murakami, Paula; Schaberg, Paul G.; Xu, Xiaomei. 2013
Shifting climate, altered niche, and a dynamic conservation strategy for yellow-cedar in the North Pacific coastal rainforest Hennon, Paul E.; D'Amore, David V.; Schaberg, Paul G.; Wittwer, Dustin T.; Shanley, Colin S. 2012
Nut cold hardiness as a factor influencing the restoration of American chestnut in northern latitudes and high elevations Saielli, Thomas M.; Schaberg, Paul G.; Hawley, Gary J.; Halman, Joshua M. 2012
Hypholoma lateritium isolated from coarse woody debris, the forest floor, and mineral soil in a deciduous forest in New Hampshire Thompson, Therese A.; Thorn, R. Greg; Smith, Kevin T. 2012
Potential of decaying wood to restore root-available base cations in depleted forest soils Shortle, Walter C.; Smith, Kevin T.; Jellison, Jody; Schilling, Jonathan S. 2012
Fusarium canker of bitternut hickory caused by Fusarium solani in the North-Central and Northeastern United States Park, J.-H.; Juzwik, J. 2012
Taxonomy of Pseudolagarobasidium (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) Nakasone, Karen K.; Lindner, David N. 2012

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Last Modified: 06/30/2009

Forest Health & Productivity
Research Highlight

[image:] Publication coverA forest manager's guide to butternut. 2009. Woeste, Keith; Farlee, Lenny; Ostry, Michael; McKenna, James; Weeks, Sally.

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