McTrans - Moving Technology


  HCS+T7F is now available! is now available.  Click to order HCS+T7F .

  • This latest version of the Highway Capacity SoftwareTM is now integrated with TRANSYT-7FTM for signal timing optimization within the new HCS+T7FTM package. 
  • HCS+TM (Release 5.3) includes HCS+ Interchanges implementing the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) Chapter 26 methodolgy for Interchange Ramp Terminals.
  • TRANSYT-7F (Release 11.2) is included with HCS+, able to import HCS+Signals and HCS+Interchanges files for optimization and one-touch CORSIM animation.

  TSIS6 version 6.1 is now available.  Click to order TSIS6.

TSIS-CORSIM version 6.1 is now available for purchase, and will soon be mailed at no cost to all registered users with a current support subscription. Version 6.1 offers a variety of new features including 9-lane intersection approaches, left-hand drive, emergency vehicles, improved vehicle movement logic, and an alternate user-interface called TSIS Next. Read about these features.
 Newsletter and Catalog with Shopping Cart   

The July Issue of the McTrans Newsletter is now available.

Try McTrans' catalog and online ordering system with an easy-to-use shopping cart. This system allows us to maintain our product listings and descriptions virtually in real time.  While limited specials with free shipping are common, McTrans has always provided free shipping within the US and Canada and waived our $10 processing fee for all online orders.

  McTrans Training
McTrans continues to schedule Highway Capacity Analysis and Signal Capacity Analysis seminars covering the HCM2000 using HCS+, Signal Timing Analysis courses using Release 11 of TRANSYT-7F and CORSIM Simulation for Beginners seminars using TSIS 6.  Please contact us if you would like to help arrange a course in your area. See McTrans Training for more details and registration information.


  Traffic Industry News

Here are some links to current news items of interest which are not located on the McTrans website:

Intelligent Traffic Signal Operations Committee: The Intelligent Traffic Signal Operations (ITSO) Committee was established under the Management and Operations/ITS Council of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) in October 2005.  Motivated by the findings of the National Traffic Signal Report Card, the committee’s goal is to save practitioners’ time and effort in researching strategies to resolve problems related to traffic signal systems.  Submit your questions today.

Highway Capacity Manual WebBoard: The Transportation Research Board's (TRB) Committee on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service (HCQS) has established this online tool to facilitate discussion and solicit feedback on the HCM2000.  Users are encouraged to submit questions and respond to issues in this automated user exchange of experience and solutions forum.  The HCM WebBoard is open to anyone who wishes to participate toward better understanding by all.

FHWA Traffic Analysis Tools This Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) presents a variety of the most current traffic and transportation engineering analysis tools for professionals to use for evaluating and improving congested roadway facilities.  The
methodologies discussed here include sketch-planning, travel demand modeling, traffic signal optimization, and traffic simulation, in an effort to develop new, improved tools and to facilitate the deployment and use of existing tools.



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