Explore Air

Effects of Air Pollution

View of Mount Rainer in Mount Rainer National Park, Washington
Many resources and values at units of the National Park System are affected by air pollution. For example, the ability to appreciate scenic vistas is highly dependent on good visibility. Poor visibility caused by air pollution can indicate that there may be other impacts occurring to resources that cannot be readily observed. Human-made pollution can injure various species of trees and other plants, acidify streams and lakes, and leach nutrients from soils. Air pollution may also be causing or exacerbating respiratory symptoms for some of the visitors and employees at several National Park Service areas. The harmful effect of air pollution on the park visitor's visual and recreational experience is also a concern because it could cause impacts on park visitation and subsequent economic losses at parks and surrounding communities.
updated on 02/15/2007  I   http://www.nature.nps.gov/air/aqbasics/effects.cfm   I  Email: Webmaster
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