ASU Lichen Herbarium ASU School of Life Science
Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
General Information
Search the Collection
Greater Sonoran Desert
            Lichen Flora

Arizona Species List
Sonoran Desert Species List
Mexico Species List
Field Trip Locations
How To Order
What is a Lichen?
Lichen TLC
Lichen Collecting
Chemistry of Lichens (pdf)
Lichens in Weathering (pdf)
Lichen Databases
Epiphytic Macrolichen Key for AZ
ABLS Lichen Exchange
Interactive Lichen Key
LIAS Glossary
Lichen Links
ASU Natural History

The Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium currently houses over 109,000 fully accessioned and databased lichen specimens from all over the world. A significant fraction of these specimens are being revised in the context of the Greater Sonoran Desert Flora Project funded by the National Science Foundation.

Due to lack of personnel, the ASU Lichen Herbarium will be closed during each summer (May 15 through Aug. 15).

The third and final volume of the Greater Sonoran Desert Lichen Flora has been published!! Find out how to order a copy...

Lichens are the most complex form of life now known to have survived prolonged exposure to space! Read More Here...

We remember Bruce Douglas Ryan

Associate Lichen Curator, ASU Lichen Herbarium
Born: September 13, 1950
Died: January 22, 2004

of Brother Arsène Brouard, New Mexico

Dimelaena oreina (top, pale yellow thallus) and Dimelaena thysanota (bottom, brown thallus) growing side by side in the Parque Nacional Constitucion De 1957 (Laguna Hanson). Photo by Frank Bungartz.
ASU Lichen Herbarium
School of Life Sciences
PO Box 87 4501
Tempe, AZ 85 287 - 4501
phone 480-965-7133
fax 480-965-6899

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