Workforce Training & Programs
Premier Business Services
Workforce Training & Programs > Training and Training Grants > Customized Training, Literacy / Basic Skills
Customized Training, Literacy / Basic Skills
In today's economy, trained and productive workers can mean the difference between a competitive business and an extinct business. The Customized Training was established in 1992 and is a powerful development tool designed to create and retain high-skill, high-wage private sector jobs in New Jersey as a means to ensure productive, globally competitive workers. The Customized Training Office Program provides the following services:
  • Offers financial incentives for worker training to help create new jobs or retain jobs in New Jersey.
  • Assists companies in becoming more competitive in the domestic and international markets.
  • Recommends skills training programs and customize them to provide maximum benefit to businesses.
  • Provides training grants for occupational safety and health training.
  • Provides training grants for basic literacy skills including English as a second language.
  • Serves as liaison with other state agencies that promote job retention or expansion.

Potential eligible applicants for a Customized Training grant or Literacy / Basic Skill Program include:

  • Individual employers.
  • An employer organization, labor organization or community-based organization.
  • A consortium of one or more educational institutions, individual employers, or labor, employer and community-based organizations that seek to address training needs within a particular industry.
  • Individual applications or consortium applications for qualified displaced and/or disadvantaged workers for basic skills services, as long as there is a written commitment from an employer(s) leading to future employment.

Contact Information

For Customized Training Program information please contact the Office of Customized Training at 609-633-6799.

You can also email or write to:

New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Office of Customized Training
P.O. Box 915 
Zip 08625-0915

Please refer to the Customized Training Financial Assistance to apply for this program.