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Welcome to the University of California Cooperative Extension - Santa Cruz County website.  We hope you find this information useful and beneficial in your business practices and everyday home use.

Santa Cruz County Programs

4-H Community Club Program 4-H Community Club Program
Through the work of caring adult volunteer leaders, youth can participate in a wide variety of educational and enrichment activities. The 4-H Youth Development Program helps young people discover and develop their potential ultimately developing into responsible, self-directed, and productive members of global society.

Agriculture and Natural Resources Agriculture and Natural Resources
Santa Cruz County Cooperative Extension maintains four advisor positions in agriculture and natural resources in the following areas: Environmental Horticulture, Farm Management & Small Farms, Marine Science, and Strawberries & Caneberries. Santa Cruz County is served additionally by several advisors housed in neighboring counties in the following areas: Entomology, Family Nutrition & Education Program (FSNEP), Irrigation and Water Quality/Policy, Livestock & Range Science, Plant Pathology, Pomology, Vegetable Crops & Weed Science, and Viticulture.

Entomology Entomology
The entomology program deals with insect problems across all crops and landscape situations. It also provides identification services for insect samples and insect related problems. Research projects concentrate on leafminer and aphid pests of cool season vegetables.

Environmental Horticulture Environmental Horticulture
Works with professional horticulturists, floriculture, and nursery industries.

Family Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP) Family Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP)
The Family Nutrition Education Program offers free nutrition classes, menus, recipes, newsletters, and photonovelas to families on a budget (food-stamp recipients or applicants). There is also a curriculum and video lending library. Hay mucha informacion nutricional en espanlo, tambien.

Fisheries Social Science Fisheries Social Science
Fisheries Social Science

Irrigation, Water Quality & Water  Policy Irrigation, Water Quality & Water Policy
This important program conducts research that promotes water savings and lessens impacts of irrigation and fertilizers on the environment in ways that maintain productivity.

Marine Science Marine Science
Marine Advisors in UC Cooperative Extension help identify and solve coastal and marine resource problems. We apply and transfer research information to solve practical problems for a wide variety commercial and industrial businesses as well as recreation, education, and conservation user groups.

Monterey Bay Master Gardener Program Monterey Bay Master Gardener Program
Providing research and educational support to home, urban and commercial gardeners, in part through trained Master Gardener volunteers.

Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences Nutrition, Family and Consumer Sciences
Offering opportunities for families, individuals, and youth to enhance their quality of living by providing resources that support independence and self-sufficiency.

Plant Pathology Plant Pathology
Investigate and conduct research on all aspects of plant diseases, their causes, and how to control them. Carry out educational programs designed for the commercial agricultural industry and the general public. Provide diagnostic services and information on plant disease management.

Pomology Pomology
Practical advice and problem solving for fruit and nut producers.

Strawberries & Caneberries Strawberries & Caneberries
The strawberry and caneberry (raspberries and blackberries) program serves growers in Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito Counties. Blog: Strawberries and Caneberries ; Fresas y Moras

Sudden Oak Death Sudden Oak Death
Sudden oak death is responsible for the widespread die back of tanoak and several oak species in the central and northern coastal counties of California. It has also been identified on numerous other host plants, with varying symptoms and varying degrees of mortality. Efforts to better understand and manage this pest involve many organizations and individuals in California and throughout the world.

Vegetable Crops & Weed Science Vegetable Crops & Weed Science
Conduct an applied research and educational program in vegetable crop production and weed science for crops grown in Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties. Production issues include soil fertility, abiotic problem diagnosis, cover crop management and new crop development, Weed identification services are provided, as well as research on weed control.

Viticulture Viticulture
Has cross-county responsibilities for Cooperative Extension programs for Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties for our local grape growing industry.

Youth Development Youth Development
Through research, knowledge extension and service, the Youth Development Program works collaboratively with community partners to provide young people with opportunities to develop leadership, citizenship and life skills in order to become productive and contributing members of our community and society. Youth Development Programs place a special emphasis on developing science, technology and environmental literacy in young people which are carried out at schools, community centers, after school programs and through the 4-H Community Club Program.

Site was last updated on 1/14/09 at 04:53 PM