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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service

U.S.-Iraqi Raids Net Terrorists, Unexploded IEDs

American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2006 – Iraqi soldiers today captured a person suspected of complicity in recent murders and kidnappings during a raid in northeastern Baghdad, while another Iraqi operation conducted yesterday near Mahmudiyah netted two suspected terrorists, according to Multinational Corps Iraq news releases.

The person caught in today’s Iraqi military operation is believed to be involved with illegal militias and improvised explosive bomb attacks against civilians, officials said. The raid was conducted in conjunction with Operation Together Forward, officials said, with the goal of catching criminals inciting sectarian violence, denying them safe havens and providing for a safe and secure Iraq.

In yesterday’s operation conducted near Mahmudiyah, soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, had observed two suspects carrying more weapons than the law allows and detained them.

In another, separate incident yesterday, U.S. soldiers with the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, discovered an IED on the side of a road in Baghdad’s Doura neighborhood. Two more unexploded IEDs were also found. An explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the IEDs without incident or casualties.

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Multinational Corps Iraq