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Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) | Situation Updates

Avian influenza is a viral disease transmitted by birds usually through feces or saliva. It is not usually passed on to humans, although it has been contracted by people who have handled infected birds or touched surfaces contaminated by the birds. In fact, avian (or H5N1) flu normally infects only birds and pigs.

There are many different types of viruses and of these viruses, there are 15 subtypes. These form various combinations that are constantly changing. Our bodies develop immunity to these viruses and when we receive our annual flu shot, this boosts our immunity. But when a virus such as H5N1 comes along, it may merge with a flu that a human body already has and develop (or mutate) into a whole other subtype for which our body has not built immunity. This, then, is what has prompted the concerns of the public health community.

The H5N1 virus is particularly contagious among birds and some strains are resistant to antiviral drugs. It has developed into an outbreak
in domestic birds in many Asian countries. Among the humans who have been diagnosed with the disease, the mortality rate is almost 50%.

The first sign of this flu is sudden, unexplained fever. What follows is slightly different for each person: For some, it’s body aches, cough and runny nose. For others, it’s diarrhea and vomiting. Several days after the first symptoms, respiratory problems will develop.

There are currently no vaccines on the market to combat avian influenza. Two antiviral medications are used to treat the symptoms, but their effectiveness is uncertain. These medications are Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza).

The Florida Department of Health has prepared a plan for protecting the citizens of our state in the event there is an actual pandemic (worldwide flu epidemic). Portions of this plan include working with county health departments to provide local assistance; participating in the national stockpile initiative so that Tamiflu and Relenza are ready and waiting for distribution prior to an emergency; and ensuring our emergency communications system is up and running so public health officials and first responders will get real-time information they can count on.

For the latest, most trustworthy information about avian influenza, stay tuned to this Bureau of Epidemiology website, and these related links:


Action Plan for Pandemic Influenza in a new window

Pandemic Influenza: Discussion and Planning Recommendations opens in a new window

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service opens in a new window

U.S. Pandemic Flu website
http://www.pandemicflu.govOpens in a new window

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a new window

National Wildlife Health Center opens in a new window

Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Animal Industry opens in a new window

WHO Avian Influenza Infection Control Practices in a new window



Guidance on How to Obtain Testing for Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in FloridaOpens in a new window
DOH guidance on how to get approval for avian influenza testing through the state public health laboratories

06/08/06 Guidance on Who Should be Tested for Influenza A (H5N1) Virus in Floridaopens in a new window

Avian Influenza Data Collection Toolopens in new window
A form for collecting information about people with suspected avian influenza infection and their possible exposures

03/15/06 Talking PointsOpens into a new window.
Avian Influenza: Dead Birds Eating Poultry
03/15/06 Animal Health Special ReportOpens into a new window.
H5N1 in cats.
11/04/05 Frequently Asked Questions About Avian InfluenzaFile will open in a new window
A question and answer document
04/05/05 Pandemic Influenza
  Information on Avian Influenza from CDCOpens in new window
  Information on Avian Influenza from WHOOpens in new window