
Barry Koffler

[photo of a Barred Rock bantam 

"Victor" dancing

Photo of Victor ©Paper House Productions

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FeatherSite - The Poultry Page

An on-line garden of domestic fowl

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Hudson Valley dancing!

Who am I?

Why chickens?

Why am I here?
It's a place I've never been before!
Where do I go from here?
Why, somewhere else new, I hope.

Favorite Places


A wonderful tarte made for me by my friends Caroline and Armand


Hmmm. Where'll I go from here?

If you want to know, you can reach me at FeatherSite -- questions and comments, and if I know, I'll tell you.

You're visitor number who's been sighted at FeatherSite since 31 Jan. 1998!

Please excuse any rough edges as these pages are constantly evolving. Also, I ask the rest of the world to forgive my occasionally speaking in here as though my audience is all from the USA. I'm not so ethnocentric, but it seems my vocabulary is!

Bytes and Bandwidth by warui.com
home of FeatherSite's virtual barnyard.

My thanks to -- and sympathies on the expiration of -- the cyborganic server, which hosted feathersite for 13 years!!

All text ©FeatherSite unless otherwise credited; for graphics see note.

Direct questions and comments to Barry at FeatherSite -- questions and comments