Alaska Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plants Management Alaska Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plants Management

Gino Graziano
Invasive Plant Program Coordinator
Alaska Association of
Conservation Districts
Telephone: 907-354-1227

Early Detection and Rapid Response,
Cooperative Weed Management Areas Integrated Pest Management, Alaska Weed Free Forage and Mulch Certification Program

Effective management of invasive plants must involve local landowners and managers and utilize many methods and techniques. Alaska is in the unique position to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive plants and avoid the economic and ecological disaster experienced in the other 49 states. This will require Early Detection and Rapid Response Systems statewide. CNIPM supports the statewide formation of geographically defined Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) and the use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices.

Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR)

Early Detection and Rapid Response programs identify and eliminate newly introduced plants before they spread beyond our ability to control them. The overall goal of the Federal Interagency Committee for the Management of Noxious and Exotic Weeds (FICMNEW) National EDRR System for Invasive Plants is to minimize the establishment and spread of new species through a coordinated framework of public and private partners and processes. The minimum aspects of any successful EDRR System are detection, assessment, and response.

Five elements of National EDRR System:
• Detection and Reporting
• Identification and Vouchering
• Rapid Assessment
• Planning
• Rapid Response
Read more about FICMNEWs EDRRS

In Alaska, EDRR systems are being established and involve many federal, state, and private agencies including USDA APHIS Pest Detection and Management Program, USDA Forest Service, USDI BLM, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, USDI National Parks Service, Alaska Department of Fish and Game and CWMAs.

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Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs)

CWMAs are a citizen driven model for organizing effective weed management programs at the local level. Within the first year, 2004, 5 CWMAs were formed in Alaska following Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) boundaries. SWCDs cover 100% of all privately owned land in Alaska. This system provides a structure for funding, coordination of education, research, inventory and monitoring, and on-the ground management. Visit the Alaska Association of Conservation Districts website for more information.

The Center for Invasive Plant Management provides resources and grants.
The Idaho Department of Agriculture/USDA Noxious Weed program contains information for CWMAs including the CWMA Cookbook: a Recipe for Success.

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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

IPM uses a combination of control methods and strategies that are environmentally and economically sound. Methods used include biological control (using organisms to reduce populations), pulling, mowing, and herbicides. Prevention, early detection and eradication of new infestations is by far the least expensive tool.

The UAF Cooperative Extension IPM program focuses on IPM education, community and urban forest health, exotic and imported pests, and noxious and invasive weeds, providing services such as pest identification, recommendations or IPM control options, site visits, and research information about pest, controls, and pesticides.

The Alaska Pest Management Program (APMP) provides Alaskans with pest management and pesticide information resources. APMP is supported by and coordinates with the Western Integrated Pest Management Center (WIPMC).

Integrated Weed Management Plans are used to control invasive plants. For information of Integrated Weed Management Plans visit:
� Creating an Integrated Weed Management Plan, Colorado Natural Areas Program.
Strategy for Integrated Weed Management in the CWMA, Idaho
CIPM resources
WIPMC Request for Applications � Ongoing Pest Management Strategic Plans
Pacific Northwest Weed Control Handbook

Additional Resources: Alaska Department of Environmental conservation, Pesticide Control Program, IPM page

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Alaska Weed Free Forage and Mulch Certification Program

Dog mushing and guided, horseback hunts are important recreational activities occurring on public lands in Alaska. Both have the potential of spreading noxious weed seed into remote areas via bedding and feed. Certain public lands have areas that require weed free forage if available. To reduce the spread of noxious weeds in public and other lands where forage and mulch are used, an Alaska Weed Free Forage and Mulch Certification Program was established. The purpose of the program is to inspect forage before it is harvested to verify that there are no propagative plant parts of noxious and invasive weeds. The Alaska program is following the North American Weed Management Association Standards. Alaska added additional weeds to the list that are of special concern.

For more information on weed free forage or mulch availability, for information on having your product certified or to information of becoming a certified inspector, contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District or your local Cooperative Extension Service office.
Click here to view our brochure

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Additional Resources:
Meeting the Invasive Species Challenge:
Management Plan, National Invasive Species Council (pdf)

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