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Low Dopamine: Symptoms & Remedies

Nick Koudis/Getty Images

You may have read that many people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have low dopamine levels, but how do you know if you're one of them? Learn the symptoms associated with low dopamine and how to boost it, with drugs or naturally.

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Fibromyalgia & CFS Blog with Adrienne Dellwo

Helping Your Doctor Treat Your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Thursday January 15, 2009

If you're really, really lucky, you have a good doctor who knows how to treat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS or ME/CFS) really well. If you're typical, you don't. If your doctor is willing, however, he or she can learn how to take better care of you - and get credit in the process.

Back in October, the CFIDS Association's new online course for doctors and other medical workers went up, and already more than 13,400 of them have completed it.

A study that went along with the program launch revealed that these heath care providers treat an average of 3 ME/CFS patients a week, are more confident in diagnosing and managing the condition, and also are more likely to use evidence-based treatments.

If you think your doctor (and you) could benefit from this course, pass along this link:

If your doctor has taken/does take it, I'd love to hear about the results!

Suggested Reading:

Photo © Tanya Constantine/Getty Images

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Milnacipran Approved as Fibromyalgia Treatment

Thursday January 15, 2009

NEWSBRIEF: The U.S. FDA has approved milnacipran as a fibromyalgia treatment, according to Forest Labortories and Cypress Bioscience, who make milnacipran. The drug also has been given the brand name Savella. This is the third drug to be approved for fibromyalgia pain, following Lyrica (pregabalin) and Cymbalta (duloxetine). The companies expect Savella to be on the market by March.

Savella is a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, as is Cymbalta, but Savella is the first drug in the class to boost norepinephrine more than serotonin. FDA approval stems from two Phase III clinical trials involving more than 2,000 fibromyalgia patients, according to the companies. The decision has been overdue since late October, when the FDA announced it needed more time to review data.

Related Content: Fibromyalgia Drugs; The Role of Neurotransmitters in Fibromyalgia

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Premature Birth May Raise Fibromyalgia Risk

Wednesday January 14, 2009

NEWSBRIEF: A recently published study reveals what could be a link between premature birth and fibromyalgia, especially in women.

Researchers separated women with fibromyalgia into two groups - those who gestated for less than 38 weeks, and those who were carried for longer than 38 weeks. They say cortisol levels, which are known to be low in people with fibromyalgia, were consistently lower in participants with shorter gestation. In addition, 70% of the short-gestation group reported severe psychological stress (alone or combined with other factors) at the onset of fibromyalgia.

Their theory is that premature birth may contribute to problems with the adrenal cortex, especially in female babies. This leads to imbalances of stress mediators, which can affect brain function and result in enhanced responsiveness to stimuli that cause pain and fatigue, they say.

Were you born early? Take the poll!

Related Content: Fibromyalgia Risk Factors

Cortisol & Low Energy Levels in Fibromyalgia

Wednesday January 14, 2009

NEWSBRIEF: New research suggests that the weakness frequently felt by people with fibromyalgia could be tied to low cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a key stress hormone that other studies have show was low in fibromyalgia. Most studies, however, have looked at cortisol levels in saliva. This study used urinary levels and confirmed that they were significantly lower in participants with fibromyalgia.

The researchers theorize that low cortisol levels and a functional deficit of the HPA axis could be to blame for adynamia, which is a loss of strength or vigor due to disease. Adynamia is often linked to other neurological conditions, including multiple sclerosis.


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