North Florida Ecological Services Office
Southeast Region

Florida Manatee - Issues and Information

Manatee Myth: Florida Manatee - Native to Florida?

Federal Manatee Protection Areas (Refuges & Sanctuaries)

Manatee Recovery Plan

Manatee Rescue, Rehab & Release Program

Out-of-State Manatee Sightings - What to Do and Not Do

Conservation Agencies Encourage Boaters to Self-Report Collisions with Manatees

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Improves Manatee Protection in King's Bay

Everglades wetlands

Female manatee and nursing calve.

Photo: USFWS.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service today finalized a proposal to improve protections for manatees in Citrus County, including establishing a year-round manatee refuge in Kings Bay, its tributaries, and adjoining water bodies upstream of the confluence of Kings Bay and Crystal River.  In the winter, Kings Bay’s warm water springs host the largest natural concentration of manatees in Florida.

The final rule establishing the manatee protection area in Kings Bay will help provide greater protection to manatees – including protections from collisions with boats – while providing continuing opportunities for manatee viewing, recreation, and boating activities that are important to the local community near Kings Bay.

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12-Month Warranted Finding on a petition to revise critical habitat for the Florida manatee

Manatee Stock Assessment Reports (SAR)

2011 Florida Manatee Project Key Programmatic Assessment

  • Appendix A - Incidental Take Avoidance-minimization measures for new or expanding multi-slip facilities and dredging projects, 2011 - PDF 14KB
  • Appendix B - Standard Manatee Conditions for In-Water Activities, March 2011 - PDF - 150KB
  • Appendix C - Additional Conditions for Project In-water Activities in Manatee Habitat, 2011 - PDF - 16KB
  • Appendix D - Standard Manatee Conditions for new and existing pipes and culverts, 2011 - PDF - 12KB
  • Appendix E - Dock Construction Guidelines in Florida for docks or other minor structures constructed in or over submerged aquatic vegatation (SAV), marsh or managrove (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/National Marine Fisheries Service, August 2001 - PDF - 12KB
  • Appendix F - Key for construction conditions for docks or other minor structures in or over Johnsons seagrass (Halophila johnsonii) October 2002 - PDF - 13KB


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Last updated: October 12, 2012