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Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico

Great Kiva Chtro Ketl at Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Chaco Culture National Historical Park & Aztec Ruins National Monument. NPS Photo

Chaco Culture preserves a very special chapter in human history and is comprised of several sites - Chaco Culture National Historical Park, Aztec Ruins National Monument and five units administered by the Bureau of Land Management: Twin Angels, Casamero, Kin Nizhoni, Pierre's Site, and Halfway House.
Bonito doors at Chaco Culture National Historical Park
Chaco Culture National Historical Park & Aztec Ruins National Monument. NPS Photo

Between AD 850 and 1250, Chaco Canyon was a major center of ancestral Puebloan culture. Many diverse clans and peoples helped to create a ceremonial, trade, and administrative center whose architecture, social organization and community life was unlike anything before or since.

Chaco is remarkable for its monumental public and ceremonial buildings and its distinctive architecture. The Chacoan people combined pre-planned architectural designs, astronomical alignments, geometry, landscaping, and engineering to create an ancient urban center of spectacular public architecture. Chaco was connected to over 150 communities throughout the region by engineered roads and a shared vision of the world. After 1250, the people migrated from the area, moving south, east, and west, to join relatives living on the Hopi Mesas, along the Rio Grande, and around Zuni Mountain.


Chaco Culture World Heritage Site Location of Units
Chaco Culture National Historical Park & Aztec Ruins National Monument. NPS Photo

Inscribed in 1987 as a Cultural site, under Criteria C (iii).




Chaco Culture National Historical Park
World Heritage Convention




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