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Publications — Forages

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Publication Areas Related to Forages

Weeds and Weed Management
Soils & Fertilizers
"" Native Warm-Season Grasses




  Forage & Field Crop Seeding Guide for Tennessee (PB378)
  Tennessee Forage Budgets (PB1658)
  A Landowners Guide to Native Warm-Season Grasses in the Mid-South (PB1746)
(This PDF file is 3.1 MB)
  Pasture for Horses (PB1651)
  Forage and Grain Testing Information Sheet (F758)
  Small Grains, Ryegrass and Clovers for Forage (SP434-A)
  Summer Annual Grasses (SP434-B)
  Alfalfa -- High-Quality Forage (SP434-C)
  2005 Controlling the Alfalfa Weevil in Tennessee (PB1033)
  Corn Silage (SP434-D)
  Tall Fescue, Orchardgrass & Timothy: Cool Season Perennial Grasses (SP434-E)
  Renovation-Plant Clovers in Grass Pastures (SP435-A)
  Establishing Alfalfa No-till (SP435-B)
  No-till Establishment of Forage Crops (SP435-C)
  High-Quality Hay Production (SP437-A)
  Tall Fescue: Endophyte-Infected or Endophyte-Free? (SP439-A)
  Marketing Hay in Tennessee (PB1638)
  Modern Haymaking (PB1340)


Weeds and Weed Management

  Why Will My Weed Problem Not Go Away? 8 Common Reasons Why Herbicides Fail (W192)
  Choosing the Right Herbicide (SP707)
  Common Pokeweed (W105)
  Horseweed (W106)
  Broadleaf Signalgrass (W107)
  Pigweeds in Tennessee (W068)
  Hay Crop and Pasture Weed Management (PB1521)
  Utilization of Grazon P+D for Weed Control in Tennessee Pastures (SP620)


Soil Testing and Fertilizers

  Nitrogen Sources for Pasture and Hay (W163)
  When are Micronutrients Needed for Farm Fields (SP645)
  Soil Testing (PB1061)
  Liming Acid Soils in Tennessee (PB1096)
  Fertilizers and Their Use (PB1637)


Native Warm-Season Grasses

Native Warm-Season Grasses: Identification, Establishment and Management for Wildlife and Forage Production in the Mid-South (PB1752)
Cost: $35.00
Purchase this publication Purchase this publication Download this publication for FREE Download this publication for FREE
  Because of the large file size of this publication, it has been broken down into chapters for easier download.
  Cover, Table of Contents and Introduction (11 pages, file size: 853K)
  Chapter 1: Identification and Description (12 pages, file size: 1.5M)
  Chapter 2: Using Native Warm-Season Grass to Enhance Wildlife Habitat (26 pages, file size: 2M)
  Chapter 3: Using Native Warm-Season Grasses as Forage for Livestock (20 pages, file size: 1.4M)
  Chapter 4: Using Native Warm-Season Grasses for Biofuels (10 pages, file size: 1.25M)
  Chapter 5: Establishment (32 pages, file size: 2.3M)
  Chapter 6: Managing Native Warm-Season Grasses and Associated Early-Succession Habitat (38 pages, file size: 2.9M)
  Appendices (49 pages, file size: 731K)
  Conclusion (4 pages, file size: 142K)




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