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Construction Cost Estimation

All projects are now to be estimated using the Trns*port system software using the Construction Cost Estimating Guidelines as released through Baseline document BDC06T-06.

Only if the Designer has been granted permission to continue a project using the legacy Contractor Payment System Front End (CPSFE) program should the infomation written below be used.

Construction Cost Estimation

Below you will find information and computer programs to create Construction Cost Estimates for the the Final Engineer's Estimate, the Proposal, and a Summary Sheet.

Contractor Payment System Program

The Contractor Payment System (CPS) consists of PC and Mainframe programs used by the NJDOT to develop Final Engineer's Construction Estimates and Proposals for receipt of bids, to maintain project information and to pay contractors. The Contractor Payment System Front End (CPSFE) program is used by consultants and design units of the Department to create the data files needed by the NJDOT, and to produce Engineer's Estimates for projects. When the data files are complete, the files are uploaded by the NJDOT to the mainframe CPS program in order to produce the contract documents.

How to use the system:

1 - Download the CPSFE Manual (zip 782k) for installation instructions.

2 - Download the Contractor Payment System Front End program - Version 1.4 (zip 2.43m). Version 1.4 is used only for setting up the program as an initial installation. CAUTION! Please be aware that if you have a previous version of this program or data, installing this program will wipe out any previously stored data. If you have a previous such as Version 1.3, use the upgrade program.

3 - Download the Contractor Payment System Front End program Upgrade to 1.4 (zip 1.436m). This is used for upgrading from Version 1.3 to version 1.4 of the program and preserves any existing data.

4 - Use of this program requires the Bid Price Report and the Item List files. See below for details.

Construction Cost Estimation Preparation Manual for Final Estimates

The Construction Cost Estimation Preparation Manual for Final Estimates (zip 132k) is used by the designers to develop Final Engineer's Cost Estimates for NJDOT Capital Program Projects. This manual was released pursuant to BDC02T-02, dated 04/05/2002.

Bid Price Report

This report contains Average Weighted prices for all Pay Items used in construction contracts let in the past year. It is used to develop Final Engineer's Construction Estimates and Proposals. Hard copies of it are issued annually and are available at the Engineering Documents Unit on the first floor of the NJDOT E&O Building, (609) 530-5587. Orders can also be place with the EDU website.

Bid Price Report 2007 (pdf 920k)

Item List

The Item List is required to develop Final Engineer's Construction Estimates, and is available on the Construction Cost Estimation Tran•port Software web site.

Asphalt Cement & Fuel Price Index

The index is required to develop Final Engineer's Construction Estimates, and is available on the Construction Cost Estimation Tran•port Software web site.

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  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
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  Last Updated:  March 3, 2008