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State President Diana Westmoreland Pedrozo of Merced

Merced County's most fervent agriculture supporter because she "likes to eat".

State CWA President in the news

Diana Westmoreland Pedrozo isn't a farmer. So why has she positioned herself as one of Merced County's most fervent agriculture supporters?
Her answer is simple: "I like to eat."

A longtime Merced resident, Westmoreland Pedrozo has spent much of her working life at a family-owned cabinet and door shop.

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If you eat food and wear clothes, you are involved in agriculture.
Join us to help support, promote and enjoy California's
wonderful agriculture industry.

CWA's basic role is to help its members develop the knowledge and skills necessary to convey the mutual benefits of a vibrant agricultural economy and healthy rural communities to those who are in positions to impact the future of agriculture in California.


We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the organization and how you can join.