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   Nikki Mason

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  Public Comments

Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) —Royalty Relief—Ultra-Deep Gas Wells and Deep Gas Wells on OCS Oil and Gas Leases; Extension of Royalty Relief Provisions to OCS Leases Offshore of Alaska PDF (225 KB; 29 pages)

Regulatory Identifier Number (RIN) 1010-AD33
Federal Register/Vol. 72, No. 96, FR 28396 (5/18/2007)

Summary: MMS is proposing to amend its deep gas royalty relief regulations to incorporate statutory changes enacted in the Energy Policy Act of 2005. This proposed rule would provide additional royalty relief for certain wells on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) leases in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM). It would also extend the applicability of existing deep gas royalty relief regulatory provisions to more OCS leases. MMS is also proposing amendments to discretionary royalty relief provisions and associated definitions to extend the applicability of certain royalty relief to leases offshore of Alaska.

ll the links below are Adobe's PDF files Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF).. This page contains the public comments on this proposed rule received from:
bullet American Petroleum Institute
Lisa Flavin on behalf of Doug Morris
July 17, 2007
bullet Chevron North America Exploration and Production Company
J. Keith Couvillion
July 17, 2007
bullet Industrial Energy Consumers of America
Paul N. Cicio
July 17, 2007
bullet Citizen
Karl Sellers
May 22, 2007
bullet Northern Alaska Environmental Center
Pamela A. Miller on behalf of Betsy Beardsley, Betsy Beardsley, Charles M. Clusen, Rachel James, and Faith Gemmill
July 17, 2007
bullet National Ocean Industries Assoc., etc.
Multiple Commenter
July 13, 2007
bullet National OCS Coalition
Richard Charter
July 16, 2007
bullet Citizen/Retiree
Ted D. Tupper
1.  June 11, 2007
2.  July 9, 2007
3.  Application for Permit to Drill Form

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Do you need information about royalty management rulemakings or other proposals? The Legal Room contains information on those proposals. If you're interested in seeing public comments about those proposals, the Royalty Management Reading Room is the place for you.

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Last Updated: 07/16/2008, 02:14 PM

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