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Career Development

Career Development

What is career development?

  • Career development is the process which helps individuals make education, training and work related choices to manage learning, work and personal life and the transitions between them over a life span.
  • It is the lifelong process of gaining knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to become self reliant and an intentional manager of work and personal life.

The world of work is rapidly changing.

  • There is an ever-increasing need to keep up with the rapid growth in knowledge and technology.
  • Lifelong learning is no longer a concept but a necessity.
  • Predicting what jobs or work will look like in the future is becoming more and more challenging.

The good news is that by using our Career Development Decision Making Model you can take charge of your own career path. Developing a career path is done through a series of decisions that will help you move along in both your work life and personal life.

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