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Protected Plants for All Scientific Names
Jurisdiction = State
State Distribution = U.S. States (Texas)
34 records returned

Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with more information. Click on the reference link to see the published list and learn more about the law. Protected plants that are synonyms are indented beneath the current PLANTS accepted name; common names are from the state list.

Texas Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 2002. Texas threatened and endangered plants (20 October 2002). Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Symbol Scientific Name State Common Name State Protected Status
ABMA5 Abronia macrocarpa L.A. Galloway large-fruited sand-verbena E
AMCH2 Ambrosia cheiranthifolia A. Gray South Texas ambrosia E
ASAS6 Astrophytum asterias (Zucc.) Lem. star cactus E
AYLI Ayenia limitaris Cristobal Texas ayenia E
CASC4 Callirhoe scabriuscula B.L. Rob. Texas poppy-mallow E
CORA7 Coryphantha ramillosa Cutak bunched cory cactus T
CRCR7 Cryptantha crassipes I.M. Johnst. Terlingua Creek cat's-eye E
ECCH2 Echinocereus chisoensis W.T. Marsh. Chisos Mountains hedgehog cactus T
ECREF2 Echinocereus reichenbachii (Terscheck ex Walp.) hort ex Haage ssp. fitchii (Britton & Rose) N.P. Taylor
ECREA Echinocereus reichenbachii (Terscheck ex Walp.) hort ex Haage var. albertii L.D. Benson black lace cactus E
ECVID Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. var. davisii (A.D. Houghton) W.T. Marsh. Davis' green pitaya E
ECMA2 Echinomastus mariposensis Hester
NEMA2 Neolloydia mariposensis (Hester) L.D. Benson Lloyd's mariposa cactus T
ESMI2 Escobaria minima (Baird) D.R. Hunt
COMI4 Coryphantha minima Baird Nellie cory cactus E
ESSNS Escobaria sneedii Britton & Rose var. sneedii
COSN Coryphantha sneedii (Britton & Rose) A. Berger Sneed pincushion cactus E
FRJO Frankenia johnstonii Correll Johnston's frankenia E
HEPA2 Helianthus paradoxus Heiser Pecos sunflower, puzzle sunflower T
HOTE Hoffmannseggia tenella Tharp & L.O. Williams slender rush-pea E
HYTE5 Hymenoxys texana (J.M. Coult. & Rose) Cockerell Texas prairie dawn E
LEPA4 Lesquerella pallida (Torr. & A. Gray) S. Watson white bladderpod E
LETH3 Lesquerella thamnophila Rollins & Shaw Zapata bladderpod E
MAWA Manihot walkerae Croizat Walker's manioc E
PHNIT Phlox nivalis Lodd. ex Sweet ssp. texensis Lundell Texas trailing phlox E
POCL Potamogeton clystocarpus Fernald Little Aguja pondweed E
QUHI Quercus hinckleyi C.H. Mull. Hinckley's oak T
SCBRT Sclerocactus brevihamatus (Engelm.) D.R. Hunt ssp. tobuschii (W.T. Marsh.) N.P. Taylor
ANTO3 Ancistrocactus tobuschii (W.T. Marsh.) W.T. Marsh. ex Backeb. Tobusch fishhook cactus E
SPPA5 Spiranthes parksii Correll Navasota ladies'-tresses E
STPLT Styrax platanifolius Engelm. ssp. texanus (Cory) P.W. Fritsch
STTE5 Styrax texanus Cory Texas snowbells E
THTE8 Thymophylla tephroleuca (S.F. Blake) Strother ashy dogweed E
ZITE Zizania texana Hitchc. Texas wild-rice E
†CodeProtected Status


Time Generated: 10/24/2008 06:15 AM MDT