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Intelligent Transportation Systems Engineering

ITS Interim Guidelines

In addition to the New Jersey Statewide ITS Architecture (pdf 3.5m) the following standards are to be used for the deployment of ITS:
  1. The Stewardship Agreement (pdf 600k) - Identifies the overall ITS requirements to ensure compliance with the Architecture depending on the level of ITS proposed and type of project. Deployment of standard type ITS facilities such as cameras, signs, HAR, traffic detection devices will require less documentation of compliance versus new non-standard type deployments. The required documentation reports may be separate or part of regular project submissions.
  2. Capital Delivery Process - Provides criteria for scoping and design submissions.
  3. ITS Standard Details – ITS portion of the Standard Electrical Details. See additional ITS instructions included on that site.
  4. ITS Sample Plans – Provides guidance on ITS plan presentation. ITS CADD cell libraries are under development.
  5. Standard Specifications and Standard Input (SI) – Subsection 704 of the 2007 standards is specific to ITS, but common electrical work is under 701 and other related subsections must be checked. The SI also includes Designer Instructions for completing the Special Provisions on a project.
  6. ITS Material Specifications (English) - ITS portion of the Electrical Material Specifications. See additional ITS instructions included on that site.
  7. Standard Pay Items (pdf 278k)
  8. ITS Qualified Materials - List of materials that are pre-qualified to meet the general Specifications requirements. See additional ITS instructions included on that site.
  9. ITS Testing Forms. For inspection and operational testing to complete construction of ITS systems. See additional ITS instructions included on that site.
If the project has ITS work that is not covered by the above standards, the designers should first contact NJDOT ITS Engineering for any interim standards under development that may also be available.

An ITS section for the Design Manual and Construction Manual are still under development, and therefore the following instructions must be used to supplement the above standards.

General Scope/Conformance

Only a general location and type of each field device will be provided by TOC during scoping. Based on this and any specific instructions, the designer will prepare preliminary device location sketches for TOC review and approval. Regardless of TOC approval, it is the designer’s responsibility to recommend and locate the device at a location that meets the need and is safe and cost-effective to deploy and maintain.

It is required that the designer not only design within the limits of the construction project given the scope, but also take into account the integration into the overall network. This includes existing projects in design and construction that impact the current project, hardware and software platform requirements, procurement limitations, available communication ports of adjacent projects, operations’ end user requirements, LAN/WAN requirements, meetings and approvals with other agencies and/or departments.

ITS deployment should be scheduled as the first order of construction in a project when possible to allow the ITS to be used in traffic mitigation during the remaining construction. The designer is to provide provisions to have ITS installations operational as soon as the above ground work is completed. This can include temporary communication and/or power measures be activated immediately upon construction of an ITS device until the permanent measures are completed. The project’s Traffic Staging/Control Plans should reflect these provisions in addition to any requirements in Section 700.

In addition to expediting permanent ITS facilities and when no permanent ITS facilities are part of the project, temporary ITS devices may be required for traffic mitigation. This includes temporary speed monitoring systems, travel time systems (TTS), portable VMS and CCTV. Recommendations for this should be part of the traffic mitigation scoping and design developed in coordination with Traffic Operations. Temporary ITS traffic control items are to be incorporated into Subsection 159 of the Specifications.

It is required that the designer conduct communication studies into the available modes of communication for ITS Devices. This can include Broadband, wireless, and preferably connecting into existing fiber networks (POTS lines are no longer acceptable). In general, communications should be established for all devices as IP addressable, and any networks be established as gigabit Ethernet. Network designs will require additional coordination through NJDOT IT and OIT. A communication report is be submitted with the recommendations for all devices with a benefit to cost analysis that also addresses maintenance and operational costs/impacts. Include confirmation from any utility service provider for those recommendations specified.

For Transmit typ Travel Time Systems, designer should coordinate with TRANSCOM for guidance on locations and integration requirements.

For Pipeline 3 projects, the requirements for the ITS portion of PDS under the Capital Delivery Process must be submitted to ITS Engineering for review and approval prior to the FDS. For projects not approved through the scoping reports, this includes submission of a Concept of Operations report for any ITS not covered under the programmatic standards as defined in the Stewardship Agreement.


Items of Work

Except for unique conditions, work should be addressed under the Standard Pay items provided. Each item of work may contain numerous materials; separate pay items are not required. Anything shown on the plans/details or described under the specifications is paid for under the items of work provided. Any non-standard items proposed by the designer must be submitted with justification for approval by ITS Engineering prior to FDS. Except for fiber optic cable types that are defined in the Material Specifications, the other standard item “Types” are defined in the Standard Details. Current pay items whose descriptions have not been defined by issued standards:
  • DMS Standard Type A is ground mounted; with only with 27x75 front access sign.
  • DMS Standard Type B is butterfly structure; use 27x90 Front Access sign w/o extending over lane while providing maximum guiderail offset feasible for that highway.
  • DMS Standard Type C is cantilever structure; use with 27x90 Walkin when signs are required to extend over the travel lane(s).
  • DMS Standard Type D is overhead sign structure; use with 27x90 Walkin.

General Design & Plans

For arterial/land service highways, ground mounted DMS are preferred with other structure types only for special traffic patterns.

For interstate/freeways with wide enough medians, the preferred option is butterfly/front access DMS in the median. DMS over lanes must be considered when there are more that 3 lanes in each direction, Local/Express lane splits, or other special traffic patterns. Walkways must be provided from the edge of pavement to a Walkin sign. Structural Standards still under development for Type B & C; for FDS scheduled before 5/09 the designer must confirm with ITS Engineering on how to proceed. For Type D, the designer must modify the Department’s OHSS standard plates and provide for this item under Division 500.

For all DMS located in the median or off the traveled lanes, provide a 5 degree horizontal tilt and adjust if the field conditions require so in coordination with TOC. Controllers are to be placed in front of the sign a minimum of 25’ for Type A and 50’ for others. Unless pre-approved as an exception, all signs are procured by the Department with the foundation and install items required in the contract. The model # of the selected DMS shall be shown on the plan sheet for each sign, and any special delivery requirements included in the Special Provisions. The designer’s FDS and PSE submittals must provide a separate listing and estimate of the DMS to be purchased by the Department; include any special modem/connection requirements. Model #, sign costs, and other information can be obtained from the ITS Qualified Materials web site. Also, the DMS signs come with 120’ of communication cable; if the distance from the sign to the controller is longer than 100’ specify the distance in the submission.

For Camera Standard Type A & B, the designer must show the orientation of the camera to show where the blind spot area should be located. Existing Standard Details for all 3 camera types are being revised; until the revised details are posted by BDC, contact NJDOT ITS Engineering one month prior to FDS to obtain standards sheets to be included with the plan sets.

The ITS Location Plan shall show proposed and existing ITS facilities, including fiber optic lines.

For proposed fiber optic underground conduit installation, the preferred standard item is 3 – 1.25” FLEXIBLE NONMETALLIC CONDUIT. When going through and along bridges, under ramps and under traversing the highway (lateral) a protective outer sleeve is to be provided for the innerducts. For short termination cable runs, single RNMC may be used. Ensure drainage is addressed, especially at bridge crossings.

ITS Junction Box Type A shall be installed off the paved surface approximately 2500 feet apart and at either end of an over/under pass. In the vicinity of intersections, ITS Junction Box Type B shall be used to allow for future widenings.

Each project using fiber communication must include a fiber optic assignment diagram and a system block diagram regardless of the number of devices to be installed and even if only connections to existing facilities are proposed.

Fiber Optic Cable Type A thru F is described under the material specifications of Fiber Optic Cable. All cables are to have six fiber bundles. Unless pre-approved only one Type A (48 fiber) cable is required for the length of the project with Type F to be used for termination cables. For termination of seven or more fibers, use cable type E or add an additional type F cable as required.

When preparing Fiber Optic Cable Assignment Diagrams the green bundle of cables A thru D shall be reserved for long haul, Center to Center, and hub to hub without any termination cables spliced to it. The blue bundle is for CCTVs. The orange bundle is for DMS and TTS. The brown bundle is for CTSS. The white fiber of the black bundle is to be used for data collection and trouble shooting. The remaining fibers of the black bundle are to be used for HAR. For any other devices proposed to communicate using fiber network, follow the project specific directions provided by ITS Engineering.

If there is a modification at TOC(s), it shall be shown in the existing TOC block diagram in bold. Work at the TOC that is separate from the field devices must be clearly defined in the plans and Special Provisions. The designer must confirm with the TOC on the availability of space and requirements at the existing TOC to address any proposed ITS facilities. (Note –All DMS, CSS, & TTS within TOCN jurisdiction are to be integrated in to MIST 4 operating system. All DMS within TOCS jurisdiction are to be integrated into Vanguard system. All CSS statewide are to be integrated into Nextiva system. Standard Specifications provide general provisions on this; designer to address any specifics unique to a project. Contact NJDOT ITS Engineering for other management system integration requirements.)

Electrical requirements for ITS devices are to be clearly specified in the contract plans and/or Special provisions. Documentation is to be provided on Utility Letterhead that the required service on a per location basis is available for use by the contractor when they apply for service. This also applies for any communication services that are specified through a service provider.

Ensure any revisions and additions to the ITS Standard Details, ITS Testing Forms, ITS Material Specifications (English), and the As-Built Inventory Report are addressed for specifics of the project.


Ensure the costs and schedule address long lead time procurements, testing time frames, utility service costs (power/communication), coordination time frames, and any temporary measures. Separate estimate is required for DMS to be purchased by NJDOT with the contract Engineer’s Estimate reflecting installation & other materials only.

The SI includes specific time frames that must be developed with Traffic Operations in regards to working on existing ITS facilities.


Upon completion of the FDS, a determination must be made on the requirement for consultant support ITS inspectors through either the overall CE inspection consultants or through the existing on-call ITS inspector contracts under ITS Engineering.

Required working drawings of the complete system for each pay item must be submitted to the ITS designer for review and approval. Structural items, such as standards, should be submitted as separate working drawings with the respective reference to the overall ITS system they are part of. Underground items for standard conduit & wiring from Section 701 can be submitted through the Material Questionairre/DC-28 process with approved EE #’s; ITS Engineering will required a copy of these. Flexible Nonmetallic Conduit, and JB’s and cables in Section 704 must be submitted to the ITS designer as either Certified or Approval Working Drawings. Sufficient information must be submitted for the designer to verify that the materials meet the requirements of the material specifications and the project requirements; QPL’s for ITS materials are still in development, approval for a previous project does mean automatic approval for subsequent projects. Working drawing submissions for the operational items of the systems should reference any related underground and structural item approvals when submitting separately. Material Questionairre submittals per Section 106 are still required for all materials once the working drawings have been processed. Designers must process through the Engineering Documents Unit for further NJDOT review and approvals.

Working drawings submissions are not for submitting proposed revisions to the contract. RFI’s must be submitted to the RE for any issues with the contract documents. If required, revisions will be issued by Change of Plan or Change Order, and then working drawings must be submitted in conformance with those revisions.

Relocating and/or modifying ITS devices during construction must be approved by the RE and Traffic Operations. Other than minor adjustments for field conditions that can be addressed through the as-builts, any other changes will require coordination through the designer to develop a COP that must also be approved through ITS Engineering.

For Substantial Completion to be met, requires the complete submission of related documents including ITS Testing Forms, as-built drawings, As-Built Inventory Report, and the utility service (power and communications) transfers. The contractor is still responsible to maintain all systems until acceptance, including regular system checks when in operation for longer than six months.

Note: These instructions are specific to Statewide Traffic Operations ITS facilities, and contain general information applicable to other ITS facilities managed by other units within the Department. Some of the sites provide specific instructions for other units, but clarification from those units should be requested as needed. Some of the others:
  • Bureau of Transportation Data Development: WIMS and TVS systems
  • Bureau of Maintenance Engineering & Support – Electrical Section: RWIS Project Management/Construction & Materials: Construction & Environmental monitoring cameras (items under Subsection 153 or 155)

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  Copyright © State of New Jersey, 2002-2009
  Department of Transportation
  P.O. Box 600
  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  January 14, 2009