New Jersey Advantage
Premier Business Services
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New Jersey's greatest asset is our people. Our workforce is well-educated with a wealth of scientists, engineers and skilled technicians. This highly-trained talent pool propels innovation, making the state an economic advantage to companies all over the world.

  • Over 400,000 scientists and engineers call New Jersey home and help drive innovation in the state's businesses, colleges, and universities.
  • New Jersey's rank of seventh in the nation in the number of Ph.D. scientists and engineers per 1,000 workers reflects the state's thriving intellectual community.
  • New Jersey continually invests in the state’s workforce through grants and partnerships with companies, consortiums and the higher education institutions.  Since 2002, over $130 million was invested in worker training grants.
  • More than 1.7 million New Jerseyans are college graduates, with 380,000 students enrolled in NJ colleges and universities in 2004.
  • New Jersey has 57 colleges, universities and technology schools educating the workforce, including nationally recognized Rutgers University, Princeton University, the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Workforce Diversity
  • New Jersey has an extraordinarily-diverse labor force, making the state a hospitable location for foreign-owned companies.  Almost one in five New Jersey residents is foreign born.
  • New Jersey workers enjoy a high rate of employment and one of the lowest poverty rates in the nation.  In 2005, 36,000 private sector jobs were added.