Pollinator Partnership Sponsored by the North American Pollinator Protection Campaign and The Coevolution Institute

Your Source for Pollination Information

Free Pollinator Garden Wheel

What is the Pollinator Garden Wheel?

The Pollinator Garden Wheel is an engaging, colorful, and informational resource aimed at generating a more active gardening population, aware of the importance of pollinators – the birds, bees, bats, butterflies, beetles, and other animals that enable the reproduction of 85% of flowering plants and are responsible for as much as one-third of our food supply. Click here to view the Pollinator Garden Wheel.

Click here to order the Pollinator Garden Wheel (Limit 7).

Founded on Solid Science

The content of the Pollinator Garden Wheel was produced by the National Academy of Sciences as a collateral addition to their recent NRC Study on the Status of Pollinators in North America. It depicts pollinators and their corresponding host plants, allowing gardeners to make an informed decision as to which plants to include to attract more or certain types of pollinators. It promotes simple, concrete actions that everyone can do to support pollinators, such as ways to create habitat and food resources for pollinators in both urban and rural environments.

Partners in creating the Wheel

Production and distribution of the Pollinator Garden Wheel were underwritten by both corporate and government sponsors. The Aveda Corporation, whose products and philosophy support pollinators nd all biodiversity, is a major sponsor of the Wheel. Government sponsors include the Bureau of Land Management and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES). Both are distributing the wheel throughout the U.S.



The Pollinator Partnership - 423 Washington St, 5th Floor - San Francisco, CA 94111-2339 - (415) 362-1137