Selenium Biochemistry 2003:

Hyatt Regency Hotel Bethesda, Maryland

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Wednesday, December 17

6:30-7:30 pm Welcome Reception

Thursday, December 18

8:15-8:45 am Coffee/Refreshments
8:45 am Opening Remarks Robert Balaban
Session 1 Chair: Milton Axley
9:00-9:40 am August Böck Mechanisms Controlling the Fidelity of Selenocysteine Insertion into Protein
9:40-10:20 am William Self Characterization of the Labile Selenium Cofactor of Purine Hydroxylase from Clostridium purinolyticum
10:20-10:40 am Coffee Break
Session 2 Chair: Arne Holmgren
10:40-11:20 am Elias Arner Selenocysteine Close to the C-terminus: How, Why and What Can It Do?
11:20-12:00 pm Takashi Tamura A TAIL of Human Adenocaricinoma Thioredoxin Reductase: Opening of an era of Quantum Enzyme Chemistry in Selenium Biochemistry
12:00-1:15 pm Lunch Break
Session 3 Chair: Gregory Dilworth
1:15-1:55 pm John Arthur Expression and Function of Selenoproteins in Endothelial Cells
1:55-2:35 pm P. Reed Larsen The Iodothyronine Selenodeiodonases: Gatekeepers for the Initiation and Termination of Thyroid Hormone Action
2:35-3:00 pm Coffee Break
Session 4 Chair: Herbert Weissbach
3:00-3:40 pm Vadim Gladyshev Idenitity and Functions of Selenocysteine-containing Proteins
3:40-4:20 pm Regina Brigelius-Flohe mRNA Stability and Tissue Specific Regulation of the Expression of Individual Glutathione Peroxidases
5:00 pm Close of Session  
5:45-7:00 pm Poster Session Light Refreshments

Friday, December 19

7:45-8:15 am Coffee/Refreshments
Session 5 Chair: Zsuzanna Veres
8:15-8:55 am Hisaaki Mihara Selenocysteine Lyase: a Possible Selenium Donor Enzyme for the Selenoprotein Biosynthesis
8:55-9:35 am Ick Young Kim TBA
9:35-10:05 am Coffee Break
Session 6 Chair: Fulvio Ursini
10:05-10:45 am Matilda Maiorino Regulation of PHGpx Expression
10:45-11:25 am Leopold Flohe Selenium - An Antioxidant?
11:25-12:30 pm Lunch Break
Session 7 Chair: Raymond Burk
12:30-1:10 pm Kristina Hill Phenotypes Associated with Deletion of Selenoprotein P
1:10-1:50 pm Joseph Köhrle "Of Mice and Men" - Selenoprotein Expression Patterns and Functions in Thyroid and Gastrointestinal Tissues
1:50-2:30 pm Phillip Whanger Selenoprotein W - Its Characteristics and Love Affair with Glutathione
2:30-2:45 pm Coffee Break
Session 8 Chair: Sue Goo Rhee
2:45-3:25 pm Thressa C. Stadtman TBA
3:25-3:45 pm Roundtable Discussion Future Directions of Selenium Biochemistry
3:45 pm Concluding Remarks and Adjournmnet

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