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"The best way to save the old time poultry is to return them to our dining tables."

Frank R. Reese Jr.

"A Traditional Taste of the Past"

Order A Heritage Turkey Here


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Our Mission

Good Shepherd Turkey Ranch Inc. strives to produce historically authentic Heritage Poultry as described by the

American Poultry Association's-- Standards of Perfection.

Birds are grown on outdoor range using vegetarian feed with the highest animal welfare standards, for your quality dining.

Our objective is to protect the standard bred Heritage Poultry.

We believe that the best way to do this is by returning them to your dinning table.


The Heritage Turkey is a product that represents one of the greatest conservation stories in the United States. Once critically endangered, varieties like the American Bronze and Bourbon Red turkeys have now been upgraded to more secure population sizes thanks to increased demand. Heritage Foods USA has worked with Frank Reese, the preeminent poultry expert, and Good Shepherd Ranch, a network of fellow farmers, since the Heritage Turkey Project's inception in 2002. As always, turkeys are available to restaurants and home chefs through Heritage Foods. While there are many imitations, our Heritage Turkeys meet the American Poultry Association definition of standard-bred poultry or the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy definition of heritage birds. They are rich, juicy, and exceptionally flavorful. Heritage turkeys mate naturally, live long lives, grow slowly, are given the opportunity to engage in positive social interactions and perform instinctive behaviors essential to their health and well-being. They are rare because they have been ignored by industrial agriculture.Good Shepherd Ranch was the first turkey farm to receive Animal Welfare Institute's Animal Welfare Approved certification in the country. Good Shepherd's turkeys have consistently been voted the best tasting bird on the market by chefs and food writers alike. Our heritage turkey was voted the best bird by Bon Appetit, Saveur and Food & Wine. The New York Times 2006 blind tasting of turkeys, conducted by Marian Burros, confirmed that the white and dark meat "delivered the essence of old-fashioned turkyness. The white was succulent; even the richer dark meat was tender. If this turkey were a wine, it would be a fine old red."


.... is hard to impress, but he was impressed so much, we plan to do it again next year so save us a bird!! It was a wonderful meal that all contributed to, but the turkey was the hit of the evening! I really appreciate the lovely quality of your turkeys and know they are raised well and respectfully. Thank you!!!!

Sheri - Los Angeles, CA
Thanksgiving 2007