U.S. Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board

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NWTRB Press Releases and Announcements
Updated December 12, 2008

Note: The press releases below are listed by reverse chronological order that lists the most recent releases first.  These files are provided in PDF format for reading by Adobe Acrobat reader, which can be downloaded free from Adobe Average size of these files is 100K..

Repository Tunnel Stability and Issues Related to "Burnup" Credit Are Focus of NWTRB January Meeting (December 15, 2008)

Waste Management System Operations Are Focus of NWTRB September Meeting (August 1, 2008)

NWTRB to Examine DOE Yucca Mountain Total System Performance Assessment at May Meeting (April 22, 2008)

NWTRB to Review DOE Yucca Mountain Activities At January Meeting
(December 11, 2007)

NWTRB to Focus on Surface Facility Designs and Operations at September Meeting
(August 7, 2007)

NWTRB to Review Nuclear Waste Disposal Issues at May Meeting (April 6, 2007)

Infiltration is Focus of NWTRB Panel Meeting in March (February 12, 2007)

NWTRB to Meet in Las Vegas in January (December 7, 2006)

Yucca Mountain Safety Case Focus of NWTRB September Meeting (August 16, 2006)

NWTRB to Hold Workshop on Localized Corrosion of Alloy-22 (August 14, 2006)

NWTRB to Discuss Transport, Aging, and Disposal (TAD) Canister Concept at May Meeting (April 7, 2006)

Processes Affecting Radionuclide Transport Is Subject of NWTRB February Meeting (December 30, 2005)

Overview of DOE Yucca Mountain Activities to be Discussed at NWTRB November Meeting (September 30, 2005)

Systems Integration, Scientific Studies, and Transportation to be Discussed at NWTRB Meeting (January 6, 2005)

NWTRB Waste Management System Panel to Discuss Transportation Issues (September 8, 2004)

Total System Performance Assessment Is Focus of NWTRB Fall Meeting (August 11, 2004)

Potential for Corrosion during "Thermal Pulse" Is Focus of Board's May Meeting (April 6, 2004)

NWTRB Panel to Discuss Yucca Mountain Water Flow and Radionuclide Transport at March Meeting (February 6, 2004)

Press release announcing January Board panel meetings. (December 19, 2003)

NWTRB to Hold September Meeting in Amargosa Valley (August 12, 2003)

Board Releases Report Summarizing Activities in 2002 (May 20, 2003)

NWTRB to Discuss Thermal Aspects of Yucca Mountain Repository Design at May Meeting (April 17, 2003)

NWTRB Panels to Review (1) Seismic and Drift Stability Issues and (2) Waste Management System Operations at February Meetings (January 17, 2003)

NWTRB to Discuss Yucca Mountain Science Programs, Materials Testing, and Barrier Analyses at January Meeting (December 20, 2002)

NWTRB to Discuss Yucca Mountain Science Programs and Barrier Analyses at Fall Meeting in Las Vegas (July 26, 2002)

Board Summarizes Activities in 2001, (May 3, 2002)

NWTRB to Discuss Yucca Mountain Safety Case, Staged Repository Concepts, and Corrosion Testing at May Meeting (March 29, 2002)

NWTRB to Discuss Yucca Mountain Technical Studies at January Meeting (December 21, 2001)

NWTRB to Discuss Status of Yucca Mountain Site Characterization at September Meeting,(August 3, 2001)

NWTRB to Host International Workshop on Long-Term Extrapolation of Passive Behavior  (June 18, 2001)

NWTRB Panels to Discuss DOE Supplemental Science Report at Joint Meeting  (May 17, 2001)

Board Summarizes Activities in 2000 (April 30, 2001)

NWTRB to Discuss Yucca Mountain Repository Design, Performance Assessment, and Fluid Inclusions at Spring Meeting, (April 2, 2001)

NWTRB to Discuss Using Multiple Lines of Evidence to Evaluate the Safety of the Proposed Yucca Mountain Repository, (March 9, 2001)

NWTRB to Pose Questions to the DOE on Status of Scientific Studies at Yucca Mountain
(December 22, 2000)

NWTRB to Discuss Total System Performance Assessment and Safety Case for Yucca Mountain, (June 27, 2000)

NWTRB Panel to Discuss Radioactive Waste Management Issues, (June 2, 2000)

Three Reappointed to NWTRB by President, (May 30, 2000)

President Clinton Reappoints Three to NWTRB, (May 17, 2000)

NWTRB May Meeting to Focus on Repository Design and Geochemistry, (March 30, 2000)

Uncertainty and Yucca Mountain Safety Strategy Are Focus of January 2000 NWTRB Meeting,  (December 13, 1999)

Yucca Mountain Safety Strategy Focus of Board's September Meeting,  (August 13, 1999)

President Clinton Reappoints Jared L. Cohon Chairman of NWTRB,   (July 13, 1999)

President Clinton Reappoints Three to NWTRB,   (June 11, 1999)

Board to Focus on DOE's Repository Design at Beatty Meeting,  (May 17, 1999)

Board to Focus on DOE's Viability Assessment; Panel to Discuss Repository Design Process,  (December 18, 1998)

Board Issues Report on Direction of Future Research for a Proposed Repository System
at Yucca Mountain
,  (November 20, 1998)

Board completes Review: Material Submitted to the Board Does Not Significantly Affect the Findings of 1992 NAS Panel,  (July 24, 1998)

President Clinton Appoints Don Runnells to NWTRB, (July 10, 1998)

NWTRB Summer Meeting Focuses on Waste Package and Repository Design Alternatives,  
(June 1, 1998)

Board hosts workshop on waste package alternative designs and materials research needs ,
 (May 6, 1998)

Board Releases Report for 1997, (April 17, 1998)

Panel examines TSPA-VA base case and selected sensitivity tests, (March 31, 1998)

Winter meeting focuses on thermal testing, the saturated zone at Yucca Mountain, and public input to the Board, (December 22, 1997)

Board Panel to Look at "Other" High-Level Waste, (December 17, 1997)

Panel meeting: Spent fuel transportation safety, (October 17, 1997)

Fall meeting will cover repository design and operations, waste package design and modeling, (October 1, 1997)

Panel Examines Interim Performance Standard for Yucca Mountain, (October 1, 1997)

Board Changes Panel Structure to Meet New Challenges, (July 31, 1997)

Board Releases 1996 Year-End Report, (April 17, 1997)

President Clinton Completes NWTRB Appointments, (February 18, 1997)

President Clinton Appoints New NWTRB Members, (January 21, 1997)
