More than a blog !

Why restrain yourself to a single blog when your website could be so much more?
b2evolution includes everything you need. Right out of the box. Plugins optional.

  • Start with a blog

    Once b2evolution is installed on your own web server or web hosting account, you might want to kick off your website with a blog.

    Write something. Hit "publish". It's live!

    You may also immediately start customizing your site design:

    • Choose a different Skin: Example 1, 2, original
    • Customize your skin with skin settings
    • Add, remove and re-arrange skin widgets
    • Optionally customize your CSS
    • If you fancy, dig into the open-source PHP code
    b2evolution runs your site on your own domain.
    It can also run on a subdomain, in a subfolder or on multiple domains.
    This optional site-wide header can be used as a top-level navigation menu for your site.
    Header Container
    Though this will typically display the Blog title, you can configure which widgets appear here and in which order.
    Sidebar Container
    You can configure which widgets appear here and in which order.
    Same Content, Different Skin
    Changing skins doesn't change the content. I just gives a different look to your site (or a section of your site).
    Same Widgets, Different Styles
    When changing skins, your widgets remain in the same order, but each skin may style them differently.
  • Add additional blogs

    Use them to organize your site into sections.

    Or keep them loosely connected by letting each member of your organization, community or family customize their own space to their own taste.

    b2evolution was designed for multiple blogs from day one and makes management really easy:

    • All skins and all plugins are compatible with multiple blogs ;
    • Each blog can run in a different subfolder, different subdomain or entirely different domain ;
    • You can easily move posts and comments from one blog to another ;
    • You can cross-post into multiple blogs at once !
    You can configure the URLs for each of your blogs. In this case we chose a sub-folder.
    When you write an intro post, it always appears before regular posts. You can write a global intro but also specific intros for your categories or tags.
    Sidebar Contents
    You can use widgets to present filtered content from the current blog or from a different one. In this case we're showing content from the Photos blog.
  • Share your photos

    Photo Albums

    Organize your photos into Albums and show them off in a neutral design that lets your art shine!

    Albums open into contact sheets of thumbnails of customizable size. Each thumbnail can be viewed in full screen through a lightbox which allows zooming in to the highest available resolution of your photos.

    Slideshow mode & keyboard navigation included.

    Photo Blogs

    If you prefer a linear story with added text, we also have skins just for that!

    Albums View
    This page shows your albums. Clicking on an album will open the Thumbnails View.
    Thumbnails View
    This page shows thumbnails for all photos in an album. Clicking on a thumbnail will open the photo in a lightbox.
    Zooming in on details
    If the original image is of higher resolution than the viewer's screen, the mouse cursor will turn into a spyglass allowing the user to zoom in on any part of the image.
  • Community forums

    By adding forums – a.k.a. Bulletin Boards – to your website, your community can stay in touch with each other by sparking conversations on the topics they care about.

    b2evolution’s forums can be enabled on your site in 3 clicks. No plugin necessary. No integration issues.

    Feature highlights:

    • File attachments in discussion threads
    • User profiles & directory
    • Private messaging between users
    • Advanced multi-level moderation
    • Efficient spam killing features
    As always in b2evolution, you can configure what widgets you want to appear in your Header and Menu containers.
    Sub-forums are supported.
  • Publish with structure

    Blogs are collections of posts, typically organized by publishing time. Manuals, books and other forms of online documentation, on the contrary, require a more structured hierarchy of chapters and sub-chapters.

    Each manual can have its own assigned contributors. Each page can have its own attachments (images, videos, downloads) as well as a feedback/comment feed if needed.

    Manuals can be navigated hierarchically or searched in full-text. You can also easily create transverse hyperlinks from one page to another using easy Wiki-like markup.

    Tree-View Browsing
    The most distinctive feature of a Manual-type collection is that its contents are organized into Chapters and Sub-Chapters rather than a linear-by-date ordering.
Your site powered by b2evolution
  • Start with a blogStart with a blog
  • Start with a blogStart with a blog
  • Start with a blogStart with a blog
  • Add additional blogsAdd additional blogs
  • Share your photosShare your photos
  • Share your photosShare your photos
  • Share your photosShare your photos
  • Community forumsCommunity forums
  • Publish with structurePublish with structure

Why b2evolution is the smart choice for your website ...

Free Open-Source

b2evolution is Free Open-Source Software (FLOSS) licensed under the GPL v2 license and available on GitHub.

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100% Your Rules

You own your website. You choose who gets access and what different groups of users can see.

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Runs Anywhere

All you need is a web server equipped with the ubiquitous PHP & MySQL technologies (LAMP).

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Rapid Setup

Your site can be up-and-running in minutes. The install process is quick & easy.

Low Maintenance

b2evolution requires less 3rd party plugins than any other CMS. Say hello to 1-click upgrades!

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Save Time!

Everything you need is integrated. No extra plugins or configurations are required.

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Industrial Strength

b2evolution's team has been involved in web security and performance since 1997.

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Efficient Antispam

Powerful comment spam & fake-user blocking algorithms + 1 click delete if any spam gets through.

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Built-in Analytics

b2evolution's Server-Side Analytics tracks what Google can't show you: RSS, AJAX... even spambots!

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Marketing Tools

b2evolution features integrated subscriber and email campaign management + Goal Tracking.

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If you already have a website ...

It's 100% Free Open-Source.

Then follow the easy setup instructions to install b2evolution on your site and start adding content in a matter of minutes.

If you're looking for beta/other versions, skins, plugins or language packs, please check out the Downloads section.

The latest cutting-edge development version can also be found on GitHub.

No website yet ?

We have pre-selected the best deals for you!

The web hosting companies on our list allow you to register your domain name, set up your email and initialize your website. They also offer 1-click installation of b2evolution on your site.

Whether you need cheap hosting for a few blogs, VPS or Cloud hosting for a more advanced site or even a dedicated server for a large community site, we have put together all the info you need to
get started with your website hosting.


What existing users say ...

The richest blog software; not because it has the most, but because it needs the least.
A rock-solid, set it and forget it CMS. After configuring it, I only focused on writing stories for my site, that's it.
I'm discovering just how much I hate Wordpress. Why make templates so hard to use? @b2evolution is so much better.
I love the B2evolution Blog, got three of them right now in our family. Very clean core file...

What's New ?

Sep, 09

State of the Evolution - September 2014

We took a little time off but we’re back at fixing bugs in order to release version 5.1.2 and hopefully stick a “stable” label on it… Full story »
Jul, 03

State of the Evolution - July 2014

Here's a quick update on what we've been working on since the last update. GitHub has become the go-to place for open source projects of all kinds. It was about time for b2evolution to be on GitHub too. We're happy to announce the new… Full story »
Jun, 14

b2evo 5.1.1 (beta) released

b2evolution 5.1.1-beta has been released. Check out the Changelog + Download page » This release is only available for download on We are no longer uploading download packages to Sourceforge. (We actually found their download… Full story »
Jun, 01

State of the Evolution - June 2014

You might have noticed a slight redesign of the site header. This was long overdue but was only made possible recently after we finally converted 100% of the pages of this site to be served dynamically by b2evolution. Full story »
May, 16

b2evo 5.0.9 (stable) released

b2evolution version 5.0.9-stable has been released! Download & Upgrade instructions here » The general focus of this 5.1 release is to add the feat Full story »