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Welcome to TheModernHomestead.US



Big Site Update!

Between today, October 24, and the end of 2008, I will be adding a huge backlog of new material to the site (mostly articles published during the past year in Backyard Poultry, Mother Earth News, and Countryside & Small Stock Journal). Please check in often. New articles will be listed below. ~Harvey


. . .Nyssa. . .


Your Hosts: Ellen. . .

Unlike our ancestors, many of whom lived on traditional homesteads and small farms, most of us today have the apparent “luxury” of buying all our food in the marketplace. The decision to forego that luxury and work hard to produce more of our own food is a fundamental one. We are thus making not simply one more selection from the Lazy Susan of available food choices, but choosing a way of life, a new direction.

This site is dedicated to the skills and philosophy for more self-reliant living. Whether you have access to fifty acres or only a patio pot, you have the opportunity to produce more of your own food for yourself and your family, to enter more fully into the yearly cycle, and to know your place in the web of life.


. . .Titmouse

New on the Site (Since October 24, 2008)


Thanks to Ricky Nelson, owner of Blizzard Media, host for the site, for his invaluable help scripting the backend voodoo that makes it all work, and for his kind support (sometimes hand-holding) for this non-geek.

Thanks to Alexandra Howarth, who prepared the site's first 250 image files to be web-ready. Her offer to do so was made via the website, completely out of the blue, because she wanted to contribute to the site's mission. Her generosity is astounding, and the online friendship that accompanied the work most gratifying.

Thanks to Heather, my daughter, who inspired me to find and develop new tools—php, mysql, cyber-magic—to make the site more dynamic and useful, and who has been so supportive of this effort.

And always, always, thanks most of all to the love of my life, Ellen, who sometimes suffers with enormous patience the loss of a husband down a black hole in cyberspace.

To help block a crushing load of spam, I now ask that you fill in the Contact form if you want to be in touch. It would be good to hear from you.

Thanks for visiting, and enjoy the site! ~Harvey and Ellen Ussery


Oh, no!—not again!