
The Government of Manitoba strives to provide excellent service to its citizens. The following links will help you find the information you need on a wide variety of topics, including frequently asked questions about government, healthy aging, laws and researching your family tree.

Accessing Government
Let these offices help you find government programs and services.

Manitoba Government Inquiry: Looking for a government program, service, contact or web site? MGI has all the answers!

Bilingual Service Centre: The Bilingual Service Centre provides select government services from federal, provincial and municipal government at their service locations in the official language of your choice.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre: The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre offers convenient, one-stop access to business information from various levels of government.

Manitoba Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat: The Seniors and Healthy Aging Secretariat acts as a central contact point for seniors, their family members and organizations.

Healthy Child Manitoba: Healthy Child Manitoba bridges departments and governments and, together with the community, works to improve the well-being of Manitoba’s children and youth.

Community Immigration Planning Guide: The Immigration Planning Guide will assist you in working through the stages of immigration planning. Whether your community is beginning to consider immigration as an economic growth strategy or you are further along in your immigration planning, this guide is structured to assist you with a checklist of planning steps.

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Online Directories

Phone Book: This directory provides contact information for Manitoba elected government mla’s, appointed officials, employees and organizations.

Manitoba Laws: This online service makes laws and regulations accessible for reference, research and private use. Official versions in print form are available for purchase through Statutory Publications.

Schools in Manitoba: Up to date contact information for Manitoba schools and school divisions and districts.

Municipal Officials Lookup: This directory features contact information for council members and senior staff of Manitoba’s municipalities, council meeting schedules and municipal population.

Companies Directory: Search for Manitoba companies, products and services.

Manitoba Food Products Directory: This directory provides a comprehensive list of Manitoba food suppliers, brokers, wholesalers and distributors, producer associations, marketing boards and research resources.

Grants and Resources Directory: This directory contains information about various grants and resources available to voluntary organizations and communities throughout Manitoba.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) web site includes answers to common queries about how to find a job, get a birth certificate, request a congratulatory message and much more.

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Manitoba Highway Map 

Manitoba Land Initiative: This website is the source for geo-spatial information from the government of Manitoba. It is intended for both the GIS expert and the decision maker and it allows online access to the MLI corporate land data warehouse.

GIS Map Gallery: Looking for information on Manitoba’s mineral and petroleum resources? Use the GIS map gallery to query and view mineral and oil and gas dispositions, technical files, well production and geological data.

Petroleum Maps

Canada Map Sales: Outdoor enthusiasts, educators and students will find all the reference information they need at From backcountry trail maps to satellite images for across Canada. We´ve assembled the most wanted maps in Canada , offering unique views of our nation from the historic, to community images to national parks.

Provincial Park Maps

Protected Areas Initiative Maps 

Legislative Library - Virtual Reference Desk - Map links

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Reference and Research

Archival Information:

Archives of Manitoba: The Archives of Manitoba are a rich resource for the study of the history of Manitoba and its people.

Keystone Archives Descriptive Database: Keystone Archives Descriptive Database is an online guide to the archival holdings at the Archives of Manitoba.

Hudson Bay Company Archives: The official repository collection of the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) records.


Legislative Library: Access the Legislative Library collections through their online catalogues and indexes.

Public Library Services:  Search for and access Manitoba public libraries.

Education Online Catalogues K - 12:  Find publications related to Kindergarten to Grade 12 in a searchable online database.  See which publications are available online, for purchase, for loan or available free of charge.

Official publications:

Statutory Publications: Access to the Queen’s Printer and all Manitoba’s laws and regulations is available here.

Manitoba Laws: Access laws and regulations for reference, research and private use. Official versions are available for purchase through Statutory Publications.

Government Bills: See how government bills become laws.

Hansard: A verbatim record of proceedings made in the Manitoba Legislature. Official print versions are available for purchase through Statutory Publications.

Statistical Information:

Manitoba Bureau of Statistics

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