US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Point-Sampling and Line-Sampling Probability Theory, Geometric Implications, Synthesis

Author: Grosenbaugh, L.R.

Date: 1958

Source: USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Occasional Paper 160

Description: Foresters concerned with measuring tree populations on definite areas have long employed two well-known methods of representative sampling. In list or enumerative sampling the entire tree population is tallied with a known proportion being randomly selected and measured for volume or other variables. In area sampling all trees on randomly located plots or strips comprising a known proportion of the total area are selected and measured for volume or other variables. List or enumerative sampling is commonly used in timber sales employing sample-tree measurement, and area sampling in timber reconnaissance. Each method, in its simplest valid form, operates to give every tree in the studied population an equal chance of being selected. A class of trees, therefore, can expect to be sampled in proportion to the frequency of trees in that class, and the frequency of a single tree is one.


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Grosenbaugh, L.R.  1958.  Point-Sampling and Line-Sampling Probability Theory, Geometric Implications, Synthesis.   USDA Forest Service, Southern Forest Experiment Station, Occasional Paper 160

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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