The New York Botanical Garden web site will be unavailable on Monday, December 22, while maintenance is being performed.

World Wide

  • NYBG Staff Types
  • Vascular Plant Types
  • Jany Renz Herbarium (Hosted by NY)
  • North America

  • Intermountain Flora
  • Invasive Plant Species of the United States
  • North American Gymnosperms


  • Neotropical Flora and Mycota Catalog
  • Ethnobotany and Floristics of Belize Project

    Central and South America

  • Bioactive Agents from Dryland Biodiversity of Latin America
  • Coastal Forest Plants of Bahia, Brazil
  • Ericaceae of Ecuador
  • Flora and Mycota of Acre, Brazil
  • Plant Diversity of Central French Guiana
  • Species of Eastern Brazil

    West Indies

  • Flora of Navassa Island
  • West Indian Orchids
  • West Indian Vascular Plant Types
  • Bryophytes

  • American Bryophyte Catalog
  • Flora of Navassa Island
  • Neotropical Flora and Mycota Catalog
  • Plant Diversity of Central French Guiana


  • Costa Rican Fungi
  • Flora and Mycota of Acre, Brazil
  • George E. Massee Type Collections
  • GENT Mycological Herbarium Types (Hosted by NY)
  • Kansas State University Mycological Herbarium (KSC)
  • Macrofungi
  • Neotropical Flora and Mycota Catalog
  • Roger D. Goos Mycological Herbarium (KIRI)
  • Tulane University Mycological Herbarium (NO)
  • Uredinales Types


  • Lichens of Eastern North America
  • Neotropical Flora and Mycota Catalog

  • Flora of the Caucasus Region
  • The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium is in the process of cataloging and imaging its numerous specimen holdings. The geographical emphasis of acquisitions for the Herbarium has always been on the flora and mycota of the New World. For this reason, our emphasis has been on cataloging NYBG New World collections, specifically those relating directly to past and current NYBG research projects, as well as national and international projects where access to data from our collections will have significant impact.

    The table above lists the projects available for searching in the Virtual Herbarium. Simply click on one of the projects and a page will appear containing a brief summary of the project, links to lists of taxa currently available in that project, as well as a button linked to a blank search page that allows the user to specify his or her own search criteria. A summary of these databasing projects is also available. To search several projects at once or the entire database as a whole, click on the Search the Entire Specimen Catalog button above and specify your search in the blank query form.

    The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium is willing to share its specimen database records. If it would be easier for you to use our data in a format other than the one here at our web site, please e-mail us your request. Keep in mind that our specimen records represent a subset of the fields that are in our production database, and that we can provide these other data as well. In addition to the searchable specimen data, we can make available upon request our database authority files (lookup files). These include, but are not limited to, botanical authors, collectors, and publications. Most of our authority files are under constant revision as our cataloging projects proceed. The authority files associated with our North American hepatic specimen records, however, are a relatively static representation of what we have to offer. For additional information just send an e-mail to one of the addresses below.

    If your institution is interested in having its data hosted by The New York Botanical Garden, a good place to start is Virtual Herbarium Express. Virtual Herbarium Express is a free Access database application designed to capture herbarium label and field collection data. These data can then be sent to NY where it can be made available for searching over the Internet.

    If you are interested in using our images in your publications, we ask that you acknowledge the New York Botanical Garden in your paper, and that you cite the name of the catalog and the URL of its opening page as the source of the illustration.

    A brief note concerning specimen records of endangered and threatened plant species

    Vascular Plant Type Specimens Imaging Project

    Please address any data requests, problems, comments and/or corrections to the Bioinformatics Managers.

    Development of The Virtual Herbarium of The New York Botanical Garden has been made possible by funding from the ARCO Foundation, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company and Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc., the Marie Eccles Caine Charitable Foundation, The Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Cullman, Harriet Ford Dickenson Foundation, The George S. and Dolores Dor� Eccles Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Metropolitan Life Foundation, National Science Foundation, The New York State Council for the Arts, the Pinewood Foundation, Pfizer Inc and The Pfizer Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Robinson, The Starr Foundation, The Winslow Foundation, and The Xerox Foundation.

    Copyright � 1996-2002, The New York Botanical Garden