Coos Bay Record of Decision and Resource Management Plan

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Coos Bay Record of Decision

Coos Bay District Resource Management Plan Table of Contents:

- Tables

- Figures

- Maps

- Appendices

Wild and Scenic Rivers


Manage designated segments of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System by protecting their outstandingly remarkable values, and maintain and enhance the natural integrity of river-related values.

Protect outstandingly remarkable values identified on BLM-administered lands within the study corridors of eligible river segments studied and administratively found suitable for inclusion as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

Provide interim protective management for outstandingly remarkable values identified on BLM-administered lands along river segments determined eligible but not studied for inclusion as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

Manage the natural integrity of river-related values to maintain or enhance the highest tentative classification determined for rivers found eligible or studied for suitability.

Land Use Allocations

There are no designated National Wild and Scenic River Segments on BLM-administered lands in the Coos Bay District, nor have any been found suitable for designation and inclusion into the national system.

The corridor width for rivers found eligible or studied for suitability is generally defined as 0.25 mile on either side of the river (approximately 0.5-mile wide corridor). Technically, these corridors are not land use allocations. None of the seven eligible rivers studied under the RMP process have been found suitable. However, if Congress passes legislation to designate them, they will be automatically added to the allocations of the RMP.

Management Actions/Direction

Provide the following types of interim protection on river segments found eligible or suitable for inclusion as components of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System:

-   Eligible and/or suitable recreational rivers: Exclude timber harvest in the riparian reserves, moderately restrict development of leasable and salable minerals, and protect a segment's free-flowing values and identified Outstandingly Remarkable Values.
-   Eligible and/or suitable scenic rivers: Exclude timber harvest in the riparian reserve, provide VRM Class II management in the 0.5-mile wide corridor, and protect a segment's free-flowing values and identified Outstandingly Remarkable Values.
-   Eligible and/or suitable wild rivers: Exclude timber harvest and other disturbing activities within the 0.5-mile wide corridor.

Upon completion of the ROD for this resource management plan, release from interim protection all river segments found not suitable for inclusion as components of the national system.