New Jersey Advantage
Premier Business Services
Message from the Governor
Message from the Governor
Welcome to New Jersey’s new and improved business web portal!

It is no secret that the competition among states for business expansion and retention is fierce.  That is why I made marketing New Jersey for economic growth a top priority of my Administration. This expanded website contains a wealth of practical information and tools to serve the needs of the business community while touting the many attributes which make New Jersey a great place for your business.

Did you know, for example, that Forbes and CNBC rank New Jersey among the top twenty states for business? Or that New Jersey ranks fifth in college attainment? Or that New Jersey is fifteenth in terms of the number of Scientists and Ph.D’s per square mile?

Additional enhancements include the New Jersey Premier Business Services section which enables businesses to streamline their interactions with the State. Through a single, secure online session, businesses are able to complete basic tax and employer returns in real-time as well as view their tax filings and payment history online.

This new site feature is just one way in which we are making it easier to do business in New Jersey. I invite you to explore our website and discover for yourself how New Jersey state government can help you Take Care of Business. 

Jon S. Corzine
Photo of Governor Corzine