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Title: Domestic Wood Products Manufacturing Trends and Factors to Enhance Competitiveness

Author: Buehlmann, Urs; Bumgardner, Matthew; Schuler, Albert; Christianson, Rich

Year: 2003

Publication: In: Deisenroth, Michael P., ed. Enterprise integration, a production perspective, electronic proceedings of the 17th international conference on production research; 2003 August 3-7; Blacksburg, VA. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

Abstract: There is little question that imports have captured a substantial portion of the domestic furniture market. However, there is much speculation and concern as to the future of this and related industries. This study sought to obtain industry perspectives of trends in domestic manufacturing and importing, and to identify factors that can enhance domestic competitiveness. A mail survey was conducted between August and November of 2002. Manufacturers in three secondary industry sectors and in two size categories were randomly selected from the distribution list of a major wood products trade publication and included in the survey. Perspectives as to the future state of the domestic industry differed widely by sector and company size. There were also differences concerning factors that can enhance the competitive situation of domestic manufacturers. This information can be used to assess the import pressures specific sectors and company sizes are experiencing and to develop strategies for survival in an increasingly global marketplace.

Last Modified: 7/1/2008

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