Cen AIR (10-04) American Indian Reservations Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota Pilot Project Specialty Products Part 1 AC-02-SP-1 Issued October 2004 U.S. Department of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman, Secretary Dr. Joseph J. Jen, Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL STATISTICS SERVICE R. Ronald Bosecker, Administrator Contents Introduction Map TABLES 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and For All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 APPENDICES A. Definitions and Explanations B. Report Form and Instruction Sheet Introduction A pilot project was conducted in conjunction with the 2002 Census of Agriculture in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota to collect agricultural census data for farms and ranches on American Indian reservations in these three States. This publication presents those results. This is the first time agricultural census data for American Indian reservations based on individual farm and ranch reports have ever been published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Following are a few significant results based on the reported data from this pilot project. Of the 4,794 farms and ranches at least partially on reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 1,521, or 32 percent, have an American Indian/Alaska Native operator. These 4,794 farms and ranches total 16.6 million acres, of which 11.8 million acres are on reservations over the three States. Of the 11.8 million acres of land in farms on reservations in these three States, 6.8 million acres, or 58 percent, are operated by American Indian/Alaska Native operators. The 4,794 farms and ranches on reservations in the three States had $481 million in market value of agricultural products sold, or approximately $100,000 per farm or ranch. The 1,521 American Indian/Alaska Native farms and ranches on reservations in the three States had $85 million in market value of agricultural products sold, or approximately $56,000 per farm or ranch. 5.3 percent of the farms and ranches in the three States operate land on reservations. The farms and ranches operating on reservations in the three States account for 11.6 percent of the land in farms, 8.9 percent of the total cattle, and 6.2 percent of the cropland. See the "Data Limitations" section for information on important factors to consider when interpreting these data. PURPOSE The census of agriculture is conducted every five years by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and is the leading source of facts and statistics about the Nation=s agricultural production and demographics. It provides a detailed picture of U.S. farms and ranches and is the only source of uniform, comprehensive agricultural data for every State and county in the U.S. NASS received a recommendation from the Secretary of Agriculture's Advisory Committee on Agriculture Statistics to collect more complete reservation-level data on the 2002 census. In response to this recommendation and to honor a commitment to publish improved demographic data on American Indian operators, NASS conducted the 2002 Census of Agriculture pilot project in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. These States were selected for the pilot project because there is a significant amount of agricultural production on their reservations. Also, the reservation agriculture is similar in size, type, and operating arrangements to non-reservation agriculture. The data will be used by NASS to develop future plans for providing American Indian reservation agricultural statistics. BACKGROUND In censuses prior to the 1997 Census of Agriculture, each American Indian reservation was treated as a single farm for census data collection and tabulation purposes. A single aggregate report form was completed for each reservation to account for all American Indian controlled agricultural activity on each reservation. Reservation or tribal officials typically completed these aggregate reports. The 1997 Census of Agriculture used slightly different procedures. In addition to an aggregate report for each reservation, a separate one-page report form collected the total number of American Indian farm or ranch operators on the reservation, a list of counties in which the reservation land was located, and the number of operators in each county. Procedures also allowed NASS to collect data from individual American Indian operators on reservations. Some NASS State offices successfully contacted individual American Indian farmers and ranchers who operated on reservations, while other State offices only obtained aggregated data. When an aggregate report and individual reports were received for a reservation, duplicate data were removed. These unduplicated counts of American Indian farm or ranch operators on reservations were included in Appendix B of the 1997 U.S. and State Volume 1, Geographic Area Series census publications. This methodology generally provided adequate aggregated data for the 1997 census. METHODOLOGY General NASS maintains a list of farmers and ranchers from which the census mail list (CML) is compiled. The goal is to build as complete a CML as possible of agricultural places that produce and sell, or would normally sell, $1,000 or more of agricultural products. Mailout/mailback methodology is the primary method for collecting the data. The mailout/mailback method is supplemented with followups by mail, telephone, and personal enumeration. American Indian reservations are included on the CML as single entities in most States and each is treated as a single farm or ranch. The census report form for a reservation collects aggregated data for all American Indian controlled agricultural activity on the reservation. Aggregate data are typically obtained from tribal officials or other administrative data sources. Individual American Indian farm and ranch operators on reservations are also on the CML. NASS staff members attempt to remove duplication between the aggregate reports and the individual reports during the data review process. However, this aggregated data approach does not provide important demographic data on American Indian agriculture. The pilot project implemented new methodology for the 2002 census in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota to eliminate the treatment of a reservation as a single American Indian farm or ranch. To address the pilot project goals of providing reservation data and improved demographic data on American Indians in the three States, the following methodology changes were implemented. 1. A new section was added to the census report form for farm and ranch operators to self-report agricultural activity on American Indian reservations. 2. Procedures were implemented to collect census data from all known American Indian farm or ranch operators on reservations. These procedures involved intensified list-building, targeted promotion, and extra data collection procedures. The 2002 census report form content was similar to the 1997 report form but there were some modifications. One significant report form change was the collection of demographic information for as many as three operators for each farm or ranch in all States. The race category of AAmerican Indian or Alaska Native@ could be selected for any operator as either a single race or in combination of other races as part of a multi-racial identification. Tables in this publication include data for all farms and ranches operating on reservations and for farms and ranches where the operators (up to three per operation) self-identified as American Indian or Alaska Native either as a single race or in combination with other races. New Report Form Section for the Pilot Project Section 23 was added to the forms mailed in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota to identify farms or ranches that operate land on reservations and obtain basic information regarding the amount of the agriculture that could be attributed to the reservation. Specifically, this section requested: the number of acres operated on the reservation during 2002, the number of cropland acres harvested during 2002 on the reservation, and the percent of livestock on the reservation on December 31, 2002. The intent of this pilot project was to measure total agriculture on farms and ranches that had at least some agricultural production on reservations during 2002. The data collected in Section 23 provide information regarding the degree to which the total reported crop and livestock data actually apply to reservation land. List Building NASS builds the CML on an ongoing basis by obtaining outside source lists to improve the list of agricultural producers. Sources include State and federal government lists, producer association lists, specialty commodity lists, veterinarian lists, marketing association lists, and a variety of other agriculture related lists. For the pilot project, NASS staff in the three States intensified their list-building efforts, specifically to identify American Indian farm and ranch operators on reservations. NASS personnel devoted extra time and effort visiting each reservation, developing working relationships, discussing the census of agriculture process, and obtaining lists of farm operators. The availability of good list sources varied across the reservations. Other USDA agencies that have offices on reservations, as well as Bureau of Indian Affairs offices, were also contacted. A special livestock feed disaster payment program was being administered by the Farm Service Agency in late 2002. This program participation list proved to be a very good source since it was current. Promotion Tribal officials on all reservations were visited at least once prior to the census being enumerated. Often, presentations were given to explain that the pilot project was intended to better serve American Indian data needs by providing reservation statistics and improved demographic data. To provide these data, individual census reports from all American Indian farm or ranch operators on reservations were needed. NASS enumerators and supervisors, who were going to be collecting the data, frequently attended these meetings so all parties were familiar with each other. Supervisory enumerators were encouraged to periodically visit with the tribes to open lines of communication. Early and frequent publicity was the key to promoting the census. Promotional materials were made available to all reservations. Public service announcements to promote completing the census report form were provided to Indian Country radio stations and drop-in ads were published in American Indian newspapers. Fellow USDA agency representatives were good spokespersons and also helped promote the importance of the census and list building. Data Collection The NASS State Statistical Offices (SSOs) in the three States made a concerted effort to obtain census report forms from all reservation farm and ranch operators. The normal census data collection mailout/mailback procedure was initially used to obtain census data. Most operators were first mailed a report form, with a second mailing if there was not a response received within the requested time period. The SSOs monitored completion rates in counties with a high density of reservation land to target data collection follow-up activities. A number of extra data collection procedures were implemented to assure maximum response from farmers and ranchers who operated on reservations. A post card reminder was mailed to operators. Non-respondents were followed up with either telephone calls or visits from field enumerators or office staff. Both office personnel and field enumerators were available to help operators on reservations complete their report forms. Enumerators made themselves available to producers at established locations to answer any questions and assist reservation operators in completing their census report form. The NASS SSOs hired enumerators who were familiar with reservation farm operators and tribal agriculture and who could help bridge any language or cultural barriers. Some of these enumerators were tribal members. Special training was conducted for these selected enumerators who would be personally speaking with reservation operators. NASS strived to respect cultural mores and tribal sovereignty in all activities. Coverage Adjustment The 2002 Census of Agriculture introduced new methodology to account for all farms in the U.S.. Although much effort was expended making the CML as complete as possible, the coverage of farms was not complete. Incompleteness in the CML was measured by matching list names against all qualifying farm and ranch operations found in randomly selected sample land areas throughout the Nation. Information from these sample areas and from State-level commodity check data were used to calculate coverage adjustment weights for each farm or ranch with census data. Coverage adjusted reservation totals were then generated for every census variable. DATA TABLES Tables 1 and 2 provide the 2002 Census of Agriculture data for selected agricultural and demographic items for all American Indian reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota, and for each separate reservation. The reservations are listed in alphabetic order in each table. Data from the Trenton Service Area were combined with the Turtle Mountain Reservation data for publication. Table 1, Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002, provides aggregated agricultural data for farms and ranches operating on reservations. Table 2, Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002, presents demographic data for up to three operators reported per farm or ranch on the census report forms. In each table, two columns of data are provided for the total and for each separate reservation. The first column represents all reservation farms and ranches. The second column represents American Indian or Alaska Native operated farms and ranches. The minimum requirement for inclusion in the second column is that at least one operator be an American Indian or Alaskan Native. That operator can be exclusively an American Indian or Alaska Native or can be an American Indian or Alaska Native in combination with one or more other races. The table below provides comparisons of some key pilot project data for farms and ranches operating on reservations in the three States with 2002 census data for all farms and ranches in the three States. Comparison of Three-State Reservation Totals to Three-State All Farm Totals: 2002 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Three-State total : : Reservation : for reservation : Three-State : total as a : farms and : total for all : percent of all Item : ranches : farms : farms total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of farms .......................: 4,794 90,225 5.3 : Land in farms (acres) .................: 16,602,509 142,692,361 11.6 : Number of cattle farms ................: 3,153 42,639 7.4 : Cattle inventory ......................: 712,332 7,965,832 8.9 : Number of farms with cropland .........: 3,826 78,466 4.9 : Cropland (acres) ......................: 4,064,856 65,140,027 6.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DATA LIMITATIONS The data published in this report are primarily intended for use by NASS in researching and developing improved reservation-level data collection methods. NASS will continue to review and analyze these data to help develop plans for providing reservation data in the future. Care must be taken when using the data from this project. Following are a few important factors to consider when interpreting the data in these tables. 1. For this pilot project, reservation farms and ranches were identified by census reports returned with a completed Section 23. That is, the data are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 for those census reports where the farm or ranch operator self-reported that at least a portion of the census operation was located on a reservation during 2002. The quality of the data published in this report depends on how accurately the census respondents self-reported this information. In this pilot project, it is likely that some respondents under-reported for the following reasons. a. The initial Section 23 question specified that reservation land should include "deeded acres, leased acres, grazing land, and other trust acres." Some operators have been farming or ranching deeded acres for many years and may consider this land as private land rather than reservation land. Consequently, some farm and ranch operators may not have reported this land in Section 23. b. Some operators may not have understood the NASS concept of "Land Operated." Trust acres are defined as American Indian owned land, the title of which is held in trust and protected by the Federal government. If trust lands were not considered as being "operated," they may not have been reported in Section 23. Consequently, crop acreage, livestock inventory, and land in farm statistics for American Indian/Alaska Native operators may be understated. All Section 23 data were edited for consistency but it was difficult to identify mis-reporting and make all necessary corrections. 2. The data represent counts and totals for farms and ranches that had any agricultural production on reservations during 2002. This includes ranches that only grazed livestock on reservation land on an Animal Unit Month (AUM) basis, and did not actually operate any land. For this three-State pilot project, NASS did not ask for specific crop acreages or livestock inventories actually on the reservation land. Instead, in Section 23 the report form requested the total acreage, the total harvested cropland acreage, and the percent of livestock inventory on reservation land. Consequently, the total crop acreage or livestock inventory could include some acreage or livestock that were actually located outside of the reservation boundaries. Data are presented at the beginning of Table 1 that describe the distribution of reservation farms by percent of land on a reservation, by percent of harvested cropland on a reservation, and by percent of livestock on a reservation. Note that these counts do not sum to the total number of farms on the reservation since all farms do not necessarily operate land, have harvested cropland, or have livestock on the reservation. These counts indicate that, at the three-State level: a. 2,815 of the 4,771 farms and ranches operating land on a reservation (59 percent) have all land on the reservation, b. 1,833 of the 2,602 farms and ranches with harvested cropland on a reservation (70 percent) have all harvested cropland on the reservation, c. 2,520 of the 3,241 farms and ranches with livestock on a reservation (78 percent) have all livestock on the reservation. These distribution counts in Table 1 cannot be used to directly calculate any crop or livestock data items but they do provide information regarding the degree to which the crop and livestock data actually apply to reservation land. 3. The second data column in each table, and the second column for each reservation, indicates agricultural or demographic data for farms operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives. Census report forms asked respondents to identify the race(s) of up to three operators per farm or ranch. The race category of AAmerican Indian or Alaska Native@ could be selected as either a single race or in combination with other races as part of a multi-racial identification. The second column includes data for farms or ranches where any of the three operators were self-identified as American Indian or Alaska Native either as a single race or in combination with other races. 4. Some small farms and ranches may not have been on any of the list sources obtained by NASS. Even with the extra list building effort for this project, these small farms may not be adequately represented to ensure proper coverage adjustment calculations. SYMBOLS The following symbols are used throughout the tables. - Represents zero. (D) Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual farms and ranches. " The American Indian is of the soil, whether it be the region of forests, plains, pueblos, or mesas. He fits into the landscape, for the land that fashioned the continent also fashioned the man for his surroundings. He once grew as naturally as the wild sunflowers; he belongs just as the buffalo belonged . . . " - - Luther Standing Bear, Oglala Sioux Chief, 1905-1939 Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : All reservations in : : : MT, ND, SD : Blackfeet : Cheyenne River Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 4,794 1,521 354 198 404 186 Land in farms............................................acres : 16,602,509 7,795,008 1,602,499 957,487 2,155,199 1,100,717 Average size of farms..................................acres: 3,463 5,125 4,527 4,836 5,335 5,918 Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 11,815,397 6,822,073 1,291,180 879,268 1,627,448 957,917 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 813 93 39 12 58 14 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 454 68 25 8 22 10 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 276 63 23 9 14 4 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 413 155 40 18 37 18 100 percent............................................ : 2,815 1,137 224 151 273 140 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 347 14 15 1 6 1 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 209 19 15 3 3 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 125 10 9 2 1 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 88 17 6 1 1 - 100 percent............................................ : 1,833 538 145 74 96 31 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 351 52 16 5 36 9 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 155 28 13 3 7 3 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 91 22 3 1 8 5 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 124 44 12 6 14 6 100 percent............................................ : 2,520 1,128 195 150 274 147 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: 4,601,714 1,841,004 521,428 278,707 397,223 171,950 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 974,733 1,225,702 1,409,266 1,379,738 995,547 914,628 Average per acre ....................................dollars: 275 237 319 300 182 157 : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: 471,515 84,474 42,380 9,930 47,721 13,657 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 106,485 62,713 129,206 60,922 124,925 79,864 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : 108 34 6 4 5 5 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 410 96 15 7 6 2 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 597 266 36 28 38 23 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 629 214 28 18 22 7 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 534 161 40 29 36 11 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 2,516 750 229 112 297 138 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 3,826 972 256 113 293 104 acres: 4,064,856 696,767 463,949 81,718 359,205 78,599 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 3,132 695 219 88 150 46 acres: 2,199,380 297,134 245,530 38,215 79,092 17,025 Irrigated land ............................................farms: 1,086 209 94 34 3 1 acres: 237,988 51,350 32,158 6,818 (D) (D) : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 1,629 508 104 69 105 52 acres: 4,965,692 3,973,273 619,190 568,531 318,875 171,648 Part owners ............................................farms : 2,549 704 201 103 229 94 acres: 10,192,837 3,010,419 888,797 334,210 1,532,079 723,582 Tenants ............................................farms : 616 309 49 26 70 40 acres: 1,443,980 811,316 94,512 54,746 304,245 205,487 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crow : Crow Creek Sioux : Devils Lake Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 377 138 52 19 125 9 Land in farms............................................acres : 1,989,372 838,738 288,196 81,922 234,487 24,574 Average size of farms..................................acres: 5,277 6,078 5,542 4,312 1,876 2,730 Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 1,495,111 787,309 137,268 73,028 111,248 23,344 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 37 4 17 - 48 1 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 17 1 12 1 15 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 18 4 2 - 7 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 31 7 3 2 12 3 100 percent............................................ : 270 122 18 16 43 5 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 13 - 5 - 25 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 10 1 10 - 11 1 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 6 - 1 - 8 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 2 1 - - 3 - 100 percent............................................ : 164 55 6 3 39 4 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 14 1 6 - 14 1 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 14 - 5 1 2 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 5 1 - - - - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 7 1 3 2 4 3 100 percent............................................ : 254 124 17 10 45 4 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: 560,964 261,163 88,730 20,431 70,832 6,793 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 1,468,493 1,695,861 1,304,851 972,892 655,853 754,814 Average per acre ....................................dollars: 267 305 278 248 327 248 : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: 31,226 3,882 11,010 598 17,247 1,110 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 93,771 31,058 161,915 28,482 161,189 123,333 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : 13 3 - - - - 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 37 14 4 4 4 3 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 55 27 4 3 7 - 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 56 27 6 6 24 1 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 35 18 4 1 17 1 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 181 49 34 5 73 4 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 257 82 38 8 119 9 acres: 286,824 25,828 57,588 2,576 138,895 5,239 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 218 59 28 3 108 8 acres: 136,428 11,148 26,497 (D) 108,333 1,433 Irrigated land ............................................farms: 127 25 7 1 7 - acres: 43,060 5,785 6,487 (D) 3,619 - : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 148 65 15 9 34 3 acres: 657,479 584,727 71,152 (D) 37,948 (D) Part owners ............................................farms : 191 61 27 3 76 4 acres: 1,220,415 248,793 189,715 1,000 180,767 (D) Tenants ............................................farms : 38 12 10 7 15 2 acres: 111,478 5,218 27,329 (D) 15,772 (D) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Flandreau Santee Sioux : Flathead : Fort Belknap :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 10 5 931 155 121 83 Land in farms............................................acres : 3,046 1,498 889,986 489,867 829,926 634,270 Average size of farms..................................acres: 305 300 956 3,160 6,859 7,642 Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 2,028 (D) 782,173 482,937 704,030 606,023 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 2 - 55 3 7 2 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 - 38 8 8 1 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: - - 31 7 6 1 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 1 - 65 16 14 9 100 percent............................................ : 5 5 734 119 84 70 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 2 - 5 - 3 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 - 10 4 4 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: - - 8 - 3 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: - - 12 4 4 1 100 percent............................................ : 2 1 518 74 41 30 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 2 2 35 1 3 1 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 - 16 - 1 1 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 2 - 7 1 2 1 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: - - 15 3 3 1 100 percent............................................ : 1 1 641 115 59 53 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: (D) (D) 767,937 266,609 150,215 109,455 Average per farm ....................................dollars: (D) (D) 828,410 1,742,545 1,365,591 1,440,202 Average per acre ....................................dollars: (D) (D) 802 506 191 177 : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: (D) (D) 40,688 4,416 6,646 2,787 Average per farm ....................................dollars: (D) (D) 50,543 33,454 66,465 40,989 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : - - 71 12 2 2 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 3 2 273 33 2 2 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 1 1 229 30 15 11 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 4 1 163 28 17 14 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 2 1 74 21 12 8 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: - - 121 31 73 46 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 8 3 726 117 86 52 acres: 2,669 (D) 146,820 24,598 165,763 79,522 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 6 1 604 89 67 34 acres: 1,195 (D) 83,561 14,837 62,636 21,732 Irrigated land ............................................farms: 1 - 654 99 31 14 acres: (D) - 89,497 14,650 11,343 5,405 : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 6 3 608 69 49 34 acres: (D) (D) 351,882 212,425 512,187 (D) Part owners ............................................farms : 1 - 284 71 60 37 acres: (D) - 350,365 117,178 287,833 (D) Tenants ............................................farms : 3 2 39 15 12 12 acres: 300 (D) 187,739 160,264 29,906 29,906 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Fort Berthold : Fort Peck : Lake Traverse :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 236 53 548 94 229 16 Land in farms............................................acres : 578,406 101,975 1,774,370 599,892 237,555 (D) Average size of farms..................................acres: 2,451 1,924 3,238 6,382 1,037 (D) Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 279,047 80,086 1,248,386 564,164 74,406 7,963 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 50 2 100 8 105 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 36 2 63 5 45 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 27 1 38 5 11 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 22 9 49 17 11 1 100 percent............................................ : 99 39 297 59 57 15 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 30 - 55 4 68 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 23 1 39 5 18 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 12 - 33 4 9 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 11 - 24 6 3 - 100 percent............................................ : 77 20 263 50 49 7 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 9 1 23 1 39 1 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 7 1 17 3 8 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 7 1 10 4 2 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 1 1 16 3 3 - 100 percent............................................ : 73 44 177 35 49 14 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: 191,482 20,633 476,379 158,185 149,105 (D) Average per farm ....................................dollars: 870,372 503,250 934,076 1,535,777 530,622 (D) Average per acre ....................................dollars: 332 213 283 267 560 (D) : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: 39,152 4,239 75,705 13,877 32,435 (D) Average per farm ....................................dollars: 180,423 111,550 148,733 136,052 119,685 (D) : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : - - - - - - 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 3 1 20 - 8 2 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 21 11 24 4 20 5 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 23 5 74 12 38 5 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 28 12 69 11 62 1 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 161 24 361 67 101 3 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 202 35 501 83 218 14 acres: 301,501 26,817 925,413 156,084 161,625 3,338 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 191 28 452 73 203 8 acres: 257,616 15,947 553,260 84,962 134,633 2,217 Irrigated land ............................................farms: 3 - 97 22 4 - acres: 520 - 26,916 6,823 663 - : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 49 21 158 17 30 9 acres: 29,890 13,245 458,754 309,001 10,546 3,898 Part owners ............................................farms : 163 27 329 59 161 2 acres: 504,387 75,770 1,235,400 269,656 207,876 (D) Tenants ............................................farms : 24 5 61 18 38 5 acres: 44,129 12,960 80,216 21,235 19,133 1,485 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Lower Brule : Northern Cheyenne : Pine Ridge :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 75 34 64 50 378 211 Land in farms............................................acres : 258,648 111,745 403,152 320,065 2,027,161 1,445,355 Average size of farms..................................acres: 3,449 3,287 6,299 6,401 5,363 6,850 Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 136,860 92,663 354,699 318,519 1,631,170 1,289,730 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 17 1 4 1 64 14 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 9 2 2 - 39 16 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 9 2 2 1 20 11 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 6 2 4 3 34 17 100 percent............................................ : 34 27 51 44 221 153 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 11 - 3 1 14 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 4 - 2 - 13 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: - - - - 12 3 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 3 - 1 - 4 - 100 percent............................................ : 25 18 22 19 111 55 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 3 - 5 1 38 6 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 5 1 - - 18 8 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 2 1 2 1 6 2 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 2 1 2 1 15 6 100 percent............................................ : 28 23 48 44 226 172 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: 77,911 31,498 95,892 75,470 367,900 235,593 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 916,597 851,298 1,313,587 1,237,216 886,505 1,024,317 Average per acre ....................................dollars: 315 275 229 235 179 163 : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: 10,334 2,986 5,323 3,737 31,714 9,664 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 123,019 82,956 80,648 69,211 81,110 46,462 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : - - 6 6 - - 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 5 5 1 1 9 9 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 5 5 14 11 43 35 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 9 7 15 13 52 35 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 8 2 7 7 34 15 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 48 15 21 12 240 117 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 63 24 43 33 267 120 acres: 76,707 20,551 15,038 9,767 247,836 76,541 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 56 20 30 21 201 75 acres: 48,864 13,183 8,113 4,414 100,120 21,979 Irrigated land ............................................farms: 8 2 6 4 16 6 acres: 8,821 (D) 600 (D) 4,490 948 : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 17 10 35 31 105 57 acres: 31,944 (D) (D) (D) 849,990 756,005 Part owners ............................................farms : 36 7 21 16 206 103 acres: 127,354 27,239 (D) (D) 1,028,842 580,057 Tenants ............................................farms : 22 17 8 3 67 51 acres: 99,350 (D) 8,560 1,200 148,329 109,293 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Rocky Boy's : Rosebud : Standing Rock :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 42 39 349 103 358 63 Land in farms............................................acres : 105,193 93,365 1,367,027 516,793 1,686,593 392,239 Average size of farms..................................acres: 2,505 2,394 3,917 5,017 4,711 6,226 Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 85,748 82,750 547,910 185,549 1,251,626 354,288 : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 4 2 101 17 60 5 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 1 52 4 43 3 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 1 1 33 7 22 4 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 7 7 34 15 34 6 100 percent............................................ : 28 28 129 60 199 45 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 1 - 54 5 11 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: - - 24 2 9 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 1 - 10 1 5 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: - - 7 3 6 1 100 percent............................................ : 12 12 108 38 121 23 : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 2 2 55 12 33 5 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 1 1 17 2 18 1 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: - - 24 2 10 2 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 1 1 12 7 14 2 100 percent............................................ : 32 32 137 66 206 46 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: 17,179 (D) 289,680 88,872 319,276 74,801 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 2,147,381 (D) 925,495 976,615 985,419 1,558,348 Average per acre ....................................dollars: 238 (D) 214 171 188 198 : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: (D) 1,462 29,054 5,204 39,415 4,521 Average per farm ....................................dollars: (D) 208,849 92,823 57,187 122,027 96,192 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : - - 4 2 - - 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 3 3 3 3 10 3 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 20 20 30 26 8 3 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 4 4 33 14 32 3 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 2 2 41 3 30 5 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 13 10 238 55 278 49 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 22 19 292 63 311 44 acres: 24,275 12,472 261,810 41,113 350,524 37,472 Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 18 15 274 58 192 27 acres: 8,935 3,182 176,901 23,478 106,222 14,675 Irrigated land ............................................farms: - - 22 - 3 1 acres: - - 5,718 - (D) (D) : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 7 7 67 28 79 17 acres: 64,395 64,395 344,861 (D) 303,337 134,701 Part owners ............................................farms : 17 14 221 43 247 37 acres: 37,272 25,444 915,511 205,379 1,256,595 207,438 Tenants ............................................farms : 18 18 61 32 32 9 acres: 3,526 3,526 106,655 (D) 126,661 50,100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Turtle Mountain/Trenton Indian Service : Yankton :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARMS AND LAND IN FARMS : : Farms............................................number : 66 60 72 4 Land in farms............................................acres : 69,725 61,062 99,421 (D) Average size of farms..................................acres: 1,056 1,018 1,381 (D) Reservation acres on farms.................................acres: 23,042 20,993 30,747 (D) : Farms by percent of land : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 10 7 35 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 6 5 17 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 6 6 6 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 7 5 2 - 100 percent............................................ : 35 35 12 4 : Farms by percent of cropland : harvested on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 3 2 23 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 2 10 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: 1 - 6 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: 1 - - - 100 percent............................................ : 25 24 7 - : Farms by percent of livestock : on reservation: : Less than 25 percent..........................................: 4 3 14 - 25 to 49.9 percent............................................: 2 2 1 - 50 to 74.9 percent............................................: - - 1 - 75 to 99.9 percent............................................: - - - - 100 percent............................................ : 45 45 13 3 : Estimated market value of : land and buildings 3/....................................$1,000: (D) 14,959 42,606 (D) Average per farm ....................................dollars: (D) 204,923 819,342 (D) Average per acre ....................................dollars: (D) 248 475 (D) : Estimated market value of all : machinery and equipment 3/...............................$1,000: 2,405 (D) 7,497 35 Average per farm ....................................dollars: 34,359 (D) 144,171 8,750 : Farms by size: : 1 to 9 acres ............................................ : - - 1 - 10 to 49 acres ............................................ : 2 2 - - 50 to 179 acres ............................................ : 23 23 4 - 180 to 499 acres ............................................ : 14 12 15 2 500 to 999 acres ............................................ : 14 12 19 1 1,000 acres or more ..........................................: 13 11 33 1 : Total cropland ............................................farms: 52 46 69 2 acres: 18,918 10,459 56,965 (D) Harvested cropland ......................................farms: 48 42 65 - acres: 13,826 7,493 47,608 - Irrigated land ............................................farms: - - 3 - acres: - - (D) - : TENURE : : Full owners ............................................farms : 5 5 5 1 acres: (D) (D) 2,056 (D) Part owners ............................................farms : 29 23 50 - acres: (D) (D) 74,659 - Tenants ............................................farms : 32 32 17 3 acres: 13,434 13,434 22,706 (D) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : All reservations in : : : MT, ND, SD : Blackfeet : Cheyenne River Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 480,699 85,415 36,319 8,988 44,611 17,448 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 100,271 56,157 102,597 45,393 110,424 93,807 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: 177,671 19,084 18,328 1,755 2,651 287 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: 303,028 66,331 17,991 7,233 41,961 17,161 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 714 403 58 42 44 25 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 173 57 13 8 5 4 $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 223 77 11 6 11 5 $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 288 105 21 15 10 6 $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 622 223 54 42 55 25 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 610 203 46 27 50 24 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 744 198 56 35 79 38 $100,000 or more............................................ : 1,420 255 95 23 150 59 : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 2,305 614 172 78 195 82 Internet access............................................ : 2,660 758 191 91 231 107 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 4,068 1,330 276 173 346 161 Partnership............................................ : 357 78 32 11 37 15 Corporation............................................ : 241 17 38 7 10 2 Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 128 96 8 7 11 8 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : 449,955 77,078 38,719 9,356 38,386 10,923 : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : 48,299 6,492 1,951 397 4,986 783 Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: 49,272 11,227 5,208 1,829 6,444 1,970 Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: 29,934 2,449 2,747 346 1,405 103 Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: 25,804 5,586 2,154 586 2,293 862 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: 23,476 3,358 2,336 490 1,349 322 Interest expense .......................................$1,000: 40,173 7,119 3,625 981 3,822 1,270 Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: 24,631 2,214 2,812 220 1,230 103 : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 3,153 1,003 222 139 325 147 number: 712,332 178,005 42,318 21,781 92,490 36,514 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 2,986 961 212 134 316 145 number: 461,170 132,538 31,846 17,000 63,940 27,916 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: 106 17 8 4 8 1 number: 2,935 327 366 4 297 (D) Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 3,050 932 213 135 326 146 number: 532,577 130,668 26,503 13,464 80,046 33,972 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crow : Crow Creek Sioux : Devils Lake Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 43,057 4,294 15,027 791 15,535 164 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 114,211 31,115 288,976 41,610 124,278 18,251 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: 13,861 449 3,793 (D) 10,604 44 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: 29,197 3,845 11,233 (D) 4,931 120 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 72 48 14 14 16 4 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 33 16 1 1 - - $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 21 10 - - 8 - $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 31 15 1 - 3 - $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 43 10 4 1 13 2 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 22 9 1 - 21 3 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 52 16 7 - 15 - $100,000 or more............................................ : 103 14 24 3 49 - : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 170 39 33 11 56 - Internet access............................................ : 180 44 33 9 68 2 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 304 127 40 15 111 7 Partnership............................................ : 32 3 8 2 12 1 Corporation............................................ : 33 - 2 - 1 - Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 8 8 2 2 1 1 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : 45,981 5,744 18,881 681 14,193 374 : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : 1,316 267 5,899 30 490 17 Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: 5,731 1,105 2,298 51 713 90 Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: 2,546 241 935 (D) 1,645 (D) Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: 2,221 318 468 35 810 25 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: 3,218 451 1,008 8 1,046 (D) Interest expense .......................................$1,000: 2,802 341 1,603 (D) 860 10 Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: 2,411 79 682 (D) 1,658 - : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 252 76 31 4 72 7 number: 57,297 9,842 24,152 2,046 15,059 818 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 233 70 31 4 67 5 number: 38,194 8,393 12,221 1,401 8,167 477 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: 8 1 1 - 2 - number: 14 (D) (D) - (D) - Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 240 67 31 4 68 5 number: 67,293 8,032 14,915 1,230 7,892 265 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Flandreau Santee Sioux : Flathead : Fort Belknap :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 341 28 34,183 4,753 9,879 3,731 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 34,052 5,500 36,717 30,663 81,641 44,957 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: (D) (D) 10,810 1,239 4,922 1,604 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: (D) (D) 23,373 3,513 4,956 2,128 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 2 2 177 40 30 28 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 1 - 79 12 3 3 $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : - - 104 16 5 5 $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 2 2 99 14 9 9 $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 3 1 178 23 15 9 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 1 - 119 23 13 8 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : - - 88 16 18 12 $100,000 or more............................................ : 1 - 87 11 28 9 : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 5 2 444 67 50 32 Internet access............................................ : 7 2 569 85 59 37 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 8 3 827 135 96 72 Partnership............................................ : - - 43 4 12 6 Corporation............................................ : - - 40 1 8 - Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 2 2 21 15 5 5 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : (D) (D) 30,223 4,254 9,064 3,454 : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : - - 1,829 214 647 (D) Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: (D) (D) 3,205 394 1,200 552 Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: - - 1,145 98 332 115 Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: (D) (D) 1,832 494 559 204 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: (D) (D) 2,766 124 564 199 Interest expense .......................................$1,000: - - 3,939 834 806 203 Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: (D) (D) 825 53 263 123 : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 5 2 520 93 72 46 number: 215 (D) 52,840 9,594 16,026 6,228 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 5 2 483 92 70 45 number: 87 (D) 37,442 7,529 11,386 4,531 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: - - 32 2 3 1 number: - - 956 (D) 5 (D) Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 3 2 489 82 73 46 number: 31 (D) 35,714 6,656 10,374 4,190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Fort Berthold : Fort Peck : Lake Traverse :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 31,022 1,930 61,692 10,115 31,435 152 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 131,448 36,419 112,576 107,610 137,273 9,513 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: 23,503 687 46,600 7,571 17,929 114 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: 7,519 1,244 15,091 2,544 13,506 38 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 24 17 62 15 20 8 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 2 1 16 1 5 2 $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 1 1 18 6 2 - $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 15 7 22 1 10 2 $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 21 7 51 7 18 2 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 28 8 91 17 35 1 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 36 7 98 10 35 1 $100,000 or more............................................ : 109 5 190 37 104 - : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 132 18 331 58 103 3 Internet access............................................ : 149 28 353 59 121 7 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 211 47 418 74 201 14 Partnership............................................ : 22 5 54 9 14 - Corporation............................................ : 2 - 57 2 12 - Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 1 1 19 9 2 2 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : 26,391 2,374 56,118 7,825 33,224 (D) : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : 1,414 123 1,253 118 4,867 - Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: 1,198 169 2,107 86 2,996 (D) Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: 3,749 44 6,559 710 3,279 - Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: 1,809 203 4,365 798 1,907 (D) Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: 700 68 2,884 451 931 (D) Interest expense .......................................$1,000: 2,449 445 5,178 943 2,823 (D) Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: 2,626 17 5,527 872 2,403 - : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 134 41 254 45 154 7 number: 24,775 5,446 38,884 7,072 33,451 153 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 132 40 246 43 135 7 number: 16,363 3,902 27,712 5,699 14,513 114 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: - - 7 1 9 - number: - - 21 (D) 470 - Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 126 31 244 44 150 4 number: 14,792 3,027 25,816 5,228 20,075 72 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Lower Brule : Northern Cheyenne : Pine Ridge :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 16,206 4,460 4,852 2,489 33,049 10,262 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 216,083 131,190 75,808 49,790 87,432 48,636 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: 4,491 (D) (D) (D) 3,077 410 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: 11,715 (D) (D) (D) 29,972 9,852 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 14 12 16 16 67 58 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 1 1 - - 4 4 $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 3 2 5 3 10 7 $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 2 1 4 3 24 13 $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 8 3 7 4 40 33 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 7 4 8 8 45 32 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 10 3 9 5 77 25 $100,000 or more............................................ : 30 8 15 11 111 39 : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 38 17 33 24 176 88 Internet access............................................ : 49 23 36 26 192 104 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 64 31 57 45 341 194 Partnership............................................ : 7 1 2 1 18 7 Corporation............................................ : 1 - - - 9 1 Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 3 2 5 4 10 9 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : 15,512 4,904 3,444 2,208 32,439 10,594 : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : 3,258 804 297 (D) 5,644 917 Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: 2,102 444 987 732 4,281 1,845 Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: 882 (D) 34 21 944 60 Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: 685 300 245 189 1,710 669 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: 588 87 265 164 1,707 431 Interest expense .......................................$1,000: 846 197 156 98 3,153 884 Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: 681 (D) 20 (D) 503 95 : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 48 18 49 36 288 153 number: 21,764 5,027 10,364 7,360 77,577 31,942 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 44 16 47 34 279 149 number: 11,722 3,074 8,359 6,226 50,748 22,654 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: - - 1 - 4 1 number: - - (D) - 18 (D) Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 45 14 47 34 276 143 number: 18,416 3,339 9,125 5,216 56,620 20,907 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Rocky Boy's : Rosebud : Standing Rock :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 1,310 962 46,980 7,620 44,663 5,908 Average per farm ..................................dollars: 31,200 24,662 134,614 73,978 124,756 93,775 Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: 458 110 7,103 (D) 5,449 744 Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: 852 852 39,877 (D) 39,213 5,164 : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 19 19 24 19 27 11 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : - - 4 2 4 - $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 1 1 9 8 11 4 $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 1 1 14 7 10 - $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 5 5 44 23 39 10 $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 9 8 55 20 43 6 $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 4 3 55 9 77 15 $100,000 or more............................................ : 3 2 144 15 147 17 : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 12 10 149 39 159 31 Internet access............................................ : 18 16 166 57 177 33 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 33 32 301 92 312 51 Partnership............................................ : 2 2 28 5 22 3 Corporation............................................ : 4 2 13 2 10 - Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 3 3 7 4 14 9 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : (D) 685 38,430 6,337 40,329 6,087 : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : (D) (D) 8,029 1,135 5,356 997 Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: 46 46 4,013 777 5,752 945 Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: (D) 5 1,228 83 1,745 112 Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: (D) 53 2,058 470 2,267 286 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: 100 100 1,896 211 1,918 168 Interest expense .......................................$1,000: (D) (D) 2,851 188 4,254 507 Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: (D) (D) 763 (D) 1,685 74 : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 21 21 299 78 310 57 number: 2,213 2,213 96,084 14,162 90,160 15,673 Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 19 19 285 73 296 52 number: 1,861 1,861 57,555 9,437 60,775 10,997 Milk cows inventory......................................farms: - - 10 5 9 1 number: - - 164 (D) 222 (D) Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 18 18 307 79 296 46 number: 1,442 1,442 67,050 10,862 67,731 11,451 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Turtle Mountain/Trenton Indian Service : Yankton :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MARKET VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL : PRODUCTS SOLD : : Market value of agricultural : products sold (see text).................................$1,000: 2,114 1,307 8,411 - Average per farm ..................................dollars: 32,033 21,783 116,821 - Crops, including nursery : and greenhouse crops...................................$1,000: (D) 253 3,019 - Livestock, poultry, and : their products.........................................$1,000: (D) 1,054 5,392 - : FARMS BY ECONOMIC CLASS : (SEE TEXT) : : Less than $1,000 ............................................ : 21 21 5 4 $1,000 to $2,499 ............................................ : 2 2 - - $2,500 to $4,999 ............................................ : 3 3 - - $5,000 to $9,999 ............................................ : 9 9 1 - $10,000 to $24,999 ............................................ : 16 15 7 - $25,000 to $49,999............................................ : 5 5 11 - $50,000 to $99,999............................................ : 6 3 22 - $100,000 or more............................................ : 4 2 26 - : OTHER FARM CHARACTERISTICS : : Farms reporting - : Computers for farm business...................................: 16 13 31 2 Internet access............................................ : 27 24 34 4 : Farms by type of : organization: : Family or individual..........................................: 60 54 59 2 Partnership............................................ : 3 3 9 - Corporation............................................ : - - 1 - Other-cooperative, estate or trust, : institutional, etc...........................................: 3 3 3 2 : FARM PRODUCTION EXPENSES 3/ : : Total farm production : expenses ............................................$1,000 : 1,676 (D) 6,120 (D) : Selected farm production : expenses: : Livestock and poultry : purchased............................................$1,000 : (D) 194 685 - Feed purchased..........................................$1,000: (D) 184 635 (D) Fertilizer, lime, and : soil conditioners .....................................$1,000: (D) (D) 629 - Gasoline, fuels, and oils...............................$1,000: 116 (D) 243 1 Hired farm labor........................................$1,000: (D) 14 141 - Interest expense .......................................$1,000: (D) 73 815 (D) Chemicals purchased ....................................$1,000: (D) (D) 521 - : LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY : : Cattle and calves inventory................................farms: 35 32 61 - number: 3,394 (D) 13,227 - Beef cows inventory......................................farms: 32 30 53 - number: 1,917 (D) 6,320 - Milk cows inventory......................................farms: 1 - 3 - number: (D) - 280 - Cattle and calves sold ....................................farms: 34 31 63 - number: 1,891 (D) 6,812 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : All reservations in : : : MT, ND, SD : Blackfeet : Cheyenne River Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 84 16 7 2 12 1 number: 26,097 526 17,518 (D) 2,397 (D) Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 106 23 8 3 17 4 number: 49,657 819 31,258 (D) 7,079 (D) Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: 157 24 6 2 22 6 number: 19,568 1,473 290 (D) 4,086 170 Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: 142 19 4 - 23 6 number: 16,167 1,336 392 - 4,555 399 : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 2,467 1,023 214 142 242 125 number: 31,353 17,119 2,995 2,313 4,505 3,548 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 552 226 35 21 77 51 number: 4,934 2,445 269 230 1,249 1,119 Bison inventory............................................farms: 75 46 2 2 5 4 number: 17,089 9,907 (D) (D) 3,432 (D) Bison sold............................................farms : 31 17 1 1 4 3 number: 2,880 1,182 (D) (D) 885 (D) Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 135 36 10 4 7 3 number: 29,579 784 25,934 48 142 85 Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: 13 1 1 - - - number: 2,233 (D) (D) - - - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : 263 14 - - 7 1 acres: 67,046 4,079 - - 1,824 (D) bushels: 5,435,838 484,559 - - 78,071 (D) Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: 295 8 - - 12 1 acres: 47,569 1,210 - - 3,108 (D) tons: 275,127 7,444 - - 9,908 (D) Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 1,094 124 98 16 35 2 acres: 964,425 99,608 113,100 7,582 21,974 (D) bushels: 23,473,209 2,347,046 2,769,434 146,387 420,596 (D) Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: 237 18 2 - 30 2 acres: 133,471 6,411 (D) - 17,195 (D) bushels: 2,998,937 177,532 (D) - 356,987 (D) Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: 295 30 12 1 2 - acres: 226,552 16,229 (D) (D) (D) - bushels: 5,664,768 435,776 (D) (D) (D) - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 832 98 97 15 11 - acres: 604,402 76,968 103,032 (D) (D) - bushels: 14,809,504 1,733,738 2,487,269 (D) (D) - : Barley for grain...........................................farms: 349 51 99 25 3 - acres: 134,839 15,690 87,349 11,679 518 - bushels: 5,427,650 537,074 3,366,252 369,434 (D) - Oats for grain............................................farms : 214 37 8 4 2 - acres: 20,968 3,885 650 180 (D) - bushels: 900,312 137,124 32,780 6,680 (D) - Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: 156 9 - - 14 3 acres: 53,894 5,446 - - 4,461 986 pounds: 47,121,811 4,143,880 - - (D) 558,080 Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: 253 8 - - 2 1 acres: 92,941 2,084 - - (D) (D) bushels: 2,901,073 89,487 - - (D) (D) Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 2,534 622 166 78 126 43 acres: 693,774 147,917 43,782 18,811 45,536 15,267 tons, dry: 912,208 173,113 70,260 24,349 31,057 11,676 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crow : Crow Creek Sioux : Devils Lake Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 1 - 1 - 1 - number: (D) - (D) - (D) - Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 7 - 1 - 1 - number: (D) - (D) - (D) - Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: 6 - 1 - 4 - number: (D) - (D) - 528 - Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: 8 - 2 1 5 - number: 1,482 - (D) (D) 458 - : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 262 121 27 13 32 4 number: 3,031 1,571 373 215 929 27 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 57 27 5 3 10 2 number: 183 81 (D) 21 (D) (D) Bison inventory............................................farms: 3 2 1 1 - - number: 1,981 (D) (D) (D) - - Bison sold............................................farms : - - - - - - number: - - - - - - Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 10 - 4 3 - - number: 251 - 144 (D) - - Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: 1 - 1 - - - number: (D) - (D) - - - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : 2 - 9 1 29 - acres: (D) - 1,965 (D) 7,953 - bushels: (D) - 233,477 (D) 678,229 - Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: 11 - 12 - 20 - acres: 2,061 - 4,645 - 1,647 - tons: 40,956 - 13,568 - 13,063 - Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 69 5 9 1 51 - acres: 75,488 2,840 3,021 (D) 26,887 - bushels: 1,461,392 40,800 (D) (D) 645,396 - Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: 55 2 7 - 5 - acres: 59,717 (D) 2,333 - 1,107 - bushels: 1,197,561 (D) (D) - 34,746 - Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: - - - - 5 - acres: - - - - 2,140 - bushels: - - - - 32,985 - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 37 3 3 1 47 - acres: 15,771 (D) 688 (D) 23,640 - bushels: 263,831 (D) (D) (D) 577,665 - : Barley for grain...........................................farms: 38 - - - 48 - acres: 8,264 - - - 11,279 - bushels: 398,689 - - - 480,266 - Oats for grain............................................farms : 13 1 1 - 28 - acres: 670 (D) (D) - 3,810 - bushels: 21,250 (D) (D) - 158,130 - Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: - - 5 - 40 - acres: - - (D) - 10,101 - pounds: - - 250,650 - 11,533,964 - Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: 1 - 9 1 29 - acres: (D) - 4,332 (D) 8,459 - bushels: (D) - 144,267 (D) 248,135 - Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 193 56 22 3 85 8 acres: 43,052 8,287 9,505 (D) 25,155 1,433 tons, dry: 77,065 10,859 8,866 203 39,675 1,895 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Flandreau Santee Sioux : Flathead : Fort Belknap :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: - - 9 3 1 - number: - - 102 48 (D) - Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: - - 19 6 1 - number: - - 176 114 (D) - Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: 1 - 45 4 6 2 number: (D) - 1,771 440 571 (D) Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: 1 - 33 4 5 2 number: (D) - 1,348 306 536 (D) : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 4 - 521 91 69 54 number: 45 - 4,156 793 647 512 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 3 - 117 19 9 6 number: 5 - 549 65 35 23 Bison inventory............................................farms: 1 1 21 9 1 1 number: (D) (D) 932 380 (D) (D) Bison sold............................................farms : - - 6 4 - - number: - - 90 (D) - - Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : - - 40 9 1 1 number: - - 1,320 110 (D) (D) Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: - - 2 - - - number: - - (D) - - - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : 1 - 2 - - - acres: (D) - (D) - - - bushels: (D) - (D) - - - Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: - - 6 - - - acres: - - 700 - - - tons: - - 14,010 - - - Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: - - 35 4 27 9 acres: - - 7,333 370 43,985 15,246 bushels: - - 290,410 26,900 1,244,800 419,300 Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: - - 10 1 3 - acres: - - (D) (D) (D) - bushels: - - (D) (D) (D) - Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: - - 1 - 1 - acres: - - (D) - (D) - bushels: - - (D) - (D) - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: - - 28 3 27 9 acres: - - 5,030 (D) 42,422 15,246 bushels: - - 225,250 (D) 1,183,696 419,300 : Barley for grain...........................................farms: - - 27 7 9 4 acres: - - 2,114 623 1,295 605 bushels: - - 141,805 37,950 41,063 (D) Oats for grain............................................farms : - - 26 7 2 - acres: - - 924 335 (D) - bushels: - - 57,061 17,043 (D) - Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: - - - - - - acres: - - - - - - pounds: - - - - - - Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: 1 - - - - - acres: (D) - - - - - bushels: (D) - - - - - Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 6 1 515 81 51 27 acres: 515 (D) 70,665 13,430 17,608 6,195 tons, dry: 1,054 (D) 168,075 28,545 23,056 5,251 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Fort Berthold : Fort Peck : Lake Traverse :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 2 - 7 - 6 1 number: (D) - 1,184 - (D) (D) Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 3 - 7 1 5 - number: 7 - 3,183 (D) 1,792 - Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: 5 - 16 5 13 - number: 299 - 2,941 330 3,313 - Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: 5 - 16 3 12 - number: 150 - 1,778 (D) 1,782 - : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 107 41 150 30 76 12 number: 1,281 601 1,270 428 688 117 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 13 2 28 9 10 - number: 85 (D) 75 27 54 - Bison inventory............................................farms: 1 1 6 1 1 1 number: (D) (D) 122 (D) (D) (D) Bison sold............................................farms : - - 3 1 - - number: - - 28 (D) - - Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 2 - 20 - 3 3 number: (D) - 532 - 27 27 Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: - - - - 1 - number: - - - - (D) - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : 8 1 - - 87 1 acres: 1,317 (D) - - 18,971 (D) bushels: 70,630 (D) - - 2,453,143 (D) Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: 14 - 5 1 60 - acres: 1,208 - 575 (D) 3,766 - tons: 9,512 - 12,639 (D) 41,007 - Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 131 7 364 57 89 1 acres: 131,552 3,495 424,383 59,481 22,698 (D) bushels: 3,531,780 107,848 10,436,579 1,372,008 921,009 (D) Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: 1 - 3 - 1 - acres: (D) - 448 - (D) - bushels: (D) - (D) - (D) - Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: 121 5 146 23 - - acres: 96,999 (D) 114,282 13,485 - - bushels: 2,586,999 (D) (D) 346,628 - - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 68 3 317 49 89 1 acres: (D) (D) 309,653 45,996 (D) (D) bushels: (D) (D) 7,672,292 1,025,380 (D) (D) : Barley for grain...........................................farms: 46 3 66 9 7 - acres: 9,232 1,045 13,426 1,330 779 - bushels: 431,348 36,475 482,044 50,572 47,343 - Oats for grain............................................farms : 53 9 18 3 20 1 acres: 7,988 1,783 1,286 145 1,165 (D) bushels: 411,314 80,425 47,813 6,327 74,986 (D) Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: 17 - - - - - acres: 4,322 - - - - - pounds: 6,840,070 - - - - - Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: 5 - 2 - 122 1 acres: 966 - (D) - 52,425 (D) bushels: 29,987 - (D) - 1,912,889 (D) Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 117 21 275 50 170 8 acres: 36,432 8,233 77,931 13,459 39,115 1,992 tons, dry: 44,205 8,648 112,656 26,028 66,798 2,459 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Lower Brule : Northern Cheyenne : Pine Ridge :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 5 3 - - 5 1 number: 320 (D) - - 220 (D) Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 5 3 - - 5 1 number: 165 (D) - - 721 (D) Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: - - 2 1 3 - number: - - (D) (D) (D) - Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: - - 1 - 2 - number: - - (D) - (D) - : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 44 26 53 45 230 142 number: 592 445 558 456 4,604 3,779 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 10 5 10 8 66 39 number: 40 26 40 (D) 751 541 Bison inventory............................................farms: 2 2 1 1 8 8 number: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Bison sold............................................farms : 2 2 1 1 2 2 number: (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) (D) Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 1 - 1 1 9 2 number: (D) - (D) (D) 224 (D) Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: - - - - - - number: - - - - - - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : 9 2 - - 10 3 acres: 2,671 (D) - - 2,153 388 bushels: 400,595 (D) - - 41,231 7,780 Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: 14 1 - - 11 3 acres: 5,686 (D) - - 2,013 180 tons: 19,202 (D) - - 7,304 (D) Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 22 4 3 - 42 10 acres: 11,321 1,205 (D) - 20,654 4,792 bushels: 271,002 (D) (D) - 330,273 77,984 Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: 20 4 1 - 35 7 acres: 8,135 1,205 (D) - 13,023 2,919 bushels: 233,281 (D) (D) - 261,572 67,046 Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: - - - - - - acres: - - - - - - bushels: - - - - - - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 10 - 2 - 23 7 acres: 3,186 - (D) - 7,631 1,873 bushels: 37,721 - (D) - 68,701 10,938 : Barley for grain...........................................farms: - - 1 - - - acres: - - (D) - - - bushels: - - (D) - - - Oats for grain............................................farms : 2 1 - - 5 1 acres: (D) (D) - - 575 (D) bushels: (D) (D) - - 9,754 (D) Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: 15 - - - 14 2 acres: 4,113 - - - 4,600 (D) pounds: 3,047,200 - - - 2,827,950 (D) Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: 8 2 - - 3 1 acres: 4,208 (D) - - (D) (D) bushels: 71,862 (D) - - (D) (D) Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 45 18 29 20 192 70 acres: 15,870 6,003 7,674 4,402 68,519 15,768 tons, dry: 15,182 5,828 4,892 2,891 58,881 14,755 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Rocky Boy's : Rosebud : Standing Rock :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 1 1 9 1 11 - number: (D) (D) 554 (D) 1,599 - Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 1 1 9 1 11 - number: (D) (D) 879 (D) 3,106 - Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: - - 4 2 14 1 number: - - 22 (D) 2,757 (D) Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: - - 3 1 12 1 number: - - 15 (D) 2,160 (D) : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 34 34 181 62 158 36 number: 347 347 2,591 1,056 2,188 450 Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 3 3 41 11 44 12 number: 18 18 450 98 755 61 Bison inventory............................................farms: 1 1 6 2 13 7 number: (D) (D) 583 (D) 6,441 610 Bison sold............................................farms : - - 4 1 8 2 number: - - 43 (D) 1,563 (D) Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 1 1 16 6 8 1 number: (D) (D) 605 215 227 (D) Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: - - 2 1 4 - number: - - (D) (D) 130 - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : - - 45 2 16 3 acres: - - 11,676 (D) 6,050 (D) bushels: - - 497,749 (D) 424,213 (D) Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: - - 52 1 42 1 acres: - - 10,960 (D) 5,369 (D) tons: - - 45,388 (D) 19,673 (D) Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 5 2 50 2 51 3 acres: 6,473 (D) 24,201 (D) 23,426 495 bushels: 109,550 (D) 558,692 (D) 210,690 5,954 Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: - - 47 2 9 - acres: - - 19,674 (D) (D) - bushels: - - 489,815 (D) (D) - Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: 1 - - - 2 - acres: (D) - - - (D) - bushels: (D) - - - (D) - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 5 2 15 1 48 3 acres: (D) (D) 4,527 (D) 20,241 495 bushels: (D) (D) 68,877 (D) 174,326 5,954 : Barley for grain...........................................farms: 2 2 - - 1 - acres: (D) (D) - - (D) - bushels: (D) (D) - - (D) - Oats for grain............................................farms : 2 2 8 2 13 5 acres: (D) (D) 1,082 (D) 1,498 438 bushels: (D) (D) 28,978 (D) 21,428 2,725 Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: - - 19 2 31 2 acres: - - 7,783 (D) 16,497 (D) pounds: - - 5,862,381 (D) 12,973,622 (D) Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: - - 16 1 11 1 acres: - - 2,573 (D) 3,909 (D) bushels: - - 48,351 (D) 106,225 (D) Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 14 14 267 57 157 27 acres: 2,227 2,227 117,461 16,835 50,464 8,659 tons, dry: 2,446 2,446 111,380 11,180 46,565 7,260 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 1. Selected Characteristics of All Reservation Farms and of Reservation Farms Operated by American Indians or Alaska Natives in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Turtle Mountain/Trenton Indian Service : Yankton :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : Farms : : Farms : : operated by : : operated by : : American : : American : : Indians or : : Indians or : : Alaska : : Alaska Characteristics : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ : Total 1/ : Natives 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY - Con. : : Hogs and pigs inventory ...................................farms: 4 3 2 - number: 142 (D) (D) - Hogs and pigs sold.........................................farms: 4 3 2 - number: (D) (D) (D) - Sheep and lambs inventory .................................farms: 1 1 8 - number: (D) (D) 635 - Sheep and lambs sold ......................................farms: 1 1 9 - number: (D) (D) 770 - : Horses and ponies inventory ...............................farms: 43 42 19 2 number: 460 (D) 90 (D) Horses and ponies sold.....................................farms: 8 8 6 - number: 93 93 14 - Bison inventory............................................farms: 1 1 1 1 number: (D) (D) (D) (D) Bison sold............................................farms : - - - - number: - - - - Layers 20 weeks old and older : inventory............................................farms : 2 2 - - number: (D) (D) - - Broilers and other meat- : type chickens sold........................................farms: - - 1 - number: - - (D) - : SELECTED CROPS HARVESTED : : Corn for grain............................................farms : - - 38 - acres: - - 11,554 - bushels: - - 427,664 - Corn for silage or greenchop...............................farms: - - 36 - acres: - - 5,831 - tons: - - 28,897 - Wheat for grain, All.......................................farms: 5 1 8 - acres: 4,942 (D) (D) - bushels: 108,315 (D) 91,944 - Winter wheat for grain...................................farms: - - 8 - acres: - - (D) - bushels: - - (D) - Durum wheat for grain....................................farms: 4 1 - - acres: (D) (D) - - bushels: (D) (D) - - Spring wheat for grain ..................................farms: 4 1 1 - acres: (D) (D) (D) - bushels: (D) (D) (D) - : Barley for grain...........................................farms: 2 1 - - acres: (D) (D) - - bushels: (D) (D) - - Oats for grain............................................farms : 2 1 11 - acres: (D) (D) 660 - bushels: (D) (D) 19,568 - Sunflower seed, All........................................farms: - - 1 - acres: - - (D) - pounds: - - (D) - Soybeans for beans ........................................farms: - - 44 - acres: - - 13,854 - bushels: - - 269,720 - Forage - land used for all hay : and haylage, grass silage, : and greenchop (see text) .................................farms: 43 40 59 - acres: 6,670 6,402 15,583 - tons, dry: 9,545 (D) 20,542 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Data are for farms and ranches reporting at least some agricultural production on reservations during 2002. 2/ At least one of the reported operators (out of a maximum of three) self-identified as American Indian or Alaska Native either exclusively or in combination with other races. 3/ Data are based on a sample of farms. Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : All operators on : : : reservations in MT, ND, SD : Blackfeet : Cheyenne River Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 7,392 1,920 584 262 636 237 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 5,300 1,370 404 182 457 167 Female......................................: 2,092 550 180 80 179 70 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 5,092 1,135 400 164 488 176 Other ......................................: 2,300 785 184 98 148 61 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 6,241 1,608 470 227 531 192 Not on farm operated .......................: 1,151 312 114 35 105 45 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 3,586 762 296 113 314 106 Any ........................................: 3,806 1,158 288 149 322 131 1 to 49 days .............................: 590 112 33 13 58 17 50 to 99 days ............................: 310 83 27 16 22 9 100 to 199 days ..........................: 641 182 47 18 64 30 200 days or more .........................: 2,265 577 181 73 178 52 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 270 91 9 4 17 10 3 or 4 years ...............................: 515 154 45 22 34 13 5 to 9 years ...............................: 1,245 369 87 37 82 28 10 years or more ...........................: 5,373 1,306 443 199 503 186 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 175 66 13 3 18 9 25 to 34 years .............................: 677 178 70 31 72 27 35 to 44 years .............................: 1,576 446 123 69 174 78 45 to 54 years .............................: 2,128 553 154 65 162 44 55 to 64 years .............................: 1,522 378 115 53 113 39 65 to 74 years .............................: 929 222 82 32 67 27 75 years and over ..........................: 385 77 27 9 30 13 : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 51.1 49.9 50.7 50.0 49.2 48.7 Principal operator........................: 53.0 52.5 53.7 53.1 51.5 51.5 Second operator...........................: 48.2 45.0 46.3 44.1 45.9 42.5 Third operator............................: 43.5 37.0 45.5 38.3 41.9 42.9 : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 5,220 1,750 426 256 503 224 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Crow : Crow Creek Sioux : Devils Lake Sioux :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 559 176 91 26 175 9 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 424 134 69 19 135 8 Female......................................: 135 42 22 7 40 1 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 341 69 67 11 138 8 Other ......................................: 218 107 24 15 37 1 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 453 147 78 21 139 9 Not on farm operated .......................: 106 29 13 5 36 - : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 288 60 49 8 104 4 Any ........................................: 271 116 42 18 71 5 1 to 49 days .............................: 23 5 7 2 16 - 50 to 99 days ............................: 20 10 5 2 2 - 100 to 199 days ..........................: 35 15 4 2 23 2 200 days or more .........................: 193 65 26 10 30 3 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 18 7 6 5 4 - 3 or 4 years ...............................: 36 6 5 4 10 2 5 to 9 years ...............................: 123 42 13 3 8 - 10 years or more ...........................: 384 121 67 14 154 7 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 7 5 3 2 4 - 25 to 34 years .............................: 46 14 7 3 7 - 35 to 44 years .............................: 131 28 24 7 41 - 45 to 54 years .............................: 165 65 18 4 55 8 55 to 64 years .............................: 127 41 20 2 43 1 65 to 74 years .............................: 60 12 10 5 16 - 75 years and over ..........................: 23 11 9 3 9 - : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 50.9 51.2 51.7 49.6 51.8 50.0 Principal operator........................: 52.9 54.2 53.7 54.2 52.4 49.1 Second operator...........................: 47.3 44.4 48.5 39.8 51.5 (D) Third operator............................: 44.1 32.1 49.8 38.8 42.0 - : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 398 171 43 21 106 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Flandreau Santee Sioux : Flathead : Fort Belknap :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 11 5 1,442 190 197 111 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 10 5 942 130 136 75 Female......................................: 1 - 500 60 61 36 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 3 1 772 93 114 55 Other ......................................: 8 4 670 97 83 56 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 10 4 1,299 163 155 90 Not on farm operated .......................: 1 1 143 27 42 21 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 2 1 534 56 96 50 Any ........................................: 9 4 908 134 101 61 1 to 49 days .............................: 1 1 104 7 14 6 50 to 99 days ............................: 2 2 64 16 11 8 100 to 199 days ..........................: 1 1 122 19 15 8 200 days or more .........................: 5 - 618 71 61 26 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: - - 55 12 9 6 3 or 4 years ...............................: 1 1 140 17 10 4 5 to 9 years ...............................: 3 - 308 41 32 16 10 years or more ...........................: 7 4 939 120 146 85 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: - - 19 3 5 4 25 to 34 years .............................: 1 1 102 9 15 5 35 to 44 years .............................: 3 - 277 39 34 17 45 to 54 years .............................: 3 1 441 80 58 36 55 to 64 years .............................: 3 2 327 28 47 28 65 to 74 years .............................: - - 198 22 23 13 75 years and over ..........................: 1 1 78 9 15 8 : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 50.5 53.4 52.5 51.6 52.8 53.2 Principal operator........................: 50.3 53.4 54.7 54.3 57.6 57.4 Second operator...........................: (D) - 49.3 47.9 46.9 45.5 Third operator............................: - - 43.5 40.3 37.8 31.6 : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 4 3 1,323 187 111 101 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Fort Berthold : Fort Peck : Lake Traverse :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 338 62 833 107 338 16 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 263 50 613 75 258 11 Female......................................: 75 12 220 32 80 5 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 276 43 619 79 261 7 Other ......................................: 62 19 214 28 77 9 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 293 50 658 86 283 14 Not on farm operated .......................: 45 12 175 21 55 2 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 192 34 410 46 168 1 Any ........................................: 146 28 423 61 170 15 1 to 49 days .............................: 35 7 80 8 27 1 50 to 99 days ............................: 25 3 37 4 15 - 100 to 199 days ..........................: 25 2 82 10 39 2 200 days or more .........................: 61 10 224 25 89 12 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 10 1 22 3 14 - 3 or 4 years ...............................: 10 4 55 9 25 2 5 to 9 years ...............................: 54 17 134 28 46 6 10 years or more ...........................: 264 40 622 67 256 8 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 6 2 14 1 9 - 25 to 34 years .............................: 45 7 65 8 26 2 35 to 44 years .............................: 69 11 155 24 75 1 45 to 54 years .............................: 100 20 262 33 98 5 55 to 64 years .............................: 54 7 173 25 88 6 65 to 74 years .............................: 50 15 115 15 25 2 75 years and over ..........................: 14 - 49 1 17 - : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 49.8 50.4 52.3 50.6 50.4 51.0 Principal operator........................: 50.9 51.8 53.4 52.7 51.6 54.3 Second operator...........................: 47.1 45.8 50.1 44.2 49.2 (D) Third operator............................: 51.6 (D) 49.0 (D) 42.3 - : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 179 53 598 100 150 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Lower Brule : Northern Cheyenne : Pine Ridge :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 121 45 107 72 601 272 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 79 20 65 43 425 189 Female......................................: 42 25 42 29 176 83 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 80 17 48 30 424 172 Other ......................................: 41 28 59 42 177 100 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 98 38 85 52 527 239 Not on farm operated .......................: 23 7 22 20 74 33 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 51 10 42 26 309 103 Any ........................................: 70 35 65 46 292 169 1 to 49 days .............................: 15 3 4 4 45 17 50 to 99 days ............................: 4 1 2 2 11 5 100 to 199 days ..........................: 5 3 11 7 75 42 200 days or more .........................: 46 21 48 18 161 81 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 3 - 5 5 28 12 3 or 4 years ...............................: 8 3 1 1 49 30 5 to 9 years ...............................: 39 23 17 9 107 49 10 years or more ...........................: 71 19 84 57 418 181 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 2 1 - - 38 19 25 to 34 years .............................: 19 6 17 10 43 21 35 to 44 years .............................: 35 15 19 13 134 64 45 to 54 years .............................: 33 16 29 20 158 55 55 to 64 years .............................: 17 5 24 16 129 74 65 to 74 years .............................: 9 1 15 10 64 27 75 years and over ..........................: 6 1 3 3 35 12 : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 47.6 45.2 50.4 50.7 50.2 49.9 Principal operator........................: 49.5 46.8 52.4 52.5 52.9 52.6 Second operator...........................: 45.3 42.1 47.1 47.8 48.9 48.7 Third operator............................: 41.1 43.0 (D) (D) 33.6 28.9 : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 62 43 88 70 391 234 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Rocky Boy's : Rosebud : Standing Rock :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : operators 2/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 54 44 557 126 559 78 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 45 38 397 91 408 60 Female......................................: 9 6 160 35 151 18 : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 24 19 443 81 454 64 Other ......................................: 30 25 114 45 105 14 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 47 39 483 101 476 71 Not on farm operated .......................: 7 5 74 25 83 7 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 20 14 306 61 313 44 Any ........................................: 34 30 251 65 246 34 1 to 49 days .............................: 2 2 56 6 59 9 50 to 99 days ............................: - - 22 2 33 3 100 to 199 days ..........................: 1 1 43 10 40 5 200 days or more .........................: 31 25 130 33 114 13 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 4 3 37 15 25 4 3 or 4 years ...............................: 3 2 35 18 25 4 5 to 9 years ...............................: 15 12 65 26 75 15 10 years or more ...........................: 32 27 420 67 438 55 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 1 - 17 10 12 2 25 to 34 years .............................: - - 51 14 59 9 35 to 44 years .............................: 18 16 95 27 120 18 45 to 54 years .............................: 21 16 175 40 154 21 55 to 64 years .............................: 4 3 102 19 108 17 65 to 74 years .............................: 10 9 81 14 77 10 75 years and over ..........................: - - 36 2 29 1 : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 50.4 50.9 51.7 47.0 50.6 49.3 Principal operator........................: 52.4 52.3 54.2 49.1 51.7 50.5 Second operator...........................: 45.7 40.5 47.5 41.7 48.3 46.2 Third operator............................: (D) (D) 47.9 49.9 50.3 (D) : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 43 42 253 94 433 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See footnote(s) at end of table. --continued Table 2. Selected Operator Characteristics for All Operators on Reservations and for All American Indian or Alaska Native Operators on Reservations in Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota: 2002 - Con. [For meaning of abbreviations and symbols, see introductory text] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Turtle Mountain/Trenton Indian Service : Yankton :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : : American Indian : : American Indian : : or Alaska Native : : or Alaska Native Characteristics : Total 1/ : operators 2/ : Total 1/ : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Operators.....................................: 87 77 99 4 : Sex of operator: : Male........................................: 78 69 90 4 Female......................................: 9 8 9 - : Primary occupation: : Farming ....................................: 51 43 86 2 Other ......................................: 36 34 13 2 : Place of residence: : On farm operated ...........................: 70 62 85 2 Not on farm operated .......................: 17 15 14 2 : Days worked off farm: : None .......................................: 26 23 63 1 Any ........................................: 61 54 36 3 1 to 49 days .............................: 4 4 7 - 50 to 99 days ............................: 1 - 7 - 100 to 199 days ..........................: 6 5 3 - 200 days or more .........................: 50 36 19 3 : Years on present farm: : 2 years or less ............................: 4 4 - - 3 or 4 years ...............................: 10 10 13 2 5 to 9 years ...............................: 18 16 19 1 10 years or more ...........................: 55 47 67 1 : Age group: : Under 25 years .............................: 5 5 2 - 25 to 34 years .............................: 11 9 21 2 35 to 44 years .............................: 20 18 29 1 45 to 54 years .............................: 26 23 16 1 55 to 64 years .............................: 13 12 15 - 65 to 74 years .............................: 10 8 15 - 75 years and over ..........................: 2 2 1 - : Average age of - : All operators ............................: 47.3 47.1 46.8 38.3 Principal operator........................: 49.1 49.6 48.2 38.3 Second operator...........................: (D) 44.7 44.8 - Third operator............................: 28.5 28.5 37.7 - : Living on an American : Indian reservation...........................: 61 59 45 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1/ Data were collected for a maximum of three operators per farm. 2/ Data were collected for a maximum of three operators per farm or ranch on places where operators would identify themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native. Appendix A. Definitions and Explanations Acres and quantity harvested. Crops were reported in whole acres, except for the following crops that were reported in tenths of acres: potatoes, sweetpotatoes, tobacco, fruit and nut crops including land in orchards, berries, vegetables, and nursery and greenhouse crops in the open. Totals for crops reported in tenths of acres were rounded to whole acres at the aggregate level during the tabulation process. Nursery and greenhouse crops grown under glass or other protection were reported in square feet and are published in square feet. If two or more crops were harvested from the same land during the year, the acres were counted for each crop. Therefore, the total acres of all crops harvested generally exceeded the acres of cropland harvested. An exception to this procedure was hay crops. When more than one cutting of hay was taken from the same acres, the acres were counted only once but the quantity harvested included all cuttings. Acreage cut for both dry hay and haylage, silage, or greenchop was reported for each crop. For interplanted crops or ''skip-row'' crops, acres were reported according to the portion of the field occupied by each crop. If a crop was interplanted in an orchard or vineyard and harvested, then the entire orchard or vineyard acreage was reported under the appropriate fruit crop and the interplanted estimated crop acreage was reported under the appropriate crop. If a crop was planted but not harvested, the acres were not reported as harvested. These acres were reported in the ''land'' section on the report form under the appropriate cropland items – cropland used only for pasture or grazing, cropland on which all crops failed or were abandoned, cropland idle or used for cover crops or soil-improvement but not harvested and not pastured or grazed, or cropland in cultivated summer fallow. This does not include fruit and nut orchards and vineyards that were not harvested. All land in orchards was reported as cropland harvested. Crops that were only hogged or grazed, were reported as ''cropland used only for pasture or grazing.'' Crop residue left in fields after harvest and later hogged or grazed was not reported as cropland used only for pasture or grazing, but reported as cropland harvested. Acres of land in bearing and nonbearing fruit orchards, citrus or other groves, vineyards, and nut trees were reported as harvested cropland, regardless of whether the crop was harvested or failed. Abandoned orchards were reported as cropland idle, not as harvested cropland, and the individual abandoned orchard crop acres were not reported. Allotted land. See Deeded land. American Indian and Alaska Native farm operators, total. Data for American Indian and Alaska Native farm operators include all operators who selected the American Indian or Alaska Native race category on the report form, regardless of whether they also checked another race category. The data also include the number of operators who did not report individually, but were counted on a supplemental report form from American Indian reservations. Crop units of measure - field crops. The regional report forms allowed the operator to report the quantity of field crops harvested in a unit of measure commonly used in the region. When the operator reported in units different than the unit of measure published, the quantity harvested was converted to the published unit of measure. Data are based on a sample of farms. For censuses since 1978, selected data items were collected from only a sample of farms. These data are subject to sampling error. For the 2002 census, the sample report form was distributed to approximately 21-percent of all farms, including all large and specialized farms. Sections 17 through 21 of the census report form included questions on production expenses, fertilizer and chemical applications, machinery and equipment, market value of land and buildings, and farm labor. Deeded land. Land individually or tribally owned that is subject to real estate and/or property taxes. Farms by economic class. This is a new term for 2002. It is a combination of the market value of agricultural products sold and federal farm program payments. It represents the gross market value before taxes and production expense of all agricultural products sold or removed from the operation in 2002 and government payments regardless if who received the payment. It includes sales by the operators as well as the value of any shares received by partners, landlords, contractors, or others associated the operation. It does not include government payments received by the landlords. The value of commodities placed in Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is included in this figure. Farms by size. All farms were classified into size groups according to the total land area in the farm. The land area of a farm is an operating unit concept and includes land owned and operated as well as land rented from others. Land rented to or assigned to a tenant was considered part of the tenant's farm and not part of the owner's. Farms by tenure of operator. All farms were classified by tenure of operators in the 2002 census. The classifications used were: Full owners operated only land they owned. Part owners operated land they owned and also land they rented from others. Tenants operated only land they rented from others or worked on shares for others. Farms by type of organization. All farms were classified by type of organization in the 2002 census. The classifications used were: Individual or family (sole proprietorship), excluding partnership and corporation. Partnership, including family partnership - further subclassified into the following two categories: 1. Registered under state law. 2. Not registered under state law. Corporation, including family corporations - further subclassified into the following two categories: 1. Family held or other than family held. 2. More than 10 stockholders. Other, cooperative, estate or trust, institutional, etc. Forage - land used for all hay and all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop. Data shown represent the area harvested with each acre counted only once if both dry hay and haylage, grass silage, or greenchop were cut from the same acreage or if there were multiple cuttings of dry hay or haylage, grass silage, or greenchop. Forage production is the sum of the quantity harvested of all hay including alfalfa, other tame, small grain, and wild hay and all haylage, grass silage and greenchop after converting the all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop quantity harvested to a dry equivalent basis (13-percent moisture). The green tons of all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop harvested were multiplied by a factor of 0.4943 to convert to a dry equivalent. The conversion factor of 0.4943 is based on the assumption that one ton of dry hay is 0.87 ton of dry matter, one ton of haylage or grass silage is 0.45 ton dry matter, and one ton of greenchop is 0.25 ton dry matter. The all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop quantity harvested is assumed to be comprised of 90-0percent haylage and grass silage and 10-percent greenchop. Therefore, the conversion factor used to adjust all haylage, grass silage, and greenchop quantity harvested to a dry equivalent basis = [(0.45*0.9)+(0.25*0.1)]/0.87 = 0.4943. Harvested cropland. This category includes land from which crops were harvested or hay was cut, or land was used to grow short-rotation woody crops, land in orchards, citrus groves, Christmas trees, vineyards, nurseries, and greenhouses. Land from which two or more crops were harvested was counted only once. Land in tapped maple trees was included in woodland not pastured. Inventory, livestock and poultry. Data were collected for livestock and poultry inventory as of December 31, 2002. These data include cattle grown or fed on the operation for others on a custom or contract basis, cattle on land used rent free, and cattle on public, private, or industrial property under a grazing permit. Irrigated land. This category includes all land watered by any artificial or controlled means, such as sprinklers, flooding, furrows or ditches, sub-irrigation, and spreader dikes. Included are supplemental, partial, and preplant irrigation. Each acre was counted only once regardless of the number of times it was irrigated or harvested. Livestock lagoon waste water distributed by sprinkler or flood systems was also included. Land in farms. The acreage designated as ''land in farms'' consists primarily of agricultural land used for crops, pasture, or grazing. It also includes woodland and wasteland not actually under cultivation or used for pasture or grazing, provided it was part of the farm operator's total operation. Large acreages of woodland or wasteland held for nonagricultural purposes were deleted from individual reports during the edit process. Land in farms includes acres in the Conservation Reserve and Wetlands Reserve Programs. Land in farms is an operating unit concept and includes land owned and operated as well as land rented from others. Land used rent free was reported as land rented from others. All grazing land, except land used under government permits on a per-head basis, was included as ''land in farms'' provided it was part of a farm or ranch. Land under the exclusive use of a grazing association was reported by the grazing association and included as land in farms. All land in American Indian reservations used for growing crops or grazing livestock was included as land in farms. Land in reservations not reported by individual American Indians or non-Native Americans was reported in the name of the cooperative group that used the land. In many instances, an entire American Indian reservation was reported as one farm. Market value of agricultural products sold. This category represents the gross market value before taxes and production expenses of all agricultural products sold or removed from the operation in 2002 regardless of who received the payment. It is equivalent to total sales. It includes sales by the operators)as well as the value of any shares received by partners, landlords, contractors, or others associated with the operation. The value of commodities placed in the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) loan program is included in this figure. Market value of agricultural products sold does not include payments received for participation in other federal farm programs. Also, it does not include income from farm-related sources such as customwork and other agricultural services, or income from non-farm sources. The value of crops sold in 2002 does not necessarily represent the sales from crops harvested in 2002. Data may include sales from crops produced in earlier years and may exclude some crops produced in 2002 but held in storage and not sold. For commodities such as sugar beets and wool sold through a co-op that made payments in several installments, respondents were requested to report the total value received in 2002. The value of agricultural products sold was requested of all operators. If the operators failed to report this information, estimates were made based on the amount of crops harvested, livestock or poultry inventory, or number sold. Sales figures are expressed in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation or deflation. Operator. The term operator designates a person who operates a farm, either doing the work or making day-to-day decisions about such things as planting, harvesting, feeding, and marketing. The operator may be the owner, a member of the owner's household, a hired manager, a tenant, a renter, or a sharecropper. If a person rents land to others or has land worked on shares by others, he/she is considered the operator only of the land which is retained for his/her own operation. For the first time, the census collected information on the total number of operators, the total number of women operators, and demographic information for up to three operators per farm. Unlike previous censuses, the number of operators does not equal the number of farms. See also Operators, all. Operator characteristics. Data were collected for up to three operators per farm on age, race, sex, place of residence, number of days worked off farm, primary occupation, year in which his/her operation of the farm began, residence on an American Indian reservation, number of persons living in the operators' households, and Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin. The principal operator was asked to report the percent of total household income that came from the farm operation In addition, data for the total number of operators and the total number of women operators were collected. All operator characteristics in the 2002 census were subject to imputation based on information reported by farms with similar acreage, tenure, value of sales, and location. Operators, all (multiple). The 2002 census was the first to collect data for more than one operator per farm. Demographic and other information were collected for up to three operators per farm: the principal operator plus one or two additional operators. This may be fewer than the number of operators on some farms. All operators refers to these multiple operators. Demographic data for up to three operators reported are presented separately for American Indian or Alaska Native operators. Patent fee land. See Deeded land. Primary occupation of operator. Data on primary occupation were obtained from up to three operators per farm. The primary occupation classifications used were: Farming. The operator spent 50-percent or more of his/her worktime during 2002 at farming or ranching. Other. The operator spent more than 50-percent of his/her worktime during 2002 at occupations other than farming or ranching. Also, operators who spent the majority of their worktime working for another agricultural operation for wages were included in this classification. The proportion of principal operators claiming "Farming or ranching" as their primary occupation in 2002 increased significantly since 1997. While there were demographic changes that support this increase, there is a concern that a 2002 report form design change may have also contributed to it. To reduce wording, the definition of "primary occupation" was not printed on the 2002 report form. It was presumed to be self-explanatory. In Section 24, item 5a of the report form, some respondents may have checked the "yes" box by Farm or ranch operator without understanding that it meant they were reporting their primary occupation. Principal operator. The person primarily responsible for the on-site, day-to-day operation of the farm or ranch business. This person may be a hired manager or business manager. See Operators, all for further explanation. Total farm production expenses. Includes the production expenses provided by the operators, partners, landlords (excluding property taxes) and production contractors for the farm business in 2002. Tenant farmers reported expenses paid by landlords for the agricultural production on the operation, as well as their expenses. Farm or ranch operators who rented part of their land to others reported only the expenses for the land they actually used themselves and not expenses for land rented to others. The 2002 total farm production expenditure concept includes all farm-related expenses such as: customwork, fuel costs, cost of cutting timber, services provided to hunters, cooperative membership fees, etc. However, if the income from these farm-related categories was not considered a part of the operation (i.e., if the income was regarded as derived from a separate business), then the associated expenses were not included. The contractor's portion of expenses was based on computer generated estimates for 2002. This item excludes expenses relating to non-farm activities such as trading and speculation in the commodities market or livestock trading activities. Explanations of selected production expenses are listed below. Chemicals purchased. These 2002 expenses include the cost of all insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other pesticides, including costs of custom application. Data exclude commercial fertilizer purchased. Fertilizer, lime, and soil conditioners. The expense for fertilizer is the amount spent on all forms of fertilizer and lime including rock phosphate and gypsum during 2002. It also includes the cost of custom application. In the 1997 census, lime expenses were collected and published in the all other production expenses category. Feed purchased. These expenses include the cost of all feed for livestock and poultry including grain, hay, silage, mixed feeds, concentrates, etc., during 2002. Gasolines, fuels, and oils purchased. These expenses include the cost of all gasoline, diesel, natural gas, LP gas, motor oil, and grease products for the farm during 2002. It excludes fuel for personal use of automobiles by the family; other fuel used for cooking and heating the farm house; and any other use outside of farmwork on the operation. Hired farm and ranch labor. These 2002 expenses include the total amount paid for farm or ranch labor including regular workers, part-time workers, and members of the operator's family if they received payments for labor. It includes social security taxes, state taxes, unemployment tax, payment for sick leave or vacation pay, workman's compensation, insurance premiums, and pension plans. Interest paid on debts. Interest and finance charges paid in 2002 on mortgage loans for land and buildings on the operation are included in this section. Interest expenses excluded from this category are non-farm interest expenses and interest expenses originating from machinery and equipment used for a separate customwork business or for other operations. Interest expense for the operators dwelling, where the amount is separate from interest on farm land and buildings on the operation is excluded. Interest paid on debts were reported in one of two categories: 1) Interest paid on debts secured by real estate. These data include all interest expenses paid in 2002 on debts secured by real estate for the farm. 2) Interest paid on debts not secured by real estate. These data include all interest expenses paid in 2002 on debts secured by machinery, tractors, trucks, other equipment, livestock, poultry, breeding stock, money borrowed for use as working capital, and interest paid on CCC loans for the farm. Trust or Federal Trust Land. Indian-owned land, the title to which is held in trust and protected by the federal government. Indian people and tribes have use of the land, but ultimate control of the land remains with the federal government Wheat for grain. In the 2002 census, data were collected by type of wheat - Durum, winter, and spring and other than Durum. Appendix B. Report Form and Instruction Sheet The report form and instruction sheet are shown on the following pages. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (202) 720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.