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Asplundh Tree Co. will be in the Borough trimming trees near power lines on Monday in the following area:
Arlington Avenue, Buena Vista Avenue, Parmelee Avenue, Bamford Avenue, and Brookside Avenue (between Diamond Bridge Avenue and Warburton Avenue).

 2013 Parking Permits will be on sale beginning December 3rd , Monday-Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. The Borough will offer extended hours December 11th, December 19th, January 3rd, January 8th and January 16th from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

Click here for more information about Parking Permits.

Important Housing Information for Displaced Residents

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, thousands of New Jersey residents have been displaced from their homes and are in need of housing. The New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency, an affiliated agency of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, has partnered with the non-profit organization Socialserve.com to provide housing location services for Hurricane Sandy survivors. Long-term and short-term housing location assistance is now available through the New Jersey Housing Resource Center (NJHRC) located at www.njhrc.gov. The NJHRC is a free service to assist people in search of housing and to landlords who are looking to provide housing. People without Internet access can call the bilingual toll-free number 1-877-428-8844 for help using this service. Click here for printable flyer.

The Louis Bay 2nd Library November Newsletter

The Hawthorne Environmental Commission and Green Team created a Green Map to encourage people to get out and walk by highlighting routes linking residential areas to the train station, downtown areas, parks and recreational areas, historical sites, and schools.

Storm Cleanup - All storm related branches and vegetative debris must be placed by the curb not later than Tuesday, November 13th. Due to the large volume of debris to be collected, this may take a few weeks. Once an area has been cleared, our trucks will not be returning to that area for additional pick up.
Click here for additional Post Storm Information including FEMA


Click here for information about Leaf Collection including the 2012 Schedule.

DVRT is holding their Annual Coat Drive through Nov. 30.  Please bring your gently used coats to the drop boxes located in Library or Borough Hall.


Motorists urged to be cautious for deer on roads this fall.
here for more information.

Information on 2012 Road Projects.

Click here for the Site Plan for Proposed Bandshell at Little Franklin Field.

Walmart, which recently commissioned National Research, Inc., to conduct a poll of local residents' attitudes towards their proposed Walmart food store at 204 Wagaraw Road in Hawthorne, has chosen to share the results with the Borough.
{The Borough of Hawthorne had no part in designing or conducting this poll.}

Upcoming Events

Dec 12, 2012 5:00 PM
Library Board of Trustees Meeting

Dec 13, 2012 7:30 PM
Environmental Commission Meeting

Dec 17, 2012 7:00 PM
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting

Dec 18, 2012 7:30 PM
Planning Board Meeting

Dec 19, 2012 4:00 PM
Municipal Alliance Meeting