Pennsylvania Certified Organic is a membership-based non-profit organization that educates and certifies growers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock and livestock products in Pennsylvania and adjoining states.

Who we are:

Advisory Board

David Eyster, President
Dairy Marketing Services

Bill Robinson, Vice President
Kreamer Feed and Nature’s Best Organic Feeds
BJE Farms

Barb Lindtner, Treasurer
Spring House Farm

Emelie Swackhamer, Secretary
Lehigh Co. Cooperative Extension

Lisa Diefenbach
Setter Run Farm

Seth Goldman
Honest Tea
PCO-certified handler

Patty Lovera
Food & Water Watch

Dan Lucovich
Creekside Mushrooms Ltd.
PCO-certified crops

Tom Murphy
Lycoming Cooperative Extension

(Audrey) Gay Rodgers
Hameau Farm

Elsa Sanchez
Penn State University, Horticulture Dept.

Forrest Stricker
PCO-certified crops, livestock

Melanie Wertz
PCO-contracted Inspector

Dave Wilson
The Rodale Institute

Abram (Bucky) Ziegler
Paradise Valley Organic Farms
PCO-certified crops, livestock, processor

Managing Board Members

Emelie Swackhamer, Managing Board Chair

Dave Eyster

Barb Lindtner

Lisa Diefenbach

Patty Lovera

Tom Murphy

(Audrey) Gay Rodgers

Melanie Wertz


Leslie Zuck
Executive Director
Beckie Lease
Office Manager
Melanie Saffer
Certification Director
Emily Brown Rosen
Policy Director
Sabine Carey
Materials Specialist
Mitch Dysinger
Certification Specialist
Kelly Lehman
Certification Specialist
Patrick Arndt
Certification Specialist
Seth Palmer
Certification Specialist
Carissa Gigliotti
Certification Specialist

Heather Donald
Certification Staff Assistant


Our Purpose Is:

To assure the integrity of organic agricultural products through education, inspection, and certification of growers, processors and handlers. PCO provides services to operations based in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Pennsylvania Certified Organic (PCO) is a USDA-accredited organic certifying agency that educates and certifies growers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock and livestock products in Pennsylvania and adjoining states. PCO is also accredited under International Standards Organization (ISO) Guide 65 and the Conseil des Appellations Agroalimentaires du Québec.



Toward this goal, PCO will:

Maintain an organic certification program to educate members on the requirements for producing agricultural products in accordance with applicable laws;

  • Provide annual independent third-party inspections of growers, processors and handlers of organic products;
  • Develop, sponsor and support educational activities for growers, producers and consumers that promote learning, understanding and awareness of organic agriculture;
  • Provide support relevant to organic certification through referrals to volunteer mentors and / or other nonprofit educational and research organizations;
  • Certify organic growers, processors, and handlers in Pennsylvania, meeting the standards and requirements of PCO and applicable laws.

Background of
Pennsylvania Certified Organic :

In 1985, a group of organic farmers in the Lancaster County area formed a Pennsylvania chapter of the Organic Crop Improvement Association. The Pennsylvania chapter performed certification services for its members for about 15 years. In 1997, believing that a Pennsylvania-based organization would better serve the needs of our state’s organic community, some chapter members incorporated as a non-profit organization named Pennsylvania Certified Organic.

PCO started out with 27 members and by the end of that first year had certified 54 crops and livestock farms. In 1998 the organization expanded to include dairy. Over the years, PCO has added certification services for processing, handling, distribution, brokering, mushrooms, maple products, poultry and more. In 2004, PCO certified about 315 operations based in Pennsylvania. That same year it decided to offer certification services to operations in adjoining states, including Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia.

PCO’s office is located in Spring Mills, in the central part of the state near the main campus of Penn State University. Since 1997, PCO’s certification team has grown from one employee to its current size of 12 staff and 22 inspectors. In one way or another, all are connected to organic production: Some are organic farmers or have worked on a farm, some are trained organic inspectors, and some have an academic background in agriculture.


Services we provide:
  • We provide inspection and certification of producers, processors and handlers of organic crops, wild crops, livestock and livestock products based in Pennsylvania and adjoining states.
  • We develop and distribute information and materials related to organic certification
  • We plan and present seminars and workshops on the organic certification process and standards.
  • We produce publications, forms and documents needed for the certification process
  • We provide referrals to nonprofit educational and research organizations
  • We coordinate a mentoring program through which volunteers agree to answer questions about organic production. Volunteer mentors are usually PCO-certified producers, processors or handlers and cannot be PCO inspectors or staff.
  • We provide basic information on operations we certify (name, contact information, organic products)
  • We publish a quarterly newsletter, which includes updates to organic standards, educational articles and market information.
  • We send email notices about information relevant to organic certification

Services we do not provide:
  • We do not provide consultation on overcoming identified barriers to certification as prohibited by 7 CFR 205.501(a)(11)iv.
  • We do not provide individual counseling on organic production.
  • We do not provide referrals to commercial providers of products or services
  • We do not engage in buying, selling, brokering or marketing of products
  • We do not release confidential information as described in 7 CFR 205.501(a)(10).
  • We do not provide certification services to operations that are not based in the states listed at the top of this page.

PCO Committees & Chairs:
  • Certification Committee aids the PCO certification staff by reviewing applications with which the staff has a conflict of interest. The certification committee makes a recommendation to the PCO certification director on these matters and does not make certification decisions.
    Chair : Elsa Sanchez
  • Education Committee sponsors and supports educational activities for growers, producers and consumers that promote learning, understanding and awareness of organic agriculture. The committee also works with the PCO staff to develop and implement educational programs and materials, including a quarterly newsletter to members.
    Chair: Dave Wilson
  • Finance Committee is chaired by the treasurer. Its purpose is to identify and seek out sources of funds, recommend dues schedule to the Board, prepare an annual budget, oversee insurance and tax matters.
  • Marketing Committee develops materials and coordinates events to aid members with public relations and marketing of organic products.
    Chair: Billy Robinson
  • Standards Committee works with staff to develop recommendations for new and revised certification policies and procedures.
    Chair: Dave Eyster

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This page last updated 12/19/2008



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