US Forest Service

Forest Products Laboratory


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Title: Seasoning small quantities of lumber

Author: Rasmussen, E.F.

Date: 1965

Source: Research note FPL-089. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: [10] pages

Station ID: RN-FPL-089

Description: The owner of a small quantity of green lumber or logs is often confronted with seasoning it to a state of dryness suitable for use in furniture, wood carving, or other handiwork. He cannot follow the practice of commercial mills, which employ dry kilns for the purpose. because kilns are too costly. On the other hand, air seasoning outdoors usually does not dry lumber sufficiently for such uses, although it is sufficient for structures that will be used outdoors. Green lumber can be seasoned to the necessary dryness for the purpose by combining outdoor air seasoning with subsequent further drying in a heated room Studies at the Forest Products Laboratory show that. while this method is essentially simple, it is not without pitfalls for the inexperienced handler of green wood. Unless certain precautions are observed, such defects as checking, warping. and splitting may occur. If reasonable care is exercised, however, well-seasoned lumber can be obtained by this method.

Keywords: Lumber, seasoning, heated rooms

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Rasmussen, E.F.  1965.  Seasoning small quantities of lumber.   Research note FPL-089. Madison, WI: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory: [10] pages.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 24, 2013

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