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Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Release
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November 22, 1994


Federal officials, senior industry representatives and national science figures gathered today for the first meeting of a new group to help guide research and development in semiconductors.

This group, the Congressionally established Semiconductor Technology Council, is an outgrowth of the success of SEMATECH, the ground-breaking government-private sector cooperative effort that contributed greatly to the comeback of the American semiconductor industry.

Deputy Secretary of Defense John Deutch opened the meeting saying efforts such as SEMATECH provided clear evidence that government has a constructive role to play.

"With bipartisan support, government and industry succeeded in resurrecting an industry in dire straits, provided high-paying and skilled jobs to Americans, and ensured that American electronics and semiconductor manufacturers regained their preeminent position in the world marketplace," continued Deutch.

Deutch charged the Council "to build on past success to help guide the future public-private partnership in semiconductor research and development."

Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology Paul Kaminski and Chief Operating Officer of Intel Corp. Craig R. Barrett chaired the first meeting of the Council.

Members were briefed on the Semiconductor Industry Association's technology roadmap, SEMATECH, university research, Federal efforts in electronics, the Advanced Research Projects Agency microelectronics program, and advanced lithography.

During the meeting, Co-Chairmen Kaminiski and Barrett set up member task forces to identify critical semiconductor technology roadblocks and estimate the cost of overcoming these obstacles to progress and to conduct an inventory of the nation's public and private funding of semiconductor research and development. The Council will consider the output of these two task forces at its meeting next spring as part of its role of assessing and making recommendations regarding semiconductor technology research and development efforts that should be supported by Federal agencies and industry.

Membership of the Council consists of six statutory representatives from the Federal government and ten members appointed by the President. The latter consist of four members preeminent in the semiconductor industry, two from the semiconductor equipment and materials industry, three in the semiconductor user community (including both telecommunications and computer users), and one member from academia. Members are:

Charles Curtis, Undersecretary of Energy

Mary L. Good, Undersecretary of Commerce for Technology

John H. Gibbons, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Robert Rubin, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy

Neal Lane, Director, National Science Foundation

Steven R. Appleton, Chairman and CEO, Micron Semiconductor, Inc.

Michael J. Attardo, IBM Senior Vice President and General Manager for Technology Products

Jack S. Kilby, J.S. Kilby Co.

James Bagley, Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, Applied Materials

Kenneth Levy, Chairman and CEO, KLA Instruments Corp.

John S. Mayo, President, AT&T Bell Laboratories

T.C. McGill, Fletcher Jones Professor of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology

Two additional industry members yet to be determined

The Semiconductor Technology Council was established by Congress under the National Defense Authorization Act of FY1994 to foster continued government and industry cooperation in research and development for electronics and the semiconductor industry. The Council's mission is to link assessment by the semiconductor industry and national security needs for cooperative investments; foster cooperation among industry, government and academia; and align industry and government contributions for new semiconductor research and development efforts.

Previous public-private cooperation commenced in 1987 with the establishment of SEMATECH, a government-industry effort to revive the semiconductor industry through sharing of talent, funding and risks.