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Thomas More

Title: Research Forester
Unit: People and Their Environments: Social Science Supporting Natural Resource Management and Policy
Previous Unit: Integrating Social and Biophysical Sciences for Natural Resource Management
Address: Northern Research Station
705 Spear Street
Burlington, VT 05403
Phone: 802-951-6771 ext.1200
E-mail: Contact Thomas More

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  • PhD. University of Michigan 1972
  • M.S. University of Massachusetts 1970
  • B.S. University of Massachusetts 1968

Current Research

  • My research is focused on problems in the management of forest recreation national forests and other public lands. I am particularly interested in policy issues like fees for access to public lands, the role of private interest groups in achieving public ends, and the privatization of public lands. In the future I anticipate examining the use of public lands by older Americans.

Why is This Important

Current research suggests that participation in forest recreation may be declining overall and that the next generation of children may not have enough exposure to forests and other public lands to develop both an ability to appreciate natural environments and a conservation ethic. The American population is aging and, as the baby boomers retire, it seems likely that public land users will become increasingly older. These people will have concerns and needs that differ from the traditional family-oriented groups that public land managers have traditionally served.

Future Research

I plan more work on older Americans and their use of national forests; their concerns, capacities, and information they need. More work is also needed on forest recreation and public health, especially for older Americans.

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Last Modified: 11/19/2008