American Association of University Women
Archived Research Reports
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AAUW Archived Research Reports

AAUW has been at the forefront of research on issues of women and education for decades.  In 1992, AAUW published How Schools Shortchange Girls, a report that launched a decade of activism on gender equity in education.  

Since that time, AAUW has published reports on topics including girls in science, sex discrimination in academia, women and online learning, sexual harassment in schools, the impact of Title IX, Latinas in schools, and single-sex education among others. 

To learn more and to download many of these reports, please scroll down.  These reports are also available for purchase at ShopAAUW.

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A Legacy of Research that Matters

Public Perceptions of the Pay Gap (2005)
Women working full time earn about 75 percent of what men working full time earn. Do Americans know about this disparity? Why do they think there is a pay gap? This report contains the results of a nationally representative poll about common perceptions of the pay gap.

Tenure Denied: Cases of Sex Discrimination in Academia (2004)

Tenure Denied: Cases of Sex Discrimination in Academia (2004)
This report examines sex discrimination cases that were supported by the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund during the past 20 years and concludes with recommendations for female faculty and institutions of higher education.

Under the Microscope: A Decade of Gender Equity Projects in the Sciences (2004)

Under the Microscope: A Decade of Gender Equity Projects in the Sciences (2004)
This report examines and analyzes more than 400 gender equity projects specifically aimed at increasing the participation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Women at Work (2003)

Women at Work (2003)
Women at Work combines interview and survey data with recent U.S. census statistics to explore how women are faring in today’s work force and what their prospects are for future job success and security. An accompanying action guide helps AAUW members and others translate the research findings into action.

The Third Shift: Women Learning Online (2001)

The Third Shift: Women Learning Online (2001)
Through distance education, technology offers new opportunities for many women to achieve educational goals. This report explores why women pursue education; how they balance work, family, and education; and what would make distance learning easier for them, and makes recommendations for improvements.

Harassment-Free Hallways: How to Stop Sexual Harassment in School (2002)

Harassment-Free Hallways: How to Stop Sexual Harassment in Schools (2002)
A resource guide for students, parents and educators developed by a task force the AAUW Education Foundation convened in response to the findings in Hostile Hallways (2001).

Hostile Hallways: Bullying, Teasing, and Sexual Harassment in School (2001)

AAUW has been at the forefront of research on issues of women and education for decades.  In 1992, AAUW published How Schools Shortchange Girls, a report that launched a decade of activism on gender equity in education.  

Since that time, AAUW has published reports on topics including girls in science, sex discrimination in academia, women and online learning, sexual harassment in schools, the impact of Title IX, Latinas in schools, and single-sex education among others. 

To learn more and to download many of these reports, please scroll down.  These reports are also available for purchase at ShopAAUW.

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A Legacy of Research that Matters

Beyond the "Gender Wars": A Conversation about Girls, Boys and Education (2001)

Beyond the "Gender Wars": A Conversation About Girls, Boys, and Education (2001)
This report offers key insights presented during a symposium of scholars who study both girls' and boys' experiences in and out of school. Participants share their insights about gender identity and difference, challenge popular views of girls' and boys' behavior, and explore the meaning of equitable education for the 21st century.

A License for Bias: Sex Discrimination, Schools, and Title IX (2000)

A License for Bias: Sex Discrimination, Schools, and Title IX (2000)
This report examines uneven efforts to implement the 1972 civil rights law that protects more that 66 million students and millions of employees from sex discrimination in schools and universities. The analysis of non-sports-related complaints filed between 1993 and 1997 pinpoints problems that hamper enforcement and includes recommendations from Congress, the Office for Civil Rights, and educational institutions.

Si, Se Puede! Yes, We Can: Latinas in Schools (2000)

¡Si, Se Puede! Yes, We Can: Latinas in School (2000)
U.S. schools do not meet the educational needs of America's fastest-growing female minority population -Latinas - according to this report which reviews the educational status and progress of Latinas in the United States. Available in English and Spanish/Tambien disponible en espanol.

Tech-Savvy: Education Girls in the New Computer Age (2000)

Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age (2000)
Schools need to change the way information technology is used, applied, and taught in the nation's classrooms, according to this report. AAUW's Tech Check is a guide to help schools assess the technology opportunities they offer female students.

Community Coalitions Manual with Lessons Learned from the Girls Can! Project (2000)

Community Coalitions Manual With Lessons Learned From the Girls Can! Project (2000)
A guide for establishing and sustaining effective coalition-based programs that covers volunteer recruitment, project planning, fundraising, and public relations, with contact information for more than 200 organizations and lessons from the Girls Can! Community Coalitions Project, a nationwide gender equity program.

Voices of a Generation: Teenage Girls on Sex, School and Self (1999)

Voices of a Generation: Teenage Girls on Sex, School, and Self (1999)
This report compares the comments of roughly 2,100 girls nationwide on peer pressure, sexuality, the media, and school. The girls were 1997 and 1998 participants in AAUW teen forums called Sister-to-Sister Summits. The report explores differences in girls’ responses by race, ethnicity, and age.

Gaining a Foothold: Women's Transitions Through Work and College (1999)

Gaining a Foothold: Women's Transitions Through Work and College (1999)
This report examines how and why women make changes in their lives through education. The report profiles three groups - women going from high school to college, from high school to work, and from work back to formal education - using both quantitative and qualitative methods. 

Gender Gaps: Where Schools Still Fail Our Children (1998)

Gender Gaps: Where Schools Still Fail Our Children (1998)
Based on the findings of 1,000 research studies, this report reveals where public schools are failing to meet the needs of girls and outlines recommendations to put all children on a path to high academic achievement. Drawing on the findings of Gender Gaps, AAUW's Signposts provides a road map to becoming a gender-fair school.

Separated by Sex: A Critical Look at Single-Sex Education for Girls (1998)

Separated by Sex: A Critical Look at Single-Sex Education for Girls (1998)
The foremost educational scholars on single-sex education in grades K-12 compared findings on whether girls learn better apart from boys. The report, including a summary of a forum convened by the AAUW Educational Foundation, challenges the popular idea that single-sex education is better for girls than coeducation.

Girls in the Middle: Working to Succeed in School (1996)

Girls in the Middle: Working to Succeed in School (1996)
A qualitative report that offers readers an incisive look at how adolescent girls experience middle school and achieve, as well as an understanding of how schools use various educational reforms to foster an equitable climate for student achievement.

Growing Smart: What's Working for Girls in School (1995)

Growing Smart: What's Working for Girls in School (1995)
A literature review of more than 500 studies and reports, identifies themes and strategies that promote girls' achievement and healthy development in school.

How Schools Shortchange Girls (1992)

The AAUW Report: How Schools Shortchange Girls (1992)
This report offers a startling examination of how girls in grades K-12 receive an inferior education to boys in America's schools. The report includes concrete strategies for change and recommendations for educators and policymakers.

Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America (1991)

Shortchanging Girls, Shortchanging America (1991)
A nationwide poll of students ages 9-15 examining the impact of gender on self-esteem, career aspirations, educational experiences, and interest in math and science.

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